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Sick Of Watchin Depressin News!


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(starting rant mode)

Just watching all the !Removed! that's going on and it just seems to be getting worse..

Just tonight...Bomb in Moscow killing 30+... immigrants drowning in Morecambe 13+... :(

Read the papers at work most days and its all the same ole !Removed!!... <_<

Read about how a transsexual was given £75K compensation for discrimination when going for a job...

Within the same week in the same paper I read about a girl who was gang raped by 3 lads and she got £5k in compensation...

I know that they are different types of cases but come on!... the justice system is f :censor: d!

Also in the papers this week.. a man convicted of beating a teenager into a vegetative state with a steering lock got sentenced to only 5 &#33;Removed&#33; years!!!....

now compare that to some people who where in the Bradford riots got 4 years for throwing a bottle at the police!!! I mean WTF!!!

I aint condoning at all what they did and they deserved to be taken to the courts.. but for crying out loud.. be &#33;Removed&#33; consistant!

(rant over)

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i know how you feel pal... Something happened to me not long ago and f you heard the stroy would would say a big WTF.. cant say in public but yes the justice system is screwed... innocent always lose!

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i know how you feel pal... Something happened to me not long ago and f you heard the stroy would would say a big WTF.. cant say in public but yes the justice system is screwed... innocent always lose!

i know what ya sayin mate... only last year... I was hit while stationary in my mums Audi A4... The dosy blind cow who hit me did a runner...

To cust a long story short.. i managed to get her name and address from the garage which she came out of.. gave all the info to the local police station.. who actually knew of the family .. as they were known petty criminals..

I was advised to stay away from them...and that i should leave it to the police to sort out..

anyway... 3 months later.. I get a letter..

Sorry Mr Sultan.. We were unable to trace the driver!!!!! :censor: :censor: :censor:

The costs for repair ended up with us!!! &#33;Removed&#33; STUPID POLICE....

I did all the hard work for them and they STILL could not do anything!!!

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yea one of my brothers friends got 4 years for tossing a brick at cops in the bradford riots..this was after his own brother was got arrested for just standing there and doing nothing(it was outside his own house ffs!. Its a disgrace that rapists etc will only get 1 year for thier disgusting crimes. Its best not to even bother thinking about it imo. The truth is there is nothing you can do about anything in this country its all a farce mate. Just concentrate on paying your bills and stayin happy hehe :thumbsup:

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yea one of my brothers friends got 4 years for tossing a brick at cops in the bradford riots..this was after his own brother was got arrested for just standing there and doing nothing(it was outside his own house ffs!. Its a disgrace that rapists etc will only get 1 year for thier disgusting crimes. Its best not to even bother thinking about it imo. The truth is there is nothing you can do about anything in this country its all a farce mate. Just concentrate on paying your bills and stayin happy hehe :thumbsup:

Im looking at possible options to move to Canada at some point in the next 10 years...My other half has a dual Canadian/British passport.. so all being well..could be a good move..

The more crap i hear about how the systems in place that run this country are fallin apart.. the more it just pushes people like myself to leave..

I actually worried abotu ever having to bring up kids here these days should i have them one day... :unsure: <_<

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Corruption is the word you're looking for..

Essentially the justice system is fine, shared and adopted by the Americans and it seems to work well enough not to provoke a change in the system.

Problem this country has is it's too politically correct for its own good, when more protection is given to the criminals and not the victims.

e.g. Tony Martin shooting and killing that lad with a shotgun for breaking into his house, he was jailed for 4 years I think?

Tony Martin had to serve time because there was no need to kill the guy, stopping him would have been enough! It's such a fine line between right and wrong that courts have to deal with, if they didn't make an example of him then people all over the country would be killing burglars.

There's too much depth to go into in a post on a car forum, but the reason people get 4 years for attacking the police is because they protect their own, and if the sentances weren't heavy for attacking the police people would do it alot more often. The force don't have the respect they once had back in the days when the bobby on the beat wore big size 13's with a wooden trungeon, they have to instill fear through prison now.

I agree it's wrong what goes on, but that's not to say it's never been going on before... it's only in recent years that news has become widespread through news24 channels and the internet that people have sat up and taken notice. Terrible horrible things have always happened throughout history, but they've never been as publicised as they are now.

They're should be much heavier sentances for rapists and peadophiles etc etc, but the prisons are already finding it hard to cope with the current crop of inhabitants .... so they try to reduce the amount of criminals they send to prison. There's so many factors that go into this argument and there's not alot i can do to change minds or enlighten etc.

The law and justice system is corrupt, always has been, always will be.


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They're should be much heavier sentances for rapists and peadophiles etc etc, but the prisons are already finding it hard to cope with the current crop of inhabitants .... so they try to reduce the amount of criminals they send to prison.

Then why reduce sentences for ruthless acts of violence and increase things like throwin a bottle at the police...

You really dont think that the custodial sentences those lads got were deserved...?

And that when the victims of car crimes like myself who did all the work for the police in finding the &#33;Removed&#33; gits who hit me... only to be told they could not trace the driver which left us with the repair bill is a <I thought I could get past the swearing filter - what a sad muppet I am eh?>in farce..

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i saw on sky news yesterday that their looking at early release for that guys girlfreind,you know the guy who murdered those two little girls and she helped him out.

anyway the girlfriend was only sencenced seven weeks ago but because she was locked up for a year or so already shes up for release with a tag on her ankle and brand new identity in a couple of weeks......

talk about getting away with murder.

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i saw on sky news yesterday that their looking at early release for that guys girlfreind,you know the guy who murdered those two little girls and she helped him out.

anyway the girlfriend was only sencenced seven weeks ago but because she was locked up for a year or so already shes up for release with a tag on her ankle and brand new identity in a couple of weeks......

talk about getting away with murder.

its gonna cost £100k per year to keep the security round her.... :angry:

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her sentance is much worse than most guys, do you really think that she'll ever have a normal life again?

anyone who recognises her will verbally abuse, possibly physically attack her, shops will refuse to serve her... that's her punishment.

and whether or not she 'helped' Huntly is debatable, that guy preyed on women with weak characters and was convicted several times of rape and indecent assault on young women before he killed holly and jessica.

Now I don't know what she did or didn't do, but as I understand it she did not at first tell the police what huntley had done... which is wrong, but like i said she's a weak character and someone like huntley may have had alot of influence over her, what she said to people, what she did, etc.

She will always be tagged 'murderer' now though, whether she actually helped in the killing of the girls or not.

and fizz m8 if u read what i typed I said that the people who threw bricks and stuff at the police were jailed to instill some respect in the police. You can't have people beating up the police, there'd be civil/gang warfare.

I don't think it's right, but not alot is right in this world! :(

hmm, getting carried away a bit here... sorry, i've said my bit now, gonna go wash the car and think about owning an mr2. (escapism :))

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Please get you facts RIGHT...........Huntley was never convicted only accused of previous acts of rape and indecent assault. If was convicted he would never have been working at the school.

I live 10 mins away from the village of where it all happened, so fictional stories I read really bug me.

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Sorry Yarisboy, but in my opinion hanging is too good for the pair of em, no offence meant but do you have kids of your own?, cos if anyone ever touched my son, it'd be me locked up for taking my own retribution <_<

There is no excuse for what either of them did, though I can see why love would rule someones decisions it's purely down to morals. People like these simply don't have any.

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Yea but Yarisboys view on the justice system and the way it works are spot on...the system tends to sentence on the basis of the 'bigger picture'.

Also hes right about crap happening all the time..I would even consider the possibility that the Huntley stuff got a little bit tooo much coverage(face it..how many people go 'missing' in this country and never get media coverage)...maybe so we'd remove our focus away from the little wars going on? Its almost like saying ' oh so your bothered about the war eh? well worry more about the murderer who might be living next door and is gonna snatch your kids'.

Its very selective what they make you see and read. It appears its all about making people cr@p themselves ultimatley.

But like Yarisboy sez..its a bit too deep for a car forum. I dont bother reading papers or watching news . I cant honestly remeber the last time I watched the news...somebody ends up telling me bits and bats anyway :)

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only yesterday on the news i saw that some immigrant was driving with no tax/test/insurance and i think licence, and mowed down and killed a young person (cant remember what s*x). the mother was on then news complaining about how the immigrant only got a £60 (or something really low like this) fine.

what price a human life eh?,.........

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tony martin wudnt of killed no one if they hadnt of tried to steal wot he'd worked for,

if i caught ne one tryin 2 break into my car i'd get locked away i'd lose it and go psycho, let alone my kids :ffs:

i plan 2 move 2 america because this country is a joke!

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did ya catch the latest one!

that 9 yr old kid that was knocked down on killed on new years by the bloke who had no tax, test, insurance and was due to be deported...............

how many years in chokey....................

2!...................obviuosly hell be out in half............

now pardon my french in a public forum but thats fu****g disgusting, the parents of the child are devestated, and i feel for them because id want his blood in an old beer keg sat on my mantle piece!

rant over

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I think there's widespread feeling about brits planning to move abroad in the next couple of years, personally I wouldn't go to America though lol, well... maybe for 6 months or something but Canada is a much better place in terms of crime.

I plan to go to Spain, the south coast preferably :)

Roaming through Europe as a free lance web designer, with a laptop and a pint :yes:

that's what i'm looking forward to anyway, it's the vision I have to keep in my head so i can just get on with living here until it happens lol. :)

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i plan 2 move 2 america because this country is a joke!


If you think this country is f**ked up, wait untill you get over there!!

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i plan 2 move 2 america because this country is a joke!


If you think this country is f**ked up, wait untill you get over there!!

:!Removed!: :yes::ph34r::rolleyes:

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Its wierd how crime caries throughout the world, we were in Cyprus, (Pathos-quiet side) the crime rate on that part of the island is virtually non existant people dont lock there house doors, their car doors. and everyone has respect for everyone, even for a 22 year old I could see it was a refreshing way of life.....Over to the the Napa side of the island, crime rate is considerably higher, you know who a lot of the Locals blame... The english and to be honest 'some' (not all!!) of the behaviour over there from 'Townies on Tour' is a :censor: disgrace, never mind embarrsement.

Over to America yeah its got problems, same as comparing a large metropolis of a city to a small hamlet, taken in context we have problems, the US is much larger, there is going to be a few more problems. But I dont honestly believe its not all bad, walk through the City centre streets of manchester, liverpool, leeds at night and you may feel threatened. Walk through new york and I guarantee you will most likelly not. (Were not talking walking through moss side, same as were not talking walking through the Bronx) I honestly feel that America is a great place and things must be taken in context.

That said travel is a great passion of mine and I intend to sample as much of this world as possible some day, its the best way to put all this good news/bad news into context..and to realise just what we've got!!!! :thumbsup:

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i like the states and hope to move over one day to work but couldnt live there at the minute with that vegatable sat in the whitheouse!

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i like the states and hope to move over one day to work but couldnt live there at the minute with that vegatable sat in the whitheouse!

well that vegetable is in charge of the turnip that runs this country.. so we are all <I thought I could get past the swearing filter - what a sad muppet I am eh?>ed.. lol :lol:

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yeah im in florida and i saw on the news that an 11 year old little girl was kidnapped and murdered by a local macanik and the kidnapping was caught on video. it pisses me off how some peeps can give no regard to human life exspecailly kids. :ph34r:

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i like the states and hope to move over one day to work but couldnt live there at the minute with that vegatable sat in the whitheouse!

well that vegetable is in charge of the turnip that runs this country.. so we are all <I thought I could get past the swearing filter - what a sad muppet I am eh?>ed.. lol :lol:

its like Heinz run the world...........

just a big bowl of Chunky Vegetable Broth running the Third Rock!

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i like the states and hope to move over one day to work but couldnt live there at the minute with that vegatable sat in the whitheouse!

well that vegetable is in charge of the turnip that runs this country.. so we are all <I thought I could get past the swearing filter - what a sad muppet I am eh?>ed.. lol :lol:

its like Heinz run the world...........

just a big bowl of Chunky Vegetable Broth running the Third Rock!

if ya dont laugh about the situation.. you can only cry... :(

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