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Oil Maintenance Message


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Hi all!

I'm struggling to remove the oil maintenance message on my Toyota Auris 1.4D 2010. I did reset the oil data with right knob/stick/button. I did press it till the "Oil Data Reset" message came up.
Then the message is gone but after a couple of days it comes back on. I repeated the same procedure and it is gone again for a couple of days.

I also resetted the oil data in the GPS TNS 510 unit. It says 10 000 km's remaining.

How can I get rid of the annoying messages? Does the GPS unit communicate with the ECU?

Thanks in advance!



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The Spanner light/ oil maintenance message has two functions:

Service reminder

Oil level warning 

If the light keeps coming back on after a reset then there is one of two issues:

Oil level is within 5mm of Max level - Faulty oil level sensor

Oil level is greater than 5mm of max level - Diesel is washing bore and filling oil sump, this is due to failed DPF regeneration there are multiple possible causes for this and there is a Technical service bulletin from Toyota for the issue search EG-0070T-0715.


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5 hours ago, flash22 said:

Thanks flash22 for your answer but I already executed this procedure several times. The message still comes back.

3 hours ago, Devon Aygo said:

The Spanner light/ oil maintenance message has two functions:

Service reminder

Oil level warning 

If the light keeps coming back on after a reset then there is one of two issues:

Oil level is within 5mm of Max level - Faulty oil level sensor

Oil level is greater than 5mm of max level - Diesel is washing bore and filling oil sump, this is due to failed DPF regeneration there are multiple possible causes for this and there is a Technical service bulletin from Toyota for the issue search EG-0070T-0715.


Thanks Devon for your answer.
So I have to check if my oil level is not too high? (Not too close to the maximum level?) If this is not the case, it can be that the oil sensor is faulty?
I did have a lot of problems with the DPF. I already did some forced regens with the Techstream software. Can this be the cause of this issue?
You mention the reference of a TSB of Toyota. But how can I access this bulletin?

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13 hours ago, nielske5001 said:

Thanks flash22 for your answer but I already executed this procedure several times. The message still comes back.

Thanks Devon for your answer.
So I have to check if my oil level is not too high? (Not too close to the maximum level?) If this is not the case, it can be that the oil sensor is faulty?
I did have a lot of problems with the DPF. I already did some forced regens with the Techstream software. Can this be the cause of this issue?
You mention the reference of a TSB of Toyota. But how can I access this bulletin?

Check your dipstick if the reading is:

Max mark + 5mm then the level sensor is working and oil is overfull or failed DPF regen is diluting oil with diesel.

Max mark + less than 5mm the level sensor is faulty.

Yes DPF issues can cause the overfilling of the sump and suggests either a fault preventing correct regenerations, an over full dump will set P252F Engine oil level high which will stop regenerations and block the DPF, or a car not being used in the correct manner e.g lots of stop start driving, insufficient average speed etc all of which will prevent proper DPF regeneration.

Bulletins are out there if you can translate them HERE or from Toyota directly HERE you will need to register and access is chargeable by hour, day, month etc but content can be saved as .PDF



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