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Got Forced Off The Road Today


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Was on my way home from work travelling from Coventry along the A45 heading towards M45/M1.

A motorbike was going under the speed limit in the inside lane - I was doing the speed limit (60). I check my mirrors and see this black Vectra gunning it in the outside lane must have been doing at least 100

But he was far enough off (about 200yrds) to see me indicate and have way more than enough time to slow down. But naturally he didn't slow until the last minute right up my bumper, flashed his lights and offered a few hand gestures. So I took my time and pulled into the left lane and glanced accross at him as he passed and mouthed the words "No Neeeed" with a smile.

He pulled infront of me and braked heavily, locking up. I had new brakes fitted last week and they still weren't bedded in properly. My foot was on the floor and I wasn't slowing fast enough. Fortunately he lifted off the brakes just before I went into the back of him :ffs:

He then did a couple more sharp brakes, but I was keeping my distance. The bike was right up behind me and a car was overtaking when the idiot slammed on brakes again. I put my hazards on and slowed to 20mph (same speed as him). Once the cars and bike had passed, he slowed to 10mph. I tried over taking the numpty, he sped up and swerved into the right hand lane. I slammed anchors and slowed to 20mph again and pulled in behind keeping my distance. He kept slowing even more with hard braking then speeding up and slowing again.

Enough was enough I backed right off, hit the loud pedal and got to about 50 and was passing him when he suddenly swerved accross into the outside lane and hit his brakes forcing me off the road - well the two off side wheels onto the grass verge millimeters away from his bumper and the crash barrier :eek:

I was so lucky I didn't loose it as with no traction on one side - the car was all over the place. At one point as the car got back on the road (nearly sideways), I thought it was going to catch and flip. Tyres screetching and all :eek:

Other road users were all over the place too: hard braking and swerving etc...

I took a moment to compose myself at about 5mph and this ****** had slowed down again :huh:

So I rang 999 and reported his plate L5 SNC (Black Vectra) at the last roundabout before the A45 become the M45, he took the first exit and the woman on the end of the phone said not too worry unless he come up from behind again. She also said that If I wanted to take it further, I would need to go to my local station and report it there and then be prepared to take it to court.

Doubt I will do this though as no one was hurt or no damage caused. Just need a new pair of pants...

Just be warned do not mouth the words "No Neeeed" to black vectra's they don't take to kindly to it. Probably thought I was saying something else. Which maybe I should have said

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What a :censor: what makes people do that

But you did the right thing mate

hope your ok :thumbsup:

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hate things like this, what winds me up is the helplessness, you cant really do anything!

i get revenge when im at work and i see them, they quickly move when 6.5 tonnes of metal is heading for them!!!!

must have been a muppet though, i mean vauxhall? come on!

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you should of offered him out side. some guy was speeding round a corner as i was passing parked cars (in a 30 he must have been doing 60) he didnt slow down, knocked my mirror off. i stopped, as it was in 1 piece on the road (god knows how). as i walked over to oick it up he came storming up the hill fing and blinding as if it was my fault, so i thorght to my self "when i bend over to pick this up, he's proberly going to kick me in the face" so i chined him. knoked him back a bit. he looked at me said he was really sorry, offered to pay for the damage (i said no cause it wasnt broken) and he turned round and got back in his car...... ive never doen anything like that before (as im one to avoid confrontation) and i'll never do it again, cause i felt bad afterwards. but in some cases its required. some take it to the extreme though .......

and as for the emergany services, some drunk fool shot at us one night with an airgun and their advice was; "go inside and report it at your local station in the morning" they even had the nerve to ask if it was a terrorist attack??????

+ mate i belive you were on a duel carrige way??? speed limit is 70mph :thumbsup: still not 100!!!

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Dual carrage ways are 60mph max... only motorways are 70mph.

But that is beside the point.. personally i WOULD report him... the next person might not be as lucky as you.. and there WILL be a next person, with this kind of driver behind the wheel, there always is.

You would be doing a service to your fellow drivers f this kind of scum is off the roads, so don't be apathetic about it, you owe it to yourself.

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This may seem a little "chavish" but i like to see ppl like that vectra doing things like that to other drivers ........so i can do it back. One day driving along a country road (only cruising) and up ahead i see a saab all over the back end of a c2(acclerating to her bumper then braking,weaving in and out ect) the woman in the c2 weas doing about 55mph and had a really old person in the passenger seat,so after i watch this guy,he turns off so i follow him and do the exact same to him ! It is dodgy with heavy braking ect but i get an adrenaline rush plus there were no other cars about.After about 10 mins off annoying him (the starlet is good on the backroads) he finally pulls into the side to let me past. I thought it was funny.Dont dish out what you cant take back is all i say.You have now probebly banashed me to the chav cornor......im sorry :crybaby:

:thumbsup: my god how big is this post. sorry

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That is insane man. I'm glad everyone made it out of the situation uninjured.

That ***** should serve a night in jail and have his license revoked for a long while to give him time to think about it.

I found myself getting really angry just reading your story, I can't imagine actually experiencing it. I don't even know if I could have trusted myself not to do something stupid. Anything to hurt that !Removed!.

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find where he lives from his reg plate, go to his house and trash his car!

seriously he needs reporting to the police as his dangerous driving not only endangered you, but many others.

actually yes, find his address and i'll have a word with some people that a friend knows B)

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Hi Garrick

Man thats unreal. Things like that really get me mad mate. I'm just glad at the end of the day you ain't hurt and there is no damage to you car mate. I would go with bibbs and report the :censor: Just to teach him a lesson :thumbsup:


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Yes, that idiot needs reporting before he kills someone, mate.

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I had someone do the same thing to me once in a mondeo (damn rep mobiles).

Please report him. he could get done for dangerous driving and lose his liscence...

could save someone!

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I do less these days, but in the last few years have done serioulsy large numbers of miles per month ...

Sad thing is I can think of any number of similar incidents that I've either seen or been on the receiving end of. There are some seriously bad drivers and generally stupid people around I'm afraid.

The only thing I would say would be this:

You are ok, which is good. Your car ( an Mr2 I think) has better suspension, brakes and handling that most standard cars. What happens when this idiot does it to someone either less experienced or in a less well setup car?

If you dont want that on your conciense then you need to report it. The DVLA also run a service whereby you can report dangerous driving - if they receive a number of complaints they will investigate.

Do it.

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Thanks for the responses people. I think trying to get him to pull over and for me to deck him, would have been out the question. I am not a violent person, although I know how to hold my own if needed. It would have probably made matters much worse - especially from a legal point of view.

Only problem on rpeorting it is if the police can actually be ubikd to follow it up, it will be a "his word against mine" sort of thing and the case will be thrown out - a waiste of time. But I will have a chat to the neighbour (who bought Nicola's MR2) - he's a copper and see what he thinks.

+ mate i belive you were on a duel carrige way??? speed limit is 70mph :thumbsup: still not 100!!!

Dual carrage ways are 60mph max... only motorways are 70mph.

Dual carriageways are national speed limit (70) unless otherwise indicated. The A45 is a 60 until you hit roadworks where it's a 40 (normally a 50 in the area where roadworks are). I had just left the roadworks and was in the 60 zone heading towards where it beccomes the M45 @ 70.

The road is notourious of accidents. Now I know why! F :censor: king moron

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I would report him, even if it doesn't result in a prosecution it will make him think twice when the police come round to his house to have a chat about the dangers of driving recklessly.

Even better, if it's a rep-mobile you have to wonder how well it will go down with his managers that he has been given an official ticking off by the police over his driving. And the next time somebody complains then it will be harder for him to claim his word against theirs.

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I wouldn't bother going to a police station and reporting it.

I was in a queue of traffic because of road works when this kind gentleman who had used the outside lane, decided he would use the inside lane, so he kept edging closer and closer to me untill he caught the o/s door mirror folding it in (company vehicle fortunately) as he couldn't get any further I suggested to him that he should have jolly wlell joind the queue like the rest of us (or words to that effect), he then wound his passenger window down and gobbed a white wally over my face then shot off, leaving me stuck in the row of traffic.

As he was driving a company van himself, I got the name and registration number, went round to the police then gave them a statement----that was two years ago!!!

So I'm not holding my breath

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Vauxhall Vectra Company car/rep drivers...just about says it all, suprised it wasn't a BMW driver.

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What an absolute total w :censor: er!

I know the A45/M45 well, people go up there like bats out of hell, why are people so stupid?

Anyhoo, you did the right thing, although I reckon you should report him anyway, hes a danger to other road users! :ffs: :ffs:

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I wouldn't bother going to a police station and reporting it.

I was in a queue of traffic because of road works when this kind gentleman who had used the outside lane, decided he would use the inside lane, so he kept edging closer and closer to me untill he caught the o/s door mirror folding it in (company vehicle fortunately) as he couldn't get any further I suggested to him that he should have jolly wlell joind the queue like the rest of us (or words to that effect), he then wound his passenger window down and gobbed a white wally over my face then shot off, leaving me stuck in the row of traffic.

As he was driving a company van himself, I got the name and registration number, went round to the police then gave them a statement----that was two years ago!!!

So I'm not holding my breath

Not to be funny, but aren't we talking about the same police force that destroyed Ian Huntley's (Soham murderer) records? That hardly inspires confidence.

I see what you're saying though. I still like to think that one of these times the police will actually do something about it though. Maybe your guy was in the Masons or something, not that I'm suggesting the Police force is full of Masons and paedophile rings.

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