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Pro-hunt Protesters...


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it makes it pretty much essentila for his family mate as the hunt will be a major source of income. the countryside has been punished os much by this governmet already its hiit everyones income including my own family. nearly every country in europe had foot and mouth only this country did anything about it (i worked on foot and mouth and recieved lots of infomation whilst worrking there) same with bse . now they are taking another income away. so next time soemone form thetown goes o the country and the area looks a mess itsprobably beacause the farmer has had to retire early after losing all his cattle and forms of income . killed himself due to financial stress (when on f&m i knew 4 farmers who kille dthemselves) or none of his family wanted to take the farm on why would they at this rate there will be no incoe in farmiong just more and more debt

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Fox hunting is the despicable in pursuit of the inedible.

The comment regarding the culling of foxes with rifles, chase ?? Er what??

If Mr Fox came into my sights he would be dead before he hit the floor, shoot him with a shotgun, yeah great, then whinge when he comes back wounded and in pain looking for easy food, shotgun is a close range weapon and is not suitable for the sniping of foxes or any such vermin.

Poisoning is barbaric too.

Snaring is worse that hunting unless cages are used and the animal is dispatched as quickly and humanely as possible.

I cannot see the hunting of foxes is anything other than a bunch of Hooray Henrys enjoying the thrill of a chase, how can a pack of dogs and followers be an efficient means of culling? More to the point what about when these morons fail to keep full control of there dogs and innocent pets get mauled?

Rabbits, are a far different matter, they are so numerous dogs are no option, shooting will make a difference, again to the untrained shooter they are difficult to shoot cleanly, ferrets not strictly cricket, but they are more likely to be throttled by the hunter than caught by the ferret.

I do feel there is a need for fully trained sniper type hunters to cull foxes, ok it might cost but how much does a pack of dogs and load of horses cost to keep?

A sniper with a decent rifle and night sight could cost a grand tops? If they were council licenced or police licenced and trained then what arguments could there be to that?

I remember the time when the shooting lobby were under pressure and the hunting lobby were quick enough to distance themselves from us, for fear of being tarred with the same brush, I hope they do ban it, don't think I have forgotten how you left us legal gun owners out in the cold, now it's your turn, and rest assured the fishermen will be next.

As for retraining the dogs to chase burberry , could we include rolled up tracksuit bottoms and anything in the kappa range please? I could recommend a good training place, target rich environment, lower class of chav there though.

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the fox stole your chickens because it was a natural instinct for it to do that. You kept the chickens there and its desire to eat like the rest of us was so strong.

its up to you to control your stock by using good husbandry on the chicken pen.

Foxes are there in the wild for a reason.. its a fine balance in nature. Its humans that draw them into towns and cities. So you cannot blame them really... Humans share the countryside to ya know.

I used to work on chicken farms... no problem with foxes there

Got to take issue on a couple of points here Steve.

1/ What about free range chickens? (How many people like their eggs from free range chickens?) And incidentally i think you`ll find that if a fox gets into a pen, theres no escape for the chickens. It might only take one or two chickens but it WILL kill the rest. At least with free range chickens most of them can escape.

2/ As for chicken farms? Nearly as bad as Battery farming! Talk about cruelty to foxes... Chickens have feelings too. (I`ve seen Chicken Run!)

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the fox stole your chickens because it was a natural instinct for it to do that. You kept the chickens there and its desire to eat like the rest of us was so strong.

its up to you to control your stock by using good husbandry on the chicken pen.

Foxes are there in the wild for a reason.. its a fine balance in nature. Its humans that draw them into towns and cities. So you cannot blame them really... Humans share the countryside to ya know.

I used to work on chicken farms... no problem with foxes there

Got to take issue on a couple of points here Steve.

1/ What about free range chickens? (How many people like their eggs from free range chickens?) And incidentally i think you`ll find that if a fox gets into a pen, theres no escape for the chickens. It might only take one or two chickens but it WILL kill the rest. At least with free range chickens most of them can escape.

2/ As for chicken farms? Nearly as bad as Battery farming! Talk about cruelty to foxes... Chickens have feelings too. (I`ve seen Chicken Run!)


Free range chickens are usually enclosed by electric fencing. The farmer is certainly not gonna let a fox get in.. thats because the farmer practices good husbandry.. Trust me.. if the fox could get in then the farmer will be out of business in no time. I remember ****** against an electric fence.. not nice.

Battery farming is awefull... I luckily worked on free range and barn hens but I have also been inside Battery sheds. where we shifted 45,000 birds in 2 nights. I did not enjoy it. But i cannot say its the same as fox hunting.

Most people eat eggs, eat chicken and even sleep on feather pillows. As long as there is a demand then there is no way you will stop battery farming. But fox hunting can.. as it is a sport.

Myself i reckon they should dress a bloke in protective clothing.. set him off in the sticks and then do the hunt an hour later!


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btw if the ban goes thru fly this pup wil be put down with thousands of others


but its ok the other way round???

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Dont get me wrong i`m neither for or against fox hunting. I dont know enough about it to give an informed opinion. And now i`m a little wiser about free range chickens etc. As for drag hunting... Good idea for those that want to ride with hounds but can do without the blood shed.

And then there is the other problem...... Urban foxes. How are they to be dealt with? Cant imagine a hunt riding throiugh my local high street.

As not_standard_sera pointed out earlier. It`s a real can of worms.

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Its crap that the fox is killed instantly and there are many many cases of badly injured foxes being found which havent been killed properly in a fox 'hunt'...

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As for drag hunting... Good idea for those that want to ride with hounds but can do without the blood shed.


Yes what about drag hunting?

That way the hooray henries can ride to their hearts content.

Can anyone remember being frightened, really frightened, like you really think your time has come? The feeling like you are going to poo yourself with fright?

Imagine being chased by a group of blood thirsty predators who are intent on ripping you to bits. Sport?

And lest we forget are stags vermin too?

I see stags breaking into chicken houses and killing lots of chickens, happens all the time down my way, so why chase em with dogs until they are so knackered they can barely stand??

Sport pah?

As for condemning the fox for breaking into chicken houses, he is a wild animal who is acting on instinct, his instincts tell him to kill to eat, if he sees lots of captive animals he will attack much the same as a domestic dog is capable of killing sheep, the fox is no different to things like mink or any other critters of that ilk, if surrounded by potential targets they will keep attacking until they are too tired to do it any more.

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A couple of days ago I heard a woman representing the hunting community say that this ban would not stop her or her collegues from hunting. She went on to say that it was an unjust law and that there was nothing wrong with "riding her horse with a few hounds at foot".

She, like the rest of the hunting community are missing the point. It's not the sport of riding the horse (I enjoy riding horses myself), nor having a few hounds at foot. The point is what the hunting community refer to as the "sport" of savaging of a defensless animal. The fox is litterally ripped limb from limb whilst it is still alive. Unfortunately, I was witness to this act a few years ago whilst out walking with my parents, and it left me drained. I could hear the screams of the fox in my head for days. I could not believe that in this day and age, there were people who enjoyed seeing such a barbaric event.

Apart from the obvious barbarism, there was the damage done to the farmers fields, fences etc. The hunt think they have a god given right to just come stampeding across a farmers land simply because a fox has been seen there.

It's been a long time coming, but I see the banning of this ridiculous and barbaric act a blessing. The hunt are a moronic bunch of ubik wipes in my honest opinion.

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Personally I dont like the idea of the foxes being ripped to shreds by the dogs, but I do agree that the numbers of foxes needs to be kept down....

However, now this 'sport' has been put forward for the ban, whats stopping them banning shooting or fishing?


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However, now this 'sport' has been put forward for the ban, whats stopping them banning shooting or fishing?


I don’t think fox hunting and fishing can be mentioned in the same breath.

When was the last time you saw ‘fox’ on the menu? To go out hunting a particular creature for fun is barbaric; the way it is killed is defenceless. The only blood sport I want to see is these w :censor: s getting a good beating from the Police!

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Foxes are vermin and its part of British tradition to dress up and kill them with dogs while you follow on a horse. Not something I have ever done or indeed intend to, but its one of the few things we have left, that has not been killed off itself by the leftie interfering do-gooder mob that seem to be in charge these days!

RE animal testing... load of :censor: , would people rather it was done on other humans? Like Hitler did? Or would they just rather all medical advances ground to a halt?

What annoys me is 99% of fox protesters are city people, have never been out of the town apart from maybe a picnic or two, they think a fox is a cute lil red thing with a bushy tail that lives in kiddys books. The fact that they get killed does not actually affect or alter their life at all!! Animals eat other animals... **** happens!!! Go worry about something else, like the escalating number of society sponging immigrants, or the fact that in regions of our own island there are places where a decent honest Anglo Saxon would feel threatened by none native "colonies".

***** on a bike we'll have a thread saying all fur/leather/suede coats should be banned and leather shoes and interiors should be replaced with plastic" next!

Edited by knowlson
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I remember ****** against an electric fence.. not nice.

that wasnt at the henley hillbillies whilst enjoying mini mavricks, quadbiking, clay pigeon shooting etc. was it?

i ask cos its down ur neck of the woods. i was there the other week and the bloke that runs it told us that someone did this once :lol:

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Why was "C h r i s t" edited out on my post???" WTF is going on?

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'I don’t think fox hunting and fishing can be mentioned in the same breath.'

Why not, they're both 'blood sports', if you're gonna ban one then ban the other! Fishing is just sitting by the river looking like a T£@T anyway and the stuff they catch is thrown back to be tortured again later!

Most farmers agree to let the hunt use their land, they don't just go barging through any old place. There is such a thing as trespass in this country and if they were unwelcome they'd be sued left right and centre! The hunting 'tradition' keeps a hell of a lot of people in employment, vets, saddlery manufacturers, stables, kennels, breeders etc.

If you really want to stop foxes being killed stop f&£kin driving!!!! More are killed and hurt on the roads each year than have probably ever been killed by the hunts!

Rant over!

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lets talk about the fox hunting and not the fishing.. we'll come to that later. :D

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also i tend to think that fish are part of the human food chain.

fox's are not.

Stone age people did not chase fox's with a pack of dogs.

fox's are not part of a dogs food chain either.

I agree on putting the fish back after having a hook ripped out of their mouth... but the question is the fish is still alive. It doesnt do any harm to them if they are caught and handled properly.. such as a proper mat to land the fish and wet hands when handelling.

fish & chickens are part of the human food cain.. but fox's are not.

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I agree on putting the fish back after having a hook ripped out of their mouth... but the question is the fish is still alive. It doesnt do any harm to them if they are caught and handled properly.. such as a proper mat to land the fish and wet hands when handelling.

I disagree.. the fish are very prone to stress induced illness, and fungal infection on their body after being handled :thumbsup:

To be honest fox hunting does not affect me, I occasionally see hunts about where I live, I don;t fully understand it all but I'm happy to leave them be, they don't bother me, so why should I interfere?? I wish more people would adopt this attitude!!!

Especially when there are really FAR more pressing issues at hand!!!

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Don't forget alot of horses get killed too, due to falls and breaking a leg or going lame.

Hunting.... is there really a difference between using your hands...a gun.....a pack of dogs? Your still hunting vermin ( in the case of the fox) they do need to be controlled.

However as people have said, it's us that gets in the way and upsets the balance hence lots of species are dying out you could argue rabbit population gets out of control...because we are killing the foxes etc it's one big circle of life cue the song.

Personally....and this is going way off track and I wouldn't wish it on anyone... AIDS is like the say mix-ie-me-tosties amoung rabits it naturally culls them, when the population has been reduced it naturally disappears at there's not enough rabbits for it to spread effectivly..

Same with Humans..there's too many of us, so naturally some disease comes along which starts to cull us off....when there's less of us...it won't spread so well....and balance is restored.

We keep our homes too clean...our young don't get illnesses when at a young age anymore...so they don't develope immunity and devlope asthma or diabeties.

We pop pills and potions like never before...now the stuff's in our water supplies...and not just ours but all the other animals. We shouldn't mess.

Just my thoughts eveything is highly debatableas always!


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I like a good debate :thumbsup:

The more heated the better... The best bit is that I know I'm always right :thumbsup:

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I disagree.. the fish are very prone to stress induced illness, and fungal infection on their body after being handled

yeah i agree mate.. forgot about that... plnety of experience with fish fungus :censor:

If ya catch a fish then it should be eaten... not there and then though (smeagle style)

anyway.. back to fox's

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