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Rav D4D Idle Speed


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have read through a few simial posts but dont seem to be able to find what im looking for (nothing new there as the wife would say unless it jumps out into my hands!)

anyway, my rav seems to be reving a little high on tick over (around 1000 when warm). Is there any way i can adjust this? or do i have a fault somewhere? Also get quite a bit of black smoke when i accelerate hard but always thought this was normal????

Ive also noticed when i calculate my mpg im not getting anywhere near the displayed figures of 45mpg and actually achieve about 37mpg in reality, not sure if the two are connected in anyway?

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That's modern cars for you. In my Morris Oxford, when petrol used to be in black and white, you could just turn a screw down on the carb and set the idle. These days you need to fire Laser Beams into the ECU or something.

750 - 1000 is ok. 1000 is probably at the top of the limit but its not eating that much more fuel or doing any harm. Get them to adjust it if you want to lower it a bit at your next service, or just get it done now if your unhappy.

Black smoke is God's way (if he or she exsists) of telling you not to accelerate hard. It is also a sign of overload on the engine and bad combustion, in this case probably caused by a touch of turbo lag and catchup. Sooty (the glove puppet) also burns black smoke when your older brother throws him on your Dad's bonfire, because he knows it will scar you for life. If Toyota gave away free glove puppets when they sold the RAV4 T180 I would never have been able to buy one.

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I had another look today and once warmed up, the idle revs are 750.

It will automatically idle up to 1000rpm or slightly higher if ambient temp is low to counteract increased electrical loads such as demister fan, supplementary heater, lights, heated rear window etc, etc. Quite normal :thumbsup:

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Any extra load on the electrical side such as lights, A/C, rear heated window etc will idle the engine up to 1000 or so, it's all quite normal

Kingo :thumbsup:

Bummer, Davrav beat me to it :thumbsup:

Edited by Parts-King
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Your idle up button isn't pressed in is it?

There isn't one on the 4.3

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a similar problem with my T180 and the Toyota Mechanics told me it was due to the extra load on the alternator etc due ot extras being used in the winter season

I cleaned out the EGR valve as described in other posts here and it is not a totally different car - ticks over at 750 revvs and goes like a Ferrari

I also put the BG244 stuff in the fuel and I am waiting for the MPG to improve - it has improved the engine greatly in that it is quieter and the hard diesel knock has almost gone

Hope this helps :yes:

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