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57 members have voted

  1. 1. Smokers

    • Never had one
    • Used to but quit now
    • Social smoker
    • 20 a day
    • Like a chimney

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Think that reeaaallly annoys me about smokers (generallised) is that they never stub them out, and put the tabs in a bin....why...ask any smoker...and they say that there arn't enough ciggerette bins around ( fair point) so...why when your driving along, you see it day in and day out..smokers lobbing the !Removed! ends out the window....I bet their ashtrays have never ever seen a !Removed! butt in their entire lives!

I feel for those who were addictied to nicotine many years ago, and can't kick the habit now...but the younger generation taking it up... beggers belief.

I can't wait until smoking is banned in public places. The sooner the better.

Then again...no keep smoking...it feeds the treasury...without you...they will be sticking on the tax on everything else.


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Never tried 1 and never will! Wots the point???

Cheers :thumbsup:

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booo... hisss.. i hate comments like that Dan...

After being in canada for 3 weeks I really start to notice the difference, to be honest it was oh so weird to walk into a pub/club and not see or smell smoke..... My reasons are also medical but I understand we all have points of veiw and I respect that..... im just putting mine across.

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Thats fair Dan..

I mean, I dislike the fact people get drunk, and then walk home at 3am singing/fighting etc.. that really bugs me.. but i dont whine about it.. and dont comment when people drink..

And drinking is as bad for you as smoking.. it can cause lots of problems..

just my point of view, i understand some people dont like smoke, but i think drinking is worse, and yet it seems socially acceptable!

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I agree with you Fidgits... the social affects from drinking are worse than smoking.

However I think smoking is seen as been worse...simple that anyone who doesn't smoke...and is in the vicinity of someone just having one one cigarette...is much worse than a T-totaller stood next to a drinker.

or another Example..a non-smoking non -drinking Vegetarian having a meal with a meat eating smoking drinker... I bet that it's the smoking that is more off putting.


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yeah man, i cant stand the smell of me the next day iv been out,

Never Smoked, and dont like people smoking in my car.

But dont mind people smoking, everyone to theirselfs

yeh, exactly i'm not really that bothered by it, cos i'm showering & changing clothes neways, but as we were on the topic :)

or another Example..a non-smoking non -drinking Vegetarian having a meal with a meat eating smoking drinker... I bet that it's the smoking that is more off putting.

You rite there m8 but only cos the smoke does smell i the air around u. gotta say tho one thing i noticed a couple of weeks bak when i went 2 a bar w. a lass who smoked. shed ALWAYS turned and blew the smoke where no one was. i thawt that was pretty cool of her, can't say i've really seen ne1 bother doing that b4!


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Even as I a smoker I wished they'd ban smoking in public places (maybe allow it in bars and clubs), if only to give me a reason to stop. After all, if I couldn't smoke I would most likely not bother.

The thing that really gets me though is when people smoke around children. After all, the kids don't have a choice, especially babies.

So next time you are in a cafe or restaurant and want to light up just check there are no children around, as it's their developing lungs that are most at risk.

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I smoked for about 17 years. For the majority of it I was smoking 30 odd a day until the last couple of years when I cut down to about 10 - 15 home-rolls a day.

I gave up a year ago and when I did so I tried patches, but it was more expensive than smoking.

A strange thing is that I was never ill once as a smoker, but now i that I have stopped, I get regular head colds and constant headaches :wacko:

The other problem is I still crave very strongly after the year and the main problem is that I enjoyed it so much when I was smoking.

But I am not a hypocritical typical ex-smoker, I understand what it's like and still let colleagues smoke in my work van...

Man what I would do for one now smokin.gif

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keep it up mate like i said i keep tryin, and failing to quit :!Removed!:

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I started smoking 2 years ago and am on 10 odd a day. But as Fidgits points out...errr drink is far more destructive imo. At least with smoking the olny person your likely to harm is yourself but with alcohol.....so much violence/crime is due to drink but just because it is acceptable in this culture its fine.


yea smoking is bad.... it stinks, yer skin goes funny, your lungs black,teeth yellow and the illnesses due to smoking...ouch.

Im gonna quit smoking

.....hmmm I feel like a drink now.......


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Never tried one.

Can't really see the point of slowly committing suicide, going broke, and becoming a social pariah all at the same time.

Is anyone else amused that killing yourself quickly and painlessly is a crime in many countries, but doing it slowly over a number of years is just a bad habit?

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smoked for 15 years.. then i read alan carr's book and stopped last year

17 months in the clear now....

over here it's now illegal to smoke in any enclosed workspace inc. pubs, nightclubs etc.... they have to go outside, bad time for bouncers

%$(in fantastic so it is, you can wake up in the morning without a sore throat

less of a hangover and clean clothes!!

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I total disagree with what you say about Drinking is on the same level as Smoking, if I decided I wish to go for a quite drinks with some friends in a bar why should I have to come out stinking of smoke just because someone wants to be antisocial. A few quiet drinks in a public area is no way near on the same level as a few !Removed!, sorry!

I just don’t understand how anyone can smoke to be honest, maybe it attractive having yellow fingers and stinking of smoke and having the pleasure of maybe catching cancer. I think I stick to a few beers here and there if you don’t mind!

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Thats it iv'e had enough, after working out how much i spend on !Removed! each year the other day i'm quitting as of now.

So iv'e gone about half an hour now, got 3 weeks yet before i beat my record :crybaby:

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Never had one and never want one either - I hte it on my clothes when I go clubbing or to the pub, hate the smell of it on the people at work who do smoke when they come back from a cigarette break too..ugh.

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I had 2 cigs and 2 cigars the other day at a party, only had a cigar coz i neva hads one b4! I was xtremely drunk, so that wud xplain it, but i neva smoke wen not drunk.

Wudnt let ne1 near my car with a !Removed! <_<

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does the poll includes a splif?

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does the poll includes a splif?

No .. cause that's illegal .. and NO-ONE on this forum does illegal things .. do you?

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this is when I say no, init, does anyone here have any road legal headlights?

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How come they dont ban smoking and driving?

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How come they dont ban smoking and driving?

There are some who beleive you should ban doing anything whilst driving. (I'm NOT one of them!)

I've heard of people being done for drinking a can of pop whilst driving and I think there's pressure on to not eat whilst driving. Those long haul drives are gonna be a real pain if I can't drink or eat whilst driving.

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Well its the only vice I have, dont drink and definatley dont do drugs, but I look at it this way, I am not in danger of killing someone if I have a !Removed!, get in the car and drive! whereas we know fools that drink and drive

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