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Yaris 2010 Clock Change


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I have Yaris 2010 1.0

is it possible to replace digital speedometer to the amber one?


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Probably not.Or very difficult to do. Keep the speedometer you already have, personally I think its better looking (although the other one is very nice too). I've got a 2008 Yaris TR with the same speedometer as yours. If you went to sell it, it might affect the resale value if its not the original speedometer. And it would mean the car wouldn't have its original mileage.Sounds like a lot of hassle unless you are very technically skilled or are you going to get a garage to do it? Probably very expensive. Suppose you would need a Toyota garage to order the screen- but could they do that?

Have you seen inside the new Yaris? There are photos of it on the Toyota website/Toyota blog.

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I was wondering, has anyone done that before. You Re riht there might be a problem with the distance counter, but it is possible to set it up to any desire amount. lots of toyotas yaris fom 2010 has already the amber counter, so it will be not possible for the car's next user to recognice the replacement. I can buy the amber speedomeer for 40 euro more or less. the only problem, and the major one is the compability of connections and the counter it self.



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Sounds very cheap for a new amber speedometer, I would have expected it to cost far more than that. Did you get that price from an online store/ebay or somewhere like that? I would be wary of buying parts unless they were actually ordered by a Toyota dealership.Parts from the internet could be from an insurance write-off or fake, but maybe you're not as cautious as me.

The next owner might recognise the replacement depending on which spec of Yaris you have, TR, T2 etc, if they know their Yarises or if you trade it into a dealership, they would definately spot it. I was thinking of the mileage not being correct when you install a new speedometer, might cause problems for MOT/resale - only my opinion.Insurance companies like to know about modifcations, so changing the speedometer might fall into that category.

You're right about potential compatability issues, unless you can get a professional to do it for you. I don't think the dealership would do it. But you could ask them. Your car is still under warranty so best not to tamper with things, at least until your warranty is finished. If you carried out your own work, it is highly likely you would invalidate your warranty.

Think about it carefully before deciding. :thumbsup:

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