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British Vs. American Verbology


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The whole Aluminium thing.....isnt it because Americans actually spell it differently?

American -  Aluminum

UK -            Aluminium

I think... dunno which is technically 'correct'

Both are technically correct.

We spell it Aluminum and pronounce it that way

You guys add the "i" and pronounce it as an extra syllable.

Both words mean the same thing.

Just like labour and labor, colour and color and so forth.

Not sure why you guys think any word needs FIVE syllables or why extraneous U's that aren't even pronounced are necessary, but it's the Queen's English, so who am I to argue. :lol:

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The whole Aluminium thing.....isnt it because Americans actually spell it differently?

American -  Aluminum

UK -            Aluminium

I think... dunno which is technically 'correct'

Both are technically correct.

We spell it Aluminum and pronounce it that way

You guys add the "i" and pronounce it as an extra syllable.

No we don't, you lot over the pond take it out! :rolleyes:

You need to remember that it's "American English" (an oxymoron if ever I heard one) that removes letters from perfectly good English words. Quite rude, I'd say! <_<

Oh and just in case you were wondering who came up with Aluminium... 1808, Sir Humphry Davy (Britain) established the existence of aluminium and named it.

Not sure why you guys think any word needs FIVE syllables or why extraneous U's that aren't even pronounced are necessary, but it's the Queen's English, so who am I to argue. :lol:

Precisely. :yes:

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i don't mind taking "u"s ot of some words ok they don't sond qite right bt it makes coding HTML alot easier. the nmber of times i've written color. it mst have saved some skin on the end of my fingers. tool kit comes ot.

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i don't mind taking "u"s ot of some words ok they don't sond qite right bt it makes coding HTML alot easier. the nmber of times i've written color. it mst have saved some skin on the end of my fingers.  tool kit comes ot.


Ah but what about those words changed just for the sake of it?

Offense, defense.

What was wrong with using a 'c' ?


The 'y' kei not working veri well?

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i don't mind taking "u"s ot of some words ok they don't sond qite right bt it makes coding HTML alot easier. the nmber of times i've written color. it mst have saved some skin on the end of my fingers.  tool kit comes ot.


Ah but what about those words changed just for the sake of it?

Offense, defense.

What was wrong with using a 'c' ?


The 'y' kei not working veri well?

Well... most of the changes *we've* made are more phonetically correct. Although a "c" can make an "s" sound, it doesn't always, whereas "s" always sounds like "esss". Therefore IMO it's more logical to use it in those words.

Can't explain the change in spelling for "tyre" maybe there was confusion with the ancient city. :lol:

I think the "z" in place of "s" also makes sense. It better represents how these words are actually pronounced. As in "prioritize". As does the elimination of the unnecessary "u" in most cases.

The word is "CUL-UR" not "CUL-OOOR" so wtf would you spell it colour???? :unsure:

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The word is "CUL-UR" not "CUL-OOOR"  so wtf would you spell it colour????  :unsure:

Because thats how English works, we just know how to pronounce something by its spelling!

What you have to remember is that America was once populated by Native Americans (Red Indians to the lay person), and your slant on the English language was developed when the country was going through some massive changes in culture. However, our country on the other hand has been an English speaking country since Roman times, i'm no historian but i think the only variation in the language we have had was when the Viking settlers arrived?

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What about Canterbury Tales, that came after the Vikings, did it not?

Now we're talking about Ye Olde Englishe from which our language was derived. What i mean is that this country has always spoken english of some form and it progressed from there on!

When Julius Caesar, later to be Roman Emperor, invaded Britain in BC 54-5, the 'Celtic' tribes lived in the British Isles. Their Celtic languages still survive as 'Gaelic' in Scotland & Ireland, 'Welsh', in Wales, and 'Manx' in the Isle of Man, as well as 'Breton' in France.

The Romans brought Latin to Britain, which was part of the Roman Empire for over 400 years. But early English did not develop mainly from Latin. So it is unlike French, Spanish and Italian, which did come directly from Latin. 'Early English' was the language of tribes who invaded from the East, from what is now Germany. They spoke different dialects of a 'Germanic' language, from which modern German developed. This explains why German and English are often similar, as many of their words developed from the same original language.

In 878 AD, the Vikings invaded Britain from Scandinavia, bringing with them the Norse language, though this was similar to the old English or Anglo-Saxon language already used.

The dramatic arrival of the Norman army from France, led by King William the Conqueror in 1066, and the defeat of the English King Harold at the Battle of Hastings, brought very big changes to English life. The Normans brought with them the Old French language, which became the language of the Royal Court, and the ruling and business class.


Which is what i said... And the best bit...

Since the time of Shakespeare, English has continued to change. Settlers from Britain moved across the world - to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, Asia and Africa, and in each place, the language changed and developed, and took in words from other local languages. For example, 'kangaroo' and 'boomerang' are native Australian Aborigine words, 'juggernaut' and 'turban' came from India.
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What about Canterbury Tales, that came after the Vikings, did it not?

Now we're talking about Ye Olde Englishe from which our language was derived. What i mean is that this country has always spoken english of some form and it progressed from there on!

Chaucer is Middle English actually.

Old English is the stuff that is impossible to understand unless you have training as there is too little that is similar to the Modern English we speak today. Beowulf would be one example of Old English.


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Ah Beowulf, great tale. :yes:

I think what gets us is the inconsistency of US English. It's almost as if those settlers were too lazy to come up with "American" as a language so just changed a few spellings of some English words and said "that'll do". Of course, to be fair, it could simply be, in some cases, an example of bad spelling that has 'stuck'. :lol: More likely though, to be as a result of the mixture of cultures.

I must admit to always finding it amusing in, say, a US tv programme (note the 'me' at the end of the word) where someone is speaking Spanish and then told to "speak English".

The irony (or is it 'ionee'?) is never lost on me. ;)

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Ah Beowulf, great tale.  :yes:

I think what gets us is the inconsistency of US English. It's almost as if those settlers were too lazy to come up with "American" as a language so just changed a few spellings of some English words and said "that'll do". Of course, to be fair, it could simply be, in some cases, an example of bad spelling that has 'stuck'.  :lol: More likely though, to be as a result of the mixture of cultures.

I must admit to always finding it amusing in, say, a US tv programme (note the 'me' at the end of the word) where someone is speaking Spanish and then told to "speak English".

The irony (or is it 'ionee'?) is never lost on me.  ;)

Well, most of the people who settled this country were, in fact, English. That's where our English came from. The deviations from what you all speak came from, in no small part, the immigrants from other countries that became the second wave of Americans. English was already well established so they added their own words and changed others. Add to that a bit of different culture that developed over time that was a marriage of other cultures combined with life on the edge of a vast "wilderness" and there you have it.

Note that the 'me' on the end of program serves no purpose except to make the word two letters longer than it needs to be? Maybe we're on to something! :rolleyes: American English is arguably more efficient whilst losing none of the meaning. And...yes I said "American English". It is essentially the same language, just regionalized. There's Australian English as well, you don't argue with that do you? :lol:

Ah, and it would only be 'ionee' in certain parts of the U.S. like New York City, Long Island and parts of New Jersey and Boston. We have regional dialects and colloquialisms just as I'm sure you guys do.

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Australian English ?

Erm, only by name .. it's the same as British English but with the addition of "G'day", "shella", "stubbie" & "Rack off ya flamin gallah" ..

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That's a point.

They still retain the unecessary "u"

and the "S" where a "Z" is pronounced.

If you pronounced an "s" where you've got it in those words instead of the "z" sound you'd sound like a fairy. Go ahead and try it and you'll see.

That said, of course we American's are guilty mangling the language as well with our idiot slang and so forth, but I maintain that the explulsion of silly U's and replacement of S's with Z's is a contribution to the language, not a corruption. :yes:

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I don't say b*stardizzzed .. (which is what you've done to the language).

I say b*stardised ..

The 'Z' is Very american. Americanizzzzed ..

Geez, in the UK we have enough trouble with the north/south pronunciation divide without you yanks getting it *compleatly* wrong.


*And it's "barth"(bath) and "glarrse"(glass) ya damn northerners :D

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Australian English ?

Erm, only by name .. it's the same as British English but with the addition of "G'day", "shella", "stubbie" & "Rack off ya flamin gallah" ..

But the Aussies can spell! :lol:

I don't argue with Australian English because so far, no Australian has come on here telling us how much better their version of English is to the original! (accept no substitutes :yes: ). <waits for Sp33dy, though he can spell!>

The thing is, scionic, it's all very well you trying to argue the cause for American English but it doesn't make sense, I'm afraid. I noticed you haven't removed the 'g' from "something" in an attempt to make it more "efficient" (your word). Young children in many countries are taught English as a foreign language. I just hope that their teachers ensure it is correct English and when asked by their students about 'color' and 'gray', they gently explain that "it's just something the Americans do". :P

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That's a point.

They still retain the unecessary "u"

and the "S" where a "Z" is pronounced.

If you pronounced an "s" where you've got it in those words instead of the "z" sound you'd sound like a fairy. Go ahead and try it and you'll see.

That said, of course we American's are guilty mangling the language as well with our idiot slang and so forth, but I maintain that the explulsion of silly U's and replacement of S's with Z's is a contribution to the language, not a corruption. :yes:

How can it not be a corruption? We (the Brits) created the language! You (the Yanks) corrupted the language we created!

Its not a contribution if you are taking letters away! :lol::lol:

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Alright then, I can see I'm convincing no one.

Still I say words should be spelled more the way they are pronounced and you all should not fear change.

You don't still write and speak as Chaucer did now, do you?

from Chaucer verbatim: Heere bigynneth the Knyghtes Tale

No one laments THOSE silly extra letters you managed to set free from so many words, do they?

It's just because WE did it this time that you're bitter about it. :lol:

Naughty Americans! Bet you'd like to sail back over in your red coats and give us a good thrashing for fouling up the language wouldn't you? hehehehe

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Alright then, I can see I'm convincing no one.

Still I say words should be spelled more the way they are pronounced and you all should not fear change.

You don't still write and speak as Chaucer did now, do you?

No one laments THOSE silly extra letters you managed to set free from so many words, do they?

It's just because WE did it that you're bitter about it. :lol:

Naughty Americans! Bet you'd like to sail back over in your red coats and give us a good thrashing for fouling up the language wouldn't you? hehehehe

The problem is that you lot think we actually care what you guys get up to .. WE DON'T !! :)

And I'm not even a Brit :lol:

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We know you care.

All eyes are on us, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons though.

We are the big (stupid) fish in the pond.

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We know you care.

All eyes are on us, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons though.

We are the big (stupid) fish in the pond.

The only thing good about america it it keep s the UK, Oz and Nz off the top of the stats.

%age of population who are obese

%age of teenage pregnancy

Largest economic gap between rich and poor.

Most murders per capita ..

You get the idea :)

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How can it not be a corruption? We (the Brits) created the language! You (the Yanks) corrupted the language we created!

Its not a contribution if you are taking letters away!  :lol:  :lol:

Well, to be honest, it all depends who you consider "we" are. English as a language is a rich blend, made up of words and derivations of words from Greek, Latin, Norman, Saxon, Celtic and other cultures. The language we now have evolved over a long period.

The Americans just took a swift hacksaw to the final product.

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We know you care.

All eyes are on us, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons though.

We are the big (stupid) fish in the pond.

The only thing good about america it it keep s the UK, Oz and Nz off the top of the stats.

%age of population who are obese

%age of teenage pregnancy

Largest economic gap between rich and poor.

Most murders per capita ..

You get the idea :)


Too true, sadly.

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I always confuse crisps and chips.Thats cuz we use the word chips instead of crisps and the word potato for all of the rest of forms a potato can take except the mashed potato for which we use the french word puree.

Scionic, is it compulsary to vote in America?Is it true that you cant spend more that you earn and there is special tax authority that can come and check your house to see how it looks like from the inside? (like expensive paintings etc)

I ve never been in the US,too expensive to fly from Greece and also very long trip. After the 9/11 it's also too dangerous. Did you know that that on the day of the crash only 3000 people were in the towers instead of 20000+?

Why they never showed on tv the dead bodies?

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