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What is it about :censor: people who sit in the middle/outside lane of motorways and clag everything up????

I've just travelled back from Dorset (to Essex) today and been plurplexed why people feel the need to sit in the middle lane at 60-70mph when there is nothing in Lane 1/2 :ffs:

The only effect it has is to clag up the road and potentially encourage people to undertake. It is either two completely different ends of the scale.........the old gimma's who shouldn't still be driving or some jumped up idiot in a Audi/BMW/Mercedes/Porsche who thinks they have a god-given right to be lane 3 because they have an "expensive" or "fast" car.

I seriously think the cops should target people who obsessively hog lanes without any reason and "remind" them of the Highway Code and that use of Lanes 2 & 3 are for overtaking only. If you're travelling at a speed slower than the rest of the traffic around you, you should pull over - not huff and puff at the person wanting to get past!! :angry:

Sorry - rant over :!Removed!: .........it's just bugging me something chronic and neither the Police or the Government seems to want to address it. I'm sure a heck of a lot of accidents and congestion would be minimised if people exercised good/proper lane discipline.

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All they achieve is, in effect.. to close lanes 1/2 to other road users going faster than they are.

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This annoys me SO MUCH

Even worst, lorries overtaking lorries, that both of which are limited at 56mph :ffs:

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You've never experienced fun until you've driven the A82 up to the north of Scotland, in the height of summer, with thousands of caravaners to slow you down. :ffs:

For anyone who doesn't know the road, it's single lane and rather twisty in parts.

Oh, and this trip lasted for 4 hours.....

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Its funny, driving in germany this problem does not exist at all...

I found this out when I was dawdling in the fast lane at "only" 130 mph... half asedly overtaking one of the 'ring convoyers...

In an eyeblink from having clear road behind me I had the engel eyes of a new 7 series behind me...

I pulled over, maintaining my speed and it shot off as if I wasn't moving!

At the speeds those guys go, people stay pulled over for fear of life :lol:

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When I come to the losers in the middle lane I pass them normally but instead of pulling into the 2nd lane again, I go into the inside lane so they look well silly.

I hate when you are doing 80mph with traffic infront of you and you still get the ubik in the black beemer flashing his lights at you to get out of the way when he has nowhere to go...

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When I come to the losers in the middle lane I pass them normally but instead of pulling into the 2nd lane again, I go into the inside lane so they look well silly.

I hate when you are doing 80mph with traffic infront of you and you still get the ubik in the black beemer flashing his lights at you to get out of the way when he has nowhere to go...

Yep, same here.

Drive up to them on the inside lane, pause for a second to see if they pull in (no chance!), indicate, pull out, swing round in front of them into the nearside lane again.

It has made a few numpty's get into the N/S but usually they are brain dead rectum orafaces with that sort of blank, dead expression on their faces. :angry:

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Its like people with fog lights on....

they come up behind you.. you flash your rear fog... no change...

you slow down, let them over take, then sit behind them flashing your foglights and head lights... then overtake them again...

No change... not a sausage!!!!

They fall into my favorite four lettered catogary I place most people in.. it starts with a C. :D

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Yeah i make a point of going to the inside lane, I don't understand why people think its normal to sit in the middle lane all day... ok if you are letting people in at juctions but for endless miles of motorway :S

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Its just one of those sods law facts of life - doesnt make it any less annoying though!

I was overtaking, in the right hand land of a motorway once, an Audi A4 which was doing about 75 - left lane was clear, he was just sitting there in the middle lane, so I thought "bugga to him, I'll overtake"

Of course theres me in my ickle 1.3 Yaris coming past - he obviously doesnt like the thought of me overtaking - what does he do - puts his foot down and refuses to let me in!! :ffs: :ffs:

In the end I have to slow down and go in behind and then he just sits there doing 75 - in the middle - I cant overtake, I cant undertake. What a total :censor: hole!

I hate it, hate it hate it!

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Thing that grates on me the most is that they seem to have no clue what is going on around them, as Les says, brain dead!

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They fall into my favorite four lettered catogary I place most people in.. it starts with a C.  :D

Surely commuter has more letters than that :rolleyes:

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I hate it too, plus today I was going along the Dual Carriageway to work and some idiot decides to pull out and go at 60 mph in the right hand lane..even tho it's obviously a 70 mph..and they then slowed down to 55 mph and wouldn't move in :ffs: the left lane was clear so there was loads of room for them to get over..

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I don't bother overtaking, I'll just undertake, with flames .. I'm fed up of fool drivers.

Germany is class for driving though ..

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Of course theres me in my ickle 1.3 Yaris coming past - he obviously doesnt like the thought of me overtaking - what does he do - puts his foot down and refuses to let me in!!  :ffs:  :ffs:

AH... I've been reading the word "ickle" from you for a while and wondering what the hell it meant. I finally took a moment to Google it. ;)

"The word ickle is indeed a baby talk form of little, and it is limited to British English use, hence its unfamiliarity. Perhaps the popularity of the Harry Potter books will help its currency in the U.S. A few examples of ickle from authors you've heard of, showing that the word gets used in contexts of similar speech forms: "Good ickle quiet boysey, then" (E.M. Forster, Where Angels Fear to Tread); "A Peke, the ickle angel pet, wiv his gweat big soulful eyes and his ickle black nosie--oh so ducky-duck!" (George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying)"


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I don't bother overtaking, I'll just undertake, with flames .. I'm fed up of fool drivers.

Germany is class for driving though ..

I always remember when I was young and daft (old and daft now), I had just left London driving an artic with a 40ft container on the back, when I came up behind a middle lane hogger, the pointed end of a needle wouldn't get out of the way and there was another truck holding back with me, anyway after about--oh four seconds of indescision we went for it, bearing in mind there was no such thing as a speed limiter then, anyway I went on the inside and he went on the outside (I was just hitting 70(so sue me officer (30 years ago))), the look on his face was priceless, I'm sure he papped his pants. ;)

This was not big and it was not clever (but it was bloody fun! :thumbsup: )

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My dad remembers when you didnt have to have an MOT!

I've always had to have an MOT and I'm ** (swear filter)

So how old are you really then Andy? :huh::lol:

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Ha - glad to see it's not just me this annoys!!! :)

Have to admit myself to undertaking on busy stretches of the M25 just to make a point that I'm cruising at a very sedate 65-70mph with miles of clear motorway ahead whilst numpties in the outside lane sit on eachothers bumpers at 50mph constantly slamming on their brakes every five seconds as they try to get past eachother.

Heyho......like I said - glad I'm not the only one and that there's not one lane hogger amongst us Toyota drivers!! ;)

And if there is...........guys - can you please take heed and STOP DOING IT!!!!!

Muchos gracias!! :thumbsup:

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Its a funny point this (until you're stuck behind them) that it is the only aspect of driving that the French seem so much better at than us and its one of the tings that makes driving on their roads so much more pleasurable.

You've never experienced fun until you've driven the A82 up to the north of Scotland, in the height of summer, with thousands of caravaners to slow you down.  :ffs:

For anyone who doesn't know the road, it's single lane and rather twisty in parts.

Oh, and this trip lasted for 4 hours.....

Oooooooh yes! I drive the A9 25 miles each way north from Inverness every day and trust me, its just as bad. Some of us actually live here and have to get too and from work :ffs:

Its funny, driving in germany this problem does not exist at all...

I found this out when I was dawdling in the fast lane at "only" 130 mph... half asedly overtaking one of the 'ring convoyers...

In an eyeblink from having clear road behind me I had the engel eyes of a  new 7 series behind me...

I pulled over, maintaining my speed and it shot off as if I wasn't moving!

At the speeds those guys go, people stay pulled over for fear of life  :lol:

Just wait until you've been in the back of a Frankfurt taxi doing 110 (mph) on the way to the airport six feet off the back of his buddy in the car in front and then cutting straight across 2 lanes of traffic to make the exit... I might have been heard to swear :lol:

"Doing" western Europe last November my mate and I found that no matter where we were in Germany we had a black Passat attached to our back bumper and because we were only in a Smart Roadster Coupé we couldn't afford to move over a lane as if did we would never get back out to pass the trucks again. Scary scary scary...

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AH...  I've been reading the word "ickle" from you for a while and wondering what the hell it meant. I finally took a moment to Google it. ;)

"The word ickle is indeed a baby talk form of little, and it is limited to British English use, hence its unfamiliarity. Perhaps the popularity of the Harry Potter books will help its currency in the U.S. A few examples of ickle from authors you've heard of, showing that the word gets used in contexts of similar speech forms: "Good ickle quiet boysey, then" (E.M. Forster, Where Angels Fear to Tread); "A Peke, the ickle angel pet, wiv his gweat big soulful eyes and his ickle black nosie--oh so ducky-duck!" (George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying)"

:lol:  :thumbsup:

Good old TOC......it's not just entertaining......it's Educational too !

( wonders if Orwell was on an 'all day Stoner' when he wrote that ! )

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AH...  I've been reading the word "ickle" from you for a while and wondering what the hell it meant. I finally took a moment to Google it. ;)

"The word ickle is indeed a baby talk form of little, and it is limited to British English use, hence its unfamiliarity. Perhaps the popularity of the Harry Potter books will help its currency in the U.S. A few examples of ickle from authors you've heard of, showing that the word gets used in contexts of similar speech forms: "Good ickle quiet boysey, then" (E.M. Forster, Where Angels Fear to Tread); "A Peke, the ickle angel pet, wiv his gweat big soulful eyes and his ickle black nosie--oh so ducky-duck!" (George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying)"

:lol:  :thumbsup:

Good old TOC......it's not just entertaining......it's Educational too !

( wonders if Orwell was on an 'all day Stoner' when he wrote that ! )

lol yes my catchphrases are becoming that of TOC legend! :lol:

I say ickle a lot!

I am a gal (girl!) of many talents - not only am I about to take over the world, but I can also teach people new words! Glad to be of service Scionic - your love of all things Brit is great - I will take it upon myself to teach you a new British* word every week! :yes:

Its not txt-spk - its cute-spk! :lol::lol:

*Most of the words arent exactly British, most are just Mimish - I make them up as I go along! :lol:

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The problem with under taking (apart from the trouble it can get you in ) is the kind of doddery not entirely with it driver that sits in the m iddle lane will probably decide its time to get out of your way just as you are passing them on the left.......

For this reason I tend not to do it.. instead I come up behind on the left, swoop out overtake legaly, then carve back in to the slow lane.... It usually gets the message accross!!!! :D

Who remembers when I nearly missed that junction in Lile france :ph34r:

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I darent every undertake... if they are numpty enough to not realise they are being a complete :censor: and grrrrrr blah blah, who says they wont check thier mirrors as they EVENTUALLY go in the left lane??

Once i remember at 11pm at night noone was on the motorway and i was doing a steady 75mph, up front was a metro in the middle lane....

WHY??? :ffs:

Anyway i was in the left lane.... went i went to overtake i made sure i was very close... flashed the f :censor: ker, when i was aside him i waved my arms towards the left.....

and he....

this old stupid plonker

gave me....

a blank face..

I give in!!!!!

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Have you ever noticed how the middle laners will just accelerate until there is another car in front of them, then they just sit there not overtaking or anything.

I hate it when these middle lane hogs are stuck behind a truck. I go to overtake in the outside lane. I'm about an inch infront of them (not far enough ahead to pull in safely) when the truck pulls in. The numpty in the middle lane then takes this as a cue to speed up, thus locking me in the outside lane unable to pull in (I won't speed, so next thing you know you have 5 BMW's flashing you to get in while you are unable to pull in due to the queue of middle laners who have all suddenly accelerated to 80mph (all the while I'm actually indicating left to pull back in), sometimes I just want to pull in regardless and ram the undertaking middle lane hogging braindead !Removed! !Removed! ars*holes off the road :ffs: !

I'm all for compulsary driving tests every 10 years to make sure that poeple are actually capable of driving. Seeing as you already have your licence they could test you on your motorway skills as well and it would ensure that people were up to date witht hte highway code, oh and an instant fail for anyone who turns up at the test centre with their fog lights on.

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