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Income Tax!


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apart from the excellent information above,

Which bit? the part where I stunned the world by announcing that I'm not typing from beyond the grave? :D :lol: :D


erm.... okay :help:

Oh and on the benefits subject, forget single mums, job dodgers.....

What really gets on my nerves, is the asylum seekers (legal and illegal)... they come to this country, get given a house, set up with a job/benifits!!!!

Even illegal asylum seekers can claim benefits if they have been here for 3 years!!

We wonder why so many are itching to come here, thats cos were so soft on them, and hand them everything on a plate... while the Brits are working their backsides off, struggling to make ends meet!!!!

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What does my head in is they are using speed cameras to make monety now an all!

Of course, there is a very cunning way of avoiding that you know.....

Dont break the speed limit!

(novel idea i know!) :P :lol:

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What does my head in is they are using speed cameras to make monety now an all!

Not really a tax though. And, as Fidgits says, it's avoidable (usually)

I've got an issue with Road tax though.

I have two cars. My lovely Sera and an Audi. NOBODY drives these cars except me..EVER. but I have to tax them both. Yet, if I tried to drive them both at the same time, I'd probably be breaking lots of laws.

Nobody has mentioned the legally enforced protection racket we're all subjected to though.............I speak of course about the TV Licence. This was originally introduced so that the BBC could continue to make it's (quality ???) programmes without having to worry about ratings. Yet, all we hear is that this show beat ITV's other show in the ratings war. If the ratings are now so important, surely it's time for the licence fee to go. (should at least get massive discount if you've got Sky in. The fact that you pay extra for what you want only proves that the BBC don't provide a service worth paying full price for.


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yeh TV license is balls, (and something that i havta ay 4 so even more reason 2 get rid of it!)


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Fidgits just wondering when you are going to start quoting space core directives from red dwarf :lol::lol::lol: Think your avatars getting to you mate :lol::lol:

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and judging by the lack of reply from the person it was aimed at, I'd say the point hit home nicely...

Well i'm not really fussed wot u think Fidgits cos u know and every1 else should know that smoking makes no sense(it only kills u)! I have as much stress as any1 else and i get by without smoking don't I???

And as for my lack of response my last post wos at 5:12 yesterday and then i watched the TV 4 a bit, had my dinner, went in2 town in my car (on a B road :lol: ) and then went to the pub 4 a couple of games of pool and then i returned home and went to my bed!

Cheers :thumbsup:

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Supprised they haven't taxed breathing ..

It kills ya (every one who has died has breathed at some point) and is highly addictive (you take one, and within 30 seconds you'll want another) ..

I need to start my own country ..

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Fidgits just wondering when you are going to start quoting space core directives from red dwarf :lol::lol::lol: Think your avatars getting to you mate :lol::lol:

I dont know what you mean :lol:

And Mr Flibble doesnt like the tone of your voice :lol::lol:

And Ryan, give it up, if i want to smoke, thats my choice, and whether you agree with it or not, you have to agree that the tax on ciggies, the same as petrol, is far too high!

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And Ryan, give it up, if i want to smoke, thats my choice, and whether you agree with it or not, you have to agree that the tax on ciggies, the same as petrol, is far too high!

Yeah i understand its ur choice, i just don't like it and reckon u could do without them! Agreed on the tax is faaaaaaar too high tho for both petrol and ciggies!

Fidgits u ever tried to give up smoking? If u did and managed it, u would thank me in the long run!

Cheers :thumbsup:

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met thinks ryan's very against smocking, wonder what he has to say about the green goodness?? :D


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met thinks ryan's very against smocking, wonder what he has to say about the green goodness?? :D


Hey zero i'm no tree hugger i just don't c the point in smoking, do u? I'm of the younger generation which knows the risks and i guess u are 2 seein that u go to uni aswell?

Cheers :thumbsup:

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Ryan and Fidgets - agree with both your points but no need to start digging into each other.

YES smoking is bad for you

YES it is a proven cause of heart and lung diseas and is fatal in some cases

I dont smoke personally and in preference dont like to be in a confined area with smokers or at a meal table blah....blah....

I believe its a dirty filthy habit!

but.....(in Ians defence)

Smoking is a sociable event

Smoking is a PROVEN stress reliever (even though it is contributing to the stress releif of the cravings)

Smoking is ones own choice and i think you should never be questioned on such choice

If it wasnt for the smokers YES this country would more than likely be screwed and we would all have to pay for medical treatment.


and on another note.

asylum seekers are the people i detest most on this planet, and i detest our nation and government for allowing them almost free rights to our country.

these ppl come in and live on the lap of luxury on OUR expense.

there are young folks living out on the street, not refering to dossing drug taking scum, but the people who may have left home due to personal and fmaily problems, who then dont stand a chance of ever leading a decent life!

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I believe its a dirty filthy habit!

TBH id like to openly contradict myself on this as on occasion now and then, especially when a few beers have gone down, then an offer of a smoke is normally accepted by myself.

as in.........

Smoking is a sociable event
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Just a bit of healthy debate jaxx!


Cheers :thumbsup:

rightly so!


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Ryan, don't go on and on. At least people have a choice wether to smoke or not, I nor nobody else gets the choice wether to breathe the sh*t YOUR car is chucking out. I nor nobody else has any choice as to wether we recieve a doseful of Microwave radiation everyday because of all the millions of mobile phones which I'm sure you have etc. etc. etc. :)

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From bill hicks relentless a comedy guru (oh yeah he died of lung cancer)

I smoke, if this bothers anyone, I recommend you looking around the world in which we live and... shutting your :censor: mouth. Either that or suffer a facial burn, your choice. After all this is America, land of freedom, so you have that option ahead of you.

I now realize I smoke for simply one reason, and that is spite. I hate you non-smokers with all of my little black :censor: heart, you obnoxious, self-righteous, whining little :censor:, my biggest fear, if I quit smoking, is that I'll become one of you. Now don't take that wrong. How many non-smokers do we have here tonight? By round of applause, non-smokers. A few of you.

Good, 'cause I have something to tell you. I do. I have something to tell you non-smokers, and this is for you and you only, because I know for a fact that you don't know this. And I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times, so that we can all learn, evolve, and get the ****** off this planet. Non-smokers, this is for you and you only, ready? Non-smokers die every day. Sleep tight.

See, I know you entertain some kind of eternal life fantasy because you do not smoke cigarettes. May I be the first to pop that little :censor: bubble of yours, and send you hurtling back to the truth? You're dead too. Have a good evening. And you know what doctors say, " :censor: , if only you smoked, we'd have the technology to help you! It's you people dying from nothing that are screwed." I got all sorts of neat gadgets waiting for me, man. Oxygen tent, iron lung-it's like going to Sharper Image! Major rationalizations. We live in such a weird culture, man.

Does anyone remember this, when Yul Bryner died, and came out with that commercial after he was dead? I'm Yul Bryner and I'm dead now. What the :censor: this guy selling? I'm all ears. I'm Yul Bryner and I'm dead now, because I smoked cigarettes. Okay, pretty scary. But they coulda done that with anyone. They coulda done it with that Jim Fixx guy, too, remember that guy, that health nut who died while jogging? I don't remember seeing his commercial!

I'm Jim Fixx and I'm dead now. And I don't know what the :censor: happened. I jogged every day, ate nothing but tofu, swam five hundred laps every morning, and I'm dead. Yul Bryner drank, smoke, and got laid every night of his life. He's dead. :censor: Yul Bryner's smokin', drinkin', girls are sitting on his cueball noggin, every night of his life! I'm running around a dewy track at dawn. And we're both :censor: dead. Yul used to pass me on his way home in the morning, big long limousine, two girls :censor: him, cigarette in one hand, drink in the other. "One day that life is going to get to you, Yul." They're both dead. Yeah, but what a healthy looking corpse you were, Jim. Look at the hamstrings on that corpse! Look at the sloppy grin on Yul's corpse! Yul Bryner lived his life. Sure, he died a 78-pound stick figure, okay. There are certain drawbacks.

People'll say the stupidest things sometimes too, "Hey, man, if you quit smoking you get your sense of smell back." I live in New York City, I got news for you-I don't want my :censor: sense of smell back. (Sniffs) Is that urine? (Sniffs) I think I smell a dead guy! Honey, look, a dead guy! Covered in urine, check this out! Someone just pee'd on this guy, that's fresh. Just think, if I'd been smoking I never would have found him! A urine-covered dead fella, what're the odds? Thank God I quit smoking, now I can enjoy the wonders of New York, honey, look!

I'm Bill Hicks and I'm dead now because I smoked cigarettes. Cigarettes didn't kill me, a bunch of non-smokers kicked the :censor: out of me one day. I tried to run, they had more energy than I. I tried to hide, they heard me wheezing. Many of them smelled me. (Sniffing sounds) "There he is, get him!" (Pants) "Oh, he's hardly :censor: moving, this is pathetic!" (Pants) "Look, he's still trying to get away, he's like a roach, step on him!" (Pants) "Squash him!" "Let's kill him and pee on him. Yeah!"

hehe that took a while to edit out all the swearing :lol::lol: If I missed one sorry it's a lot of text :lol::lol:

I dont smoke but every time I get into a smoking non smoking conversation I think of the above and it makes me laugh just wanted to share it with you all :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I have nothing against anyones opinions on smoking, personally, if i'm sat with people at a table, I always check whether they would mind me smoking or not... if they do, simple, i go smoke outside..

What really grates me are people like Ryan (nothing personal, just an example), who preach about how im killing myself etc... I bet you dont tell fat people eating McDonalds they really should eat healthy do you?

My granded died of Emphacima.. He used to be a coal miner, and as such, his lungs were coated in coal dust..

He smoked 60 a day, and when he was 65, the doctor told him if he stopped smoking he would live longer.... do you know what his reply was??

"sure, if i quit smoking, i will live 5 years longer, thats another five years of coughing up coal dust and blood every morning, thats five years of getting out of breath walking upstairs.. stopping smoking wont fix the problem I have, but what it will do, is take away the one thing in life i enjoy doing, and can still do regardless of this diesease, and personally, I'd rather live 5 years happy, than 10 years depressed"

BTW, he died peacefully in his sleep one night...

I probably know the dangers of smoking as well as anyone else, for instance, did you know your lungs are the only organ which cannot repair itself?

And yes Ryan, i have tried to quite smoking, last time i lasted about 36 hours before a crisis at work got me so stressed i need a ciggie for a 5 minute timeout...

And I guess thats it, smoking gives me a reason to 'step away' from the stresses of work for a short time, to regroup my thoughts...

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What really gets on my nerves, is the asylum seekers (legal and illegal)... they come to this country, get given a house, set up with a job/benifits!!!!

Even illegal asylum seekers can claim benefits if they have been here for 3 years!!

We wonder why so many are itching to come here, thats cos were so soft on them, and hand them everything on a plate... while the Brits are working their backsides off, struggling to make ends meet!!!!

This point really gets to me too :ffs:

I originally came from South Africa but have right to nationallity by ancestory. This has been a painfull process spanning 7 years. And after this length of time I have still chosen (for the time being) not to give up my citizenship of my home country and remain on my SA passport (which in it's own right has several other difficulties).

After living, working, paying tax and contributing to NI for this length of time I still have no access to any benefits whatsoever (with the exception of medical treatment that is subsidised on the NHS). Even if I do give up my SA citizenship, I will have no access to these resources for a number of years following. Not that I would ever want to have access to them.

I was brought up in a society where there were no benifit schemes. I have never believed that these schemes are fair on anyone. If I were to loose my job for whatever reason I would prefer to do garbage collection or something than live off the state. I need to be active and do something worthwile with my life and not sit around thinking that it's owed to me to do nothing.

But then I also see a nation of slobs who are lazy and want everything for free as it's available to some less fortunate. I see a nation with loads of work opportunities, but no-one willing to do the work for a number of reasons - so step in the unwanted asylum seekers and foreign nationals who don't mind doing the difficult, labourous, dirty jobs for little money.

Kensington Council can only employ these sort of people because no one living in or near the area are prepared to clean their own streets.

Just the way I see things as an outsider. Last paragraph is generalisation (I also know a lot of British people who are very hard workers too).

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hey, hey ryan i was j/k m8, no offence meant :thumbsup:

personally i don't really like smoking but like u guys said its a social event type thing. the number of people that do it after a few bevvies r horendous!

i dont mind people that breath out the smoke AWAY frome me, but those that blow it towards u, really :censor: me off!


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hey, hey ryan i was j/k m8, no offence meant :thumbsup:

No offence taken!

Cheers :thumbsup:

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Ta for the Bill Hicks. It's like memory lane, haven't watched the vid for ages. Well that's tonights entertainment decided.


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