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Glossy Brochure


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Before I bought my new T4 I had the small glossy brochure from the show room. After reading it I noticed that on page 25 and also on page 57 it states that there are two electric motors. I can understand what the traction motor does so the question is what is the other for? I asked the salesman and he did not know. I tried to contact Toyota by email (no reply twice). The Service manager in the dealership also could not answer the question. Can anyone enlighten me please?

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The smaller MG1 starts the ICE and can draw power from the engine to feed MG2 or recharge the Battery.

MG2 is coupled to the power split device (and can drive the wheels through that) either alone or in conjunction with the ICE, drawing power from the Battery or MG1.

MG2 also handles the braking/coasting regenerative charging of the Battery.

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Before I bought my new T4 I had the small glossy brochure from the show room. After reading it I noticed that on page 25 and also on page 57 it states that there are two electric motors. I can understand what the traction motor does so the question is what is the other for? I asked the salesman and he did not know. I tried to contact Toyota by email (no reply twice). The Service manager in the dealership also could not answer the question. Can anyone enlighten me please?

The two motors are covered in the article http://prius3.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/10-months-driving-in-the-future-a-prius-2010-review-2/ that was mentioned here a few months ago. I haven't seen anything from Toyota that mentions the second motor - maybe they think understanding how one motor works is enough for the general public. The article includes links to some interesting simulations so you can try and get your head around how it all works.

Happy reading.

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The smaller MG1 starts the ICE and can draw power from the engine to feed MG2 or recharge the battery.

MG2 is coupled to the power split device (and can drive the wheels through that) either alone or in conjunction with the ICE, drawing power from the battery or MG1.

MG2 also handles the braking/coasting regenerative charging of the battery.

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Many thanks for your input. I think I am beginning to understand the system. Shame that Toyota themselves could not be a bit more helpful regarding the issue.

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Before I bought my new T4 I had the small glossy brochure from the show room. After reading it I noticed that on page 25 and also on page 57 it states that there are two electric motors. I can understand what the traction motor does so the question is what is the other for? I asked the salesman and he did not know. I tried to contact Toyota by email (no reply twice). The Service manager in the dealership also could not answer the question. Can anyone enlighten me please?

The two motors are covered in the article http://prius3.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/10-months-driving-in-the-future-a-prius-2010-review-2/ that was mentioned here a few months ago. I haven't seen anything from Toyota that mentions the second motor - maybe they think understanding how one motor works is enough for the general public. The article includes links to some interesting simulations so you can try and get your head around how it all works.

Happy reading.

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Before I bought my new T4 I had the small glossy brochure from the show room. After reading it I noticed that on page 25 and also on page 57 it states that there are two electric motors. I can understand what the traction motor does so the question is what is the other for? I asked the salesman and he did not know. I tried to contact Toyota by email (no reply twice). The Service manager in the dealership also could not answer the question. Can anyone enlighten me please?

The two motors are covered in the article http://prius3.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/10-months-driving-in-the-future-a-prius-2010-review-2/ that was mentioned here a few months ago. I haven't seen anything from Toyota that mentions the second motor - maybe they think understanding how one motor works is enough for the general public. The article includes links to some interesting simulations so you can try and get your head around how it all works.

Happy reading.

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The electric motors are actually motor/generators and yes, there are two (MG1 and MG2). Normally, while one is being a motor, the other is being a generator.

In exceptional situations, both can operate as motors (until the HV Battery runs out of juice).

Check out this very handy website...


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