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Students With Student Loans


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Sorry for my delay i didnt know i was on a timer! i'm just concerned that people today take the easy root all too offen and then complain about it when really its there own fault. This doesnt go for every student some have learnt responsability and the rewards / achievements of paying your own way. I work at a uni and most students have better cars than the staff. And i'm not talking run of mill cars , im talking cars like mercs , bmw 3 series , mr2 . Is this really the sought of car that a finacially concerned student should be buying. I ask only as a question and i get abuse saying that i dont know what its like and stuff saying things about clothes and food loans which i didnt disagree nor mention in my original post.

Quite frankly know one has contested this apart from saying "whats it got to do with you"

And if you want to know is got nothing to do with me directly. If you cant discuss things then whats the point !!!!! :eek:

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Hey, as you said, this is a forum, a place for discussion, and all you got were peoples opinion (note the correct spelling), which you yourself said was the point...

Everyone is offering their opinion, which appears to mainly be "i dont care what a student spends their loan on"...

So why are you complaining???

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this is my last post on this topic.

I know what i said and i know i cant spell , but as i was being accused of running away when it got too hot so i thought i would post back.


cool mr flibbles

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Hells yea I spent my money on my car!. Your damn right! It rules! :yes:

And ill have to pay it aaaall back which sux! :( But ill deal with that when the time comes. :unsure:


..........I do see the point quodus is making!. He is simply trying to say there is sum poor azz suckas out there that use this money simply to survive and peepots like me just use it on luxuries. My ex-bird made the same point to me as she was usin her SL too keep up with rents and food and I was blowin it on sideskirts and zorsts. And I couldnt say nowt back..cos guess wat? Shes !Removed! right she is!. And thats why shes now my ex.(well....that and a few other reasons too eheh!)

But up yours quodus :) I bet you got a damn grant just like the rest of the older crowd damn yous! Now thats just not fair is it!

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Nar not a grant you didnt...you know like back before 1996... I think thats the year when they introduced loans eh?

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And can I just add, qudos, bibbs, and anyone else who dislikes students...

The point about the student loan being a bank loan... albeit with neglible interest (until you pay it back) has already been made - there's no point in discussing that subject further.

People seem to think that it's a right laugh being a student, all you do is get ****** and generally don't do very much... this is rubbish - being a student is difficult, every bit as difficult as having a full time job. If your parents don't fund you to go to university then a student loan won't go very far anyway!

As some of the guys have mentioned - when they're not at uni they're in part time work trying to earn themselves some cash, so I have literally NO idea why people have this disgruntled view of students. It's just not cricket!

And for the record, I am not a student.


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exactly, like someone said if it was a grant we're getting then i could totally see and agree with your point. but it is a loan like any other loan albeit with much lower interest. We do pay it back. Im a 3rd year student at a uni in london and i currently owe the student loans company £9000 and i'll owe more by the time i graduate.

But i still bought a tubby 2 months ago. At the end of the day im determined to graduate and i wanna do well which means I'll land a decent job with a good salary to pay it all back with. In the mean time theres no reason why i cant enjoy myself and buy a car ive always wanted is there?

-edit id just like to quote what Yarisboy rightly said:

As some of the guys have mentioned - when they're not at uni they're in part time work trying to earn themselves some cash, so I have literally NO idea why people have this disgruntled view of students. It's just not cricket!

so true, student life aint what its shown as on tv, especially if youre someone who eventually wants to graduate. I work on weekends during the term time and this summer im working full time at dhl. I'm certainly not "living" the high life off the loan.

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Yer I should also add that as well as being a full time student I work 24 part time hours a week...4 hrs shifts str8 after lectures 6 days a week. I even have to pay my pops rent to live in his house bah!

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Come on man i aint said anything about anyone lifestyle. and i was very carful not to lose my rag i think saying up yours is a bit strong.

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People seem to think that it's a right laugh being a student, all you do is get ****** and generally don't do very much... this is rubbish - being a student is difficult, every bit as difficult as having a full time job. If your parents don't fund you to go to university then a student loan won't go very far anyway!

As some of the guys have mentioned - when they're not at uni they're in part time work trying to earn themselves some cash, so I have literally NO idea why people have this disgruntled view of students. It's just not cricket!

Student life IS a doss .. and blowing the loans on car proves the amounts on the loans are too high.

I went to Uni .. I worked 3 Jobs and was £1,000 in debt (overdraft) when I left .. And that's with 0 loans.

I then got a loan for a car/suit/mobile phone and started earning ..

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Come on man i aint said anything about anyone lifestyle. and i was very carful not to lose my rag i think saying up yours is a bit strong.

Aaawww quodos I just said it in jest not meant to offend im sorry. Tis why I put a smily on it look! --->>>

But up yours quodus  :) 

See! I just find this post funny cos I had a great time arguing about the same topic with my ex and its bringing back all the memories of laughing at her when she told me stuff like "you know its cr*p how people like you spend money on daft things like cars..people out there really need these loans" Twas great! :lol:

Soz again tho!

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Yes it is a doss for the rich kids and the ones livin for free at home with no overheads. But for people from a poor background do struggle big time.

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I went to uni 7 hours from my olds .. was a bit far to commute .. I went home 3 times a year on the train ..

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I was a student not so long ago. Came out of uni with a bit of paper saying I got my degree, along with a student loan, bank overdraft and a credit card maxed out. Ok, so I spent a lot on going out on the amber nectar but I'd say 80% of my loan was spent on accommodation. I worked part time in my 2nd and 3rd year along with working full time for 18 months in my sandwich year. I really struggled in my final year to make ends meet, but I got through.

I now work, earn a reasonable wage, company car and my G6R :thumbsup: (which I bought with a bank loan)

I have a mountain of debt to pay along with all of the tax (paying for people who can't be ****d to work). I'll pay back every penny, and some day maybe be able to afford a house too!!

Being a student was one of the best things I ever did. Had the best time of my life, made some of the best mates I'll have for life, along with my future wife ;)

My sister went to Uni too but recieved a full grant. I'm not saying students should get handouts, so whats the problem with a loan. You don't have to take it if you don't want to.

If you didn't like students getting money then become a robbing :censor: landlord and take it all back off them.

When you say you work at uni, I hope you don't teach students. Not English anyway! :P (Don't take that personally)


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I was one of those skint students! I know some students have an easy time because their parents help out a lot financially, but my parents didn't have any money to help, so the loan+grant didn't stretch very far.

On top of things like rent and food, you musn't forget that Students are expected to buy materials for their courses with this money. I was lucky in that respect, but some students have book lists coming to £100's.

My loan is now a pain in the backside as I could really do with the £120+ a month that I now have to pay (and this is for my right to have an education). I didn't choose to take out a loan, it was a neccesary evil to allow me to get through the degree.

Just don't tar all students with the same brush. I rarely went out as I had too much course work to do (I did a real degree where you have to actually do work for your bit of paper). Fair enough some courses are a joke with only 2 hours of lectures a week, but I was in 5 days a week 9am-5pm. If I wasn't in lectures during this time I was in the library doing course work.

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People seem to think that it's a right laugh being a student, all you do is get ****** and generally don't do very much...

tbh fair that IS what uni life is like :D

u gotta put ur head down and work every now and then but its all part of the package.

i couldnt care less that i blow my loan on my car, then havta cut corners on food, clothes, housing etc. its summin that i gain satisfaction from.

albeit i'll come outa uni with debt and will spend a long time repaying it, but i wouldn't do anything else. Uni's a rite laugh :)

luckily for me my dad agreed to pay my tuition fees so thats a bonus, but i still havta pay a couple grand rent a yr, which leaves me with a grand outa my loan thats sposed to last me for food etc for the year. thank god i'd saved a bit of money b4 i came to uni, oh and thank the banks for the interest free overdrafts ;)


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thats not how it is for all students though honestly. There are undoubtably some students who have very easy courses and do about 3-4 lectures a week and 2 exams at the end of a year, whilst im stuck in my engineering lectures from 9-5 most days + a hell of a lot of coursework and my 3rd year group project and 7 3 hour exams!.

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depends on how it goes tho. i also have tons of lectures to attend but ...i'm... err ... how shall i say it... selective! :) when it comes to lectures. u can always make it up by revisin the nite b4 an exam ;)


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I did Software Engineering .. I went to about 4 lectures a week (out of the 55 scheduled, not including lab time of 10 hours a week) was on the ***** heavily for 4 years (inc sandwitch year) and has a righ old doss.

It was know to be one of the most work intensive courses (apart from Geography) ..

Got a degree, got a job ..

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well depends on what uni you goto aswell dont it? not tryin to brag but my unis rated 2nd or equal with cambridge for my course over the last few years and it wouldnt be like that if it wasnt rock hard. Its far from a right old laff for me and theres been times where ive seriously contemplated leaving it and just getting some random job in my field but im determinded to do well. I suppose i represent one extreme of students and student life, the other being those who cant be f****d to do anything and spend all their student loan money on goin out etc. Unfortunately its this extreme that is most portrayed to the public. The vast majority of students lie somewhere between the middle/upper half, in my (subjective!) opinion

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thats quite true. there are a LOT of students who don't EVER go out, just study like crazy. i've found its usually the overseas students, but they do have it kinda hard, paying a 7G tuition fee... i h8 payin my 1.1G :eek:

which kinda sux, cos most of the chinese/japanese birds r HOT ;)


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just to add my thoughts

My girlfriend and I are final year students at Loughborough University, and no matter what people say, our life for the last year has been very tough.

Im aiming at getting (and on target) for a 1st in Computer Science and Management, and she is working hard on a German and French Degree. Both of us work our ***** off, as we realise that our futures depend on what marks we get.

I admit, the first year at university is a laugh, as your marks dont cant for anything, but after that, its extremely hard work for the people who want to get the best out of them selves.

Regarding student loans, i dont have one, as i am lucky to have supportive parents, but my girlfriend has the maximum loan which is almost £4000. This is because she only has a mother, who barely brings in enough money to run her house and buy food. If it wasnt for the student loan, my girl wouldnt have come to university, and wouldnt be preparing to become a teacher, a profession that our country needs more off.

So please dont cast stereotypical views over all of us. I agree, some students are only in for a easy ride, but soon disapear after the first year.

Cheers :thumbsup:

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I am a student, and do spend most of my money on my car as id rather have something to show for it, then just ****** it down the pan.

Students living away from home need a loan just to live.

my student loan is only 3.5k a year, you have course fees of £1,200 a year for me, that brings this down to 2.3k, then there is running costs of your car, parking everyday, that takes off another 1k a year at least,

then you have to pay for materials for the course and any trips involved,

glad im not living in student halls, as they cost 80 a week, then you have to buy food,

and if you think you can try to concentrate on uni and just have a job to pay your way your get **** all done, and will be pointless of going.

and soon course fees are going up. dont think we have it that easy.

everyone benifits from the loans even if they drop out after 2 weeks etc.



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