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Hope this ain't too inappropriate about cyclists

Mike 2121

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Guys! am i the only one that pictures all vegans/vegetarians as being those typical skinny (No muscle) fairy looking cyclists in front of our cars that wear those fairy looking skin tight shorts and top lol ?

I'm so annoyed that the people in charge of this world especially the evil bill gates are trying to force us to go vegan or grow Frankenstein lab meat.

'What seems so dodgy' is that for thousands of years eating and producing meat the traditional way from cows, chickens etc has barely affected humanity or the climate (otherwise we wouldn't exist) So why ! the urgent need now to stop us eating meat or growing it the Frankenstein way ??

Bill Gates has bought most of the farms in usa , we can't stop him!!

He wants to control the whole world 

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If you search deeply enough he's doing much more than that.....

And wasn't there someone who died of malnutrition by following some "in vogue" diet?

The world has gone mad - enjoy what you can, while you can 😃.


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For topics which aren't specifically related to a particular Toyota model, General Discussions is the forum which should be used when posting.

Also bear in mind that not all vegans or vegetarians are skinny, non muscular or cyclists.

Moved to General Discussions.

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@Mike 2121 I must point out that I like to think of myself as a vegetarian. I eat vegetables. I also enjoy any vegetables processes through an animal. I particular like a nice piece of processed vegetable from a cow, , especially when it is served medium/rare with a nice mushroom sauce. 😁

On a more serious note, I am not a vegetarian/vegan. I do however object to anyone who, without any reason whatsoever, informs me that they are vegetarian/vegan. I honestly couldn't care less if they are or not.

To quote a saying I heard many years ago: - Religion is like a p3n1s. It's all very good having one, bit don't wave it in my face. 

The same applies to vegans/vegetarians.

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I've not heard anyone but some extremists saying we have to completely stop eating meat. The sensible thing would be to reduce how much we consume, not exclude it.

7 hours ago, Mike 2121 said:

What seems so dodgy' is that for thousands of years eating and producing meat the traditional way from cows, chickens etc has barely affected humanity or the climate (otherwise we wouldn't exist) So why ! the urgent need now to stop us eating meat or growing it the Frankenstein way ??

We've only produced meat on an industrial scale for the past 100 years or so. Likewise, we've only used fossil fuels on an industrial scale in the past 100 years. 

Yet, here we are, alive. That doesn't mean it won't kill us in the long run. In the grander scheme of things, 100 years is the mere blink of an eye.


Regarding Bill Gates. Be aware that he is the conspiracy theorist's favourite villain and gets the blame for many things. I'd be very skeptical of any claims attributing unfathomable dark powers and the world's demise to him. 

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11 minutes ago, Big_D said:

o quote a saying I heard many years ago: - Religion is like a p3n1s. It's all very good having one, bit don't wave it in my face. 

Oh you crack me up Bob! LOL! 😂 

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I actually like to meat up with vegetarians.😆This girl told me today that she recognised me from a Vegetarian Club.

Funny as I’d never met herbivore.😂

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Not a big fan of vegans / vegetarianism and definitely not a big fan of Bill Gates, but back from the times before most people really knew who he was other than being the richest guy in the world. Definitely against the big agenda of the far left / controlling everything. 

But.... cycling is pretty great. Albeit, there are some idiots who put themselves at risk on the roads. However, most car drivers genuinely don't know that they must leave the same width as a car / full lane when overtaking and avoid getting close to them. Most drivers genuinely do not know that this is the minimum requirement and that if necessary, they should wait behind for as long as possible until able to do a full safe overtake. Though most don't even overtake other cars properly. They also don't know that there's no such thing as 'road tax', it's 'vehicle tax' (for now) based on your emissions.  Honestly, if someone can cycle instead of driving more power to them. It's better for the environment than an EV, that's for sure. 

I don't like the vegetarians that are in your face or full of 'facts' I'm not interested in or trying to go against science such as telling us we're not meant to eat meat. We very much are, as made evident by the majority of animals who also eat other animals.  But if they want to do it, makes no difference to me, more juicy sirloins on the shelf at Tesco for me.  There are some people with crazy specific or unknown / undiagnosed intolerances and gut issues that science is only really getting into properly these days and in the future who knows, but I doubt most manufactured stuff they sell today does anyones body much good other than ticking the box of 'meat / dairy' free which is their lifestyle choice rather than need, but again it's their choice to make. Doesn't impact me. 

The problem that concerns me isn't Bill Gates or Joe B*****, because quite clearly, they aren't the ones behind it, more just the public faces of it. Who is really behind it. I'd argue it's governments of certain warmongering nations beginning with R and C. Our society and culture is eating away and destroying itself from the inside out with polarisation in our politics and even the likes of our food or transport choice now.  This is exactly what those nations want, as they plough on with their industrial machines, fuel burning and meat eating whilst we tax the poor by taking away their low cost petrol cars and inflate their weekly shopping and energy cost for ... 'the environment' and most people are too afraid to speak up or speak out in the workplace or to their social groups. 

Trump has a lot of issues, but I'll tell you one thing he's right about, he p*sses off all the right people, organisations and countries in the right ways. What he said about Germany / Russia energy came true but they laughed in his face at the time. He goes too far in other ways but I'd argue we'd be in a better place in a handful of ways had he stayed in power.  And he was supposedly the one in bed with the offending politicians yet he's the only one that kept them in their place.  Oh the irony. 


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1 hour ago, SB1500 said:

They also don't know that there's no such thing as 'road tax', it's 'vehicle tax' (for now) based on your emissions.  Honestly, if someone can cycle instead of driving more power to them. It's better for the environment than an EV, that's for sure. 

I must first point out that I have nothing against cyclists, but, how much more emissions does my car produce when I have to slow down and the accelerate to get past cyclist. With loads of cars doing this, isn't this like a false sense of economy.

The same with electric cars. We often hear the electric car driver saying "my car doesn't produce any emissions". What about the  emissions produced by the power plant when the electricity is generated.

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If I still had my bike,  last one was electric. I would cycle to the shops like a shot.

Not sure about cycling back up hill with a couple of bags of groceries in the wet and against the prevailing wind.

Weight for weight, a nice pork pie packs more energy than a bag of veg. 

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A few days ago, there was some comment about vegans on Talk TV.  The best observation was by Ian Collins, who pointed out something to the effect that, “Just because one is a vegetarian and doesn’t eat meat, it doesn’t necessarily mean one is more healthy.  Vegetarian meals can have the same kind of rubbish in them as can meat products.”  Sounds like a really rational conclusion to me!

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On the subject of meat, we went into Northern Ireland yesterday and called in to Asda. I fancied a nice pork chop with a bit of fat on it. All they had on the shelf were pork loin chops, so I went to the butchery counter and asked about a shoulder chop. I was told that they don't do them now as everybody had been weaned onto lean meat! 'They' are dictating what we can eat. If somebody says something is much healthier for you, the general public seem to swallow, (pardon the pun), all the supposedly healthy rhetoric and pay through the nose for it! Tesco are just the same. Incidentally, I had to go to the supermarket because our two local butchers have packed up and gone home! :sad:

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I would imagine that overall in general vegetarians tend to be more health conscious than the average person. Due to this factor they do watch what they eat and drink, likely to exercise on a regular basis,  so in general are healthier than the average person.

Just a generalisation based on my experience of vegetarians I know of.



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My niece and nephew are vegan, but do not make a fuss about it.

But I do know that they make tasty dishes from vegetables and pulses and whatever it is that vegans eat, and do not eat the fake meat.

They are both a healthy weight.

I on the other hand, with reference to the OP ,am rake thin, lost all my muscle mass and it's actually uncomfortable to even sit because I am so bony.

Never been near a pedal cycle since they got rid of carbide lights.

I like meat and fish in moderation, and try to eat a so called Mediterranean diet, olive oil, but proper butter when called for, good bread etc, wine, coffee,things that taste of something.

But as regards militant cyclists that seem to be around here too and not just restricted to London, with their silly go pro cameras, mounted on funny hats, and idiot behaviour in order to provoke road rage confrontations , and then put it on YouTube claiming to be the victim, well maybe they could try a shoulder check before swinging from the footpath onto the road into the path of traffic.

I have a camera too, to protect myself from these lemmings who shout "I had the right of way, even though it was a red light, and the moral high ground" from a hospital bed with rabid no win no fee lawyers salivating at the thought of another victim to rinse.

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Danny, can you find bacon with rind on it?  Can you find a piece of pork that will have a good bit of crackling?

Where do you think pork scratchings come from?  They can sell the skin for more than the meat.

We bought a superb pork loin at the butchery counter in Morrisons.  It gave us Sunday lunch, cold cuts for 2 days and then fed the dog for the next 4.

More importantly we got a mug of pork dripping which has been a bonus for shoving a pill down a guest dog's throat.

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Local butcher used to sell proper pork loin joints with skin to make tasty crackling, and even the kidney in for a bit of interest.

All that had to stop around the time he was stopped from doing really excellent ham and hocks as he prepared them a common sense way by cooling, then refrigerating, instead of the blast cooling required by regulations.

At about the same time he was stopped from playing the radio while working, without some expensive licence or other to play music in a public place .

He retired early.

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My sister-in-law is vegan and she cooks some brilliant meals.Mushroom curries that taste like meat, beetroot burgers that are really good. A little while ago she found some some chicken in the woods mushrooms on a drive out when she came to visit us. Never had these before and whilst they are commercially very expensive they tasted just like chicken and we loved them. My wife and I cut down years ago on pork ,beef and lamb as the quality and flavour seem to disappear, so for years now we have only eaten chicken,fish and the occasional steak but the quality and taste is very hit and miss irrespective of the cost.

In my opinion the farming methods adopted for decades has changed the DNA of the animals and therefore the quality of meat. Its such a shame that the younger generation will never know the real quality and taste that meat should be.


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19 hours ago, Bper said:

In my opinion the farming methods adopted for decades has changed the DNA of the animals and therefore the quality of meat. Its such a shame that the younger generation will never know the real quality and taste that meat should be.

I totally agree with you. Steak tastes nothing like it used to, and I find that most pork chops are dry and tasteless when cooked. The flavour is all in the fat, which we are not allowed to eat any more. 

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Have you tried wild boar Bob?

It tastes a bit like pork used to.

If you can't find that, then pork chops sizzled a bit, then chucked in fried onions,slices of cooking apples, and dry cider in a casserole for an hour ain't bad.

And yes good steak is a bit tricky to find now, and not cheap for the good stuff.

Farm shop,or traditional butcher in out of the way villages possibly?


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Google how the world population has changed.

For thousands of years we didn't need to worry about feeding ourselves as there was hardly any of us.

I'm 53, born in 1970.  In my lifetime the world population has doubled from 4 to over 8 billion.  It's set to hit to 11 billion before levelling off.

That said, there's still enough food in the world to feed all 9 billion of us if it was just distributed properly.

Food taste is all in the cooking.

Next time you have steak cook it by basting it constantly in butter and garlic for 2 mins each side.  Nomnomnom 🤣

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On 8/19/2023 at 3:13 PM, Big_D said:

I must first point out that I have nothing against cyclists, but, how much more emissions does my car produce when I have to slow down and the accelerate to get past cyclist. With loads of cars doing this, isn't this like a false sense of economy.

The same with electric cars. We often hear the electric car driver saying "my car doesn't produce any emissions". What about the  emissions produced by the power plant when the electricity is generated.

I'm totally with you on that. And theoretically, if we do get forced to swallow EVs, I'm sure the government will swiftly change it from emissions based to something else that keeps our money funnelling into their pockets 😞 


It is frustrating having to slow down.  Although to be fair, other drivers make this happen just as much with less of an excuse.  I'm happy to do 40mph on a 60mph road if I must... but I can't stick idiots going 60...down to 40... somewhere around 50... up to 60...  I always imagine how much fuel I'm wasting. Especially given my 1.6 Avensis suffers more than most cars on the acceleration given how gutless it is power wise for its weight

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20 hours ago, Rhymes with Paris said:

Have you tried wild boar Bob?

It tastes a bit like pork used to.

If you can't find that, then pork chops sizzled a bit, then chucked in fried onions,slices of cooking apples, and dry cider in a casserole for an hour ain't bad.

And yes good steak is a bit tricky to find now, and not cheap for the good stuff.

Farm shop,or traditional butcher in out of the way villages possibly?


Yes Paul we have tried wild boar a long time ago and it did taste like the pork we used to get. The one we had was certainly wild especially when I hit it over the head before I cooked it.😂

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On 8/20/2023 at 4:31 PM, Big_D said:


I totally agree with you. Steak tastes nothing like it used to, and I find that most pork chops are dry and tasteless when cooked. The flavour is all in the fat, which we are not allowed to eat any more. 

Hi Bob,

This always seems a contentious issue with opinion’s on the quality of food both it’s taste and methods of farming. But it has been clear to me for decades how food taste has changed. You can have long discussions and arguments on how meat along with fruit and veg is farmed and the various chemicals used but in my opinion it has changed immeasurably.

Of course, many will say they don’t see any change but say if you buy from here or there or more often “have you tried organic”.

The answer is yes,we have tried it all over the years,we are not exclusive in our expectations of food taste as we grew up in the 60’s when all meats tasted great especially Sunday roasts with all the trimmings.

Even offal was a regular but you don’t see this much today. Stuffed hearts, pigs trotters  liver and bacon. A fry up with kidneys etc., All these foods had more taste that you remember and love.

Steak, if your parents could afford it, was a treat and often served with potatoes and gravy with a slice of bread to mop up the steak gravy, delicious.

Pork chops with a kidney in grilled and the rind nice and crispy. Sausages that had distinctive taste, beef and pork dripping from the Sunday roasts thick with jelly and spread on toast. Nobody in our family could just have one slice as it was so good we often had two or three slices each and we sometimes had to go and buy more bread.

I think for many who have continued to buy beef,pork,lamb etc., they have just got used to the taste. And I won’t get started on fruit and veg, again with the chemicals used in both growing and storage. Even organic methods are not chemical free.

We have been growing our own tomatoes and spinach along with Pak Choi with no chemicals used and you can taste the difference from the those purchased in both supermarkets and farm shops.

The demand to satisfy the populations with various meats has led to livestock being fattened up and sent off to market as quickly as possible and in doing so, both feed and chemicals have become the way to achieve this. By doing this you will change the DNA of the animals and that will be passed through to generations which will change the taste let alone what it is doing to us.

Obviously people will disagree but this is why we no longer eat these meats and it is such a shame


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20 hours ago, Yugguy1970 said:

Google how the world population has changed.

For thousands of years we didn't need to worry about feeding ourselves as there was hardly any of us.

I'm 53, born in 1970.  In my lifetime the world population has doubled from 4 to over 8 billion.  It's set to hit to 11 billion before levelling off.

That said, there's still enough food in the world to feed all 9 billion of us if it was just distributed properly.

Food taste is all in the cooking.

Next time you have steak cook it by basting it constantly in butter and garlic for 2 mins each side.  Nomnomnom 🤣


You are right about the taste is in the cooking and on occasions when we have brought steak we have used garlic and butter but have found more often then not regardless of whether brought from a butchers or farm shop be it fillet or sirloin the taste is bland. To be honest I have been better off with these steaks and I include rump with this by flattening the steak out cutting it in thin strips and marinating in light and dark soy sauce along with garlic cloves, lemon juice,brandy and a brown sugar, and Chinese five spice. Shallow fry in the wok on high heat and serve with wok fried broccoli florets and lime and coriander rice .😋


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1 hour ago, Bper said:

The demand to satisfy the populations with various meats has led to livestock being fattened up and sent off to market as quickly as possible and in doing so, both feed and chemicals have become the way to achieve this. By doing this you will change the DNA of the animals and that will be passed through to generations which will change the taste let alone what it is doing to us.

This is so true. I remember eating proper meat. A nice pork chop with a thick layer of fat, A nice juicy steak, once again with a thick layer of fat. I'm an old f4rt but still reasonably healthy (in the overall scheme of things. I find the meat, particularly beef, tastes of iron. It really is a case of get them big, get them to the abattoir, get them on the shelf, get them sold. What happened to aged steaks and proper meat (or anything for that matter).

And to answer @Rhymes with Paris, yes, I have eaten wild boar.

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