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What A Satisfying Day At Work!


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Well thats great Ben I appretiate you views :lol:

I have my own reasons, but I don't have to justify them to you or anyone, and I'll not be broadcasting them on a public forum ;)

My original retort was merely to rectify a gross misinterpretation of a post, -I probably shouldn't have bothered (which incidently I doubt Ed would have misinterpreted, the coment was said for his benefit, but people always insist on sticking their noses in.)

Its by far not an easy ride not having a job, but hey, last time I said that all ben could do was boast about turning down x many jobs every week.

As for "doing nothing" with a car being rebuilt from the ground up, and three engine transplants on the to do list, I never find myself sitting on my **** with nothing to do...... Not to mention all the work I do on other peoples cars....

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Maybe you should start a company working on cars then?

AndI wasn't "boasting" I was just telling you there are jobs out there.

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Well its only about 6 month ago I tried to start my own business and look where that got me!!! Ironicly it was the tax man that destroyed any chance of profitability and in effect priced me out of the market. (It was also the tax man that put the previously company I worked for under, result, entire staff made redundant)

As for working on cars, I actually hate doing it.... Its even worse on someone elses car, but I'll still do it to help out, and usually do it for free or just expenses only, but my living conditions have put an end to that anyway.

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(wish my work colleague's where made of beer)

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Hows about we all come to your pub for a couple on Thursday night.. that'll keep you cheery until Lana calls... :D

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cheers for all the comments

Thursday could be a plan, but obviously as im bar manager i have to be a waiter??!!!??!?!?

so could dash back n forth would be good to see you lot though

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Lost count of the interviews, lost count of the “Dear John” replies (from those that can be arrised to), now after 15 months out of work and 9 months without ANY benefits from the government, I find that now my redundancy insurances have finished I am entitled to £52.61 a week (£210.44 per month) assistance towards my £515 per month mortgage, but what ever Anne earns for her part time job over £88 per week is deducted from this.

So without the luxury things like the car, Telephone, internet etc and with government assistance, we get to exist on MINUS £730 a month

I am really proud that I have worked nearly 40 years of my life and paid into the system to reap all of these fantastic benefits………..NOT!!!

Working in a bar ain’t that bad after all is it Ed? ;)

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Dont get me wrong mate im glad i have a job, but i know that i can do alot better and have a better quality of life than i do now, especially if i didnt make a few career choices that i did

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No matter who you are or what you do in life, you always think you can do better, its human nature....

They may be lying, they may have amazing careers, but we've all sprinkled a bit of sugar on our lives at one point.... hey, I can't deny, I get quite ashamed of what I do in comparison to school friends who are solicitors, policewomen, doctors, I just say I work in Training.... which isnt a lie, I do work in Training.... but I dont train... ;)

You just have to remember that you're still better than them, regardless of their bragging.... :thumbsup:

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Well thats great Ben I appretiate you views :lol:

I have my own reasons, but I don't have to justify them to you or anyone, and I'll not be broadcasting them on a public forum ;)

My original retort was merely to rectify a gross misinterpretation of a post, -I probably shouldn't have bothered (which incidently I doubt Ed would have misinterpreted, the coment was said for his benefit, but people always insist on sticking their noses in.)

Where was the gross misinterpretation? You were slating bar work, when it's something a mutual friend does for a living and has offered you some work help to out in the past. I was asking how you would feel if someone blatently said to your face / via a forum that they would rather 'be poor' than do the work you're doing at the moment.

You're right, I can't speak for Ed and perhaps he has different views - but regarding the original topic of this thread, maybe you should consider your words more wisely?

I know you're in a difficult situation at the moment, but I also know the way of the world dictates that quite a large percentage of people are in jobs they are well over qualified for - because they're jobs and it puts food on the table. It's very rare that anyone is in a job they completely love AND get paid their ideal salary for, lets face it ;)

And hey Charlie, you know I say/write what I think and if that's considered sticking my nose in, I've done rather well out of it. :thumbsup:

Now for the voice of reason (very good points Woody);





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Hey i don't know you on the personal levels as some of these, and may have misinterpretted your story, but were those people not just answering (quite possibly with the truth) to a question you asked? I feel you may have taken what they said the wrong way (unless they said it with spite). They were probably expecting you to be proud of them as you taught and helped them become what they have. For you to be angered by this i can only understand as bitterness (not meant harsh just cant find a better word) for them having done well. What you should infact be feeling is life and happiness as you made this possible for them! You are infact a clever person who managed to share this with others to help them succeed in their lives.

I understand the reason you feel down is because of your current position? If this is the case, instead of feeling down because of what others have that you don't, you should realise you virtually gave this to them. Someone who is able to give this gift to someone is surely more then capable of implementing the skills within their own lives. I guess your frustration is from the fact this proves you have the skill but the jobs still aren't coming to you. All i can say here is hold out and keep trying!

Please don't feel any of this as a dig at you as that is the absolute last thing i am trying to do. My dad has been unemployed from european treasury for a long time (almost 2 years now i think). He is working doing driving experience days and working with prodrive etc in his spare time to earn some extra money. He enjoys the work but feels very depressed as he isn't earning anywhere close to what he used to (he's a bit old fashioned and sees himself as the provider for my household so this has hit him hard) He is, however, constantly looking for a job in treasurer and is currently "serving" 6 months in wales working in a temporary treasury job there. He REALLY doesn't enjoy this job as its a lot lower working conditions (used to work in london) and means he has to live away from home. It is almost at an end and he is finally coming around to the idea of doing more motorsport work as he enjoys it (means we get a landy disco for his work car :()

What i'm trying to say is your not alone! The worst thing you can do is give in and, although it's hard not to feel down in your situation, you should realise that that depression is visible to others and wont do you any favours (both for jobs and in general life). Cheer up as atleast you have A job and as always there are people worse of than you (bit of a cliche but think about it).

Best way around your situation is hold your head high, notice the support from others and plough on through! It's things like this that make you a better, stronger person!

Hope that helps although, like i said, i don't know you on a personal level but just trying to help someone out who seems a bit down! :D O and sorry for long post!

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especially if i didnt make a few career choices that i did

now thats a head game that is.....

Dare say most of us can say if only i did/didnt .... but what if we had/hadnt... how can we possibly know where wed be? there could be as many or more negatives about that alternative existence as there are positives... perhaps that path might have been something like this.....

did really well, bought a zonda, died the following day in a 180mph crash!

who knows... so for me id be trying under any circumstances to emphasise the good aspects to myself and minimize the negative aspects.... max that chance to be happy :)

I wish all of us the best despite not really knowing any of you. Ed you seem to have a lot of great friends.... with those you are truly rich. :thumbsup:

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Charis you are being narrow minded and dare I say it **** stirring.

I'm not going to bother explaining it again. I have neither the will power or the energy! -and certainly don't have the patience!

May I just suggest trying to comprehend what I am actualy saying before commenting on it :)

It was a comment for Ed based on a coversation we had had just before he took this job, you weren't there, you don't know what was said. :!Removed!:

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Jobs/careers can do funny things to people. Some of the people i went to school with have supposedly done very well for themselves, Nice house, new cars 2.4 children and a labrador etc.

All well and good, but the majority of these so called success stories look possitely unhealthy and stressed beyond belief. Hair loss and/or grey hair, permanent frowns. More than one has asked why i look pretty much the same as when i was at school. The now standard reply is that i`m enjoying life. I haven`t taken on too much responsibility, I have a low stress relaxed job - most of the time - which i largely enjoy, and most importantly I refuse to worry about anything.With the possible exception of my daughter..... Teenagers :eek:

Go with the flow mate. Enjoy what you do, or find something you will enjoy. And take time to chill. Works wonders. :thumbsup:

PS If there`s such a thing as reincarnation, i`m coming back as a pampered puss. ;)

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He makes a good point.... Much to my amusement I read the other day that my old school os offeringa course on "happyness".

Trust me, you !Removed! need it going there :lol::lol:

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wel I have been applying for jobs with up toa £15k paycut over my last job and still nothing decent.....

Ed I remember you saying I should go for anything just to get an income, bar work etc... but I said I'd rather go poor for exactly the reason you said... Still something has got to turn up soon...

I've got a lot of respect for Ed at the moment. He's really not enjoying the job, but he's working and paying his own way. If you take every job / offer of help with the view that it's not good enough for you, then you'll be in the dole queue for quite a while.

And whats that supposed to mean Charis, So what Charlie hasnt got a job yet, he's looking for the right job, it looks crap on a cv if youve chopped and changed from job to job.

Charlie paid his own way for a long time, contributed a shed load of tax in his previous employment.

And if you're really bothered, i earn enough for us both to survive on, i dont care if i work for a supermarket im happy

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wo wo wo...

Now this is getting out of control :(

Hey we are all friends here, i think this thread has got a bit out of hand.

Im not gonna take sides over this.

Remember we are all good friends and have known eachother for what seems forever now :thumbsup:

I think this thread should stop right here where it is before things happen which cannot be taken back.

I wont close this thread as i dont think there is any need to (although i will if it carrys on as it is) :) But i ask that we all take a step back and chill.

We are a cool little crew and i dont want anything to change that :thumbsup:

Peace my brothers and sisters

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Charlie... Have you considered going back to Uni and doing a course or two?

I ask because my step father was in the same boat as you... being 'over qualified' for the jobs that he was intrested in and interviewed for. In the end he done a Uni course and got a Bsc Hons in the subject and now works for Toshiba-TEC as their project manager. That was 4yrs ago so it is possible.

Lord-Ed, hang on in there.... the job might not be favorable but atleast you have one (thinks of those Peugoet factory workers that have just been shoved on the dole) and things can change for the better sooner or later.

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Exactly, we have known you guys for a long time, Charlie and Ed go back further. But for Caz to make a comment about charlie queing at the dole office for a long time is a bit below the belt, especiallly as being "such good friends" you all know the situation!

Ed hun, if you're not happy in your job, dont do it. Mental Health and well being is worth more than any pay packet!!

From my own experience!!

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I am actually half considering going back to uni :lol:

I picked a stupid course at a stupid uni last time and dropped out, -which at the time was a great as I was on over 30k a year when they were still paying through their nose for an uninspiring course :D It was all looking so good lol

As for the "heat" I think it has a got a bit silly, but its more of a case of hearing half a conversation, totally missing the point, then getting your knickers in a twist about what you think you have seen, whilst blinkering out anything that contradicts that first "instinct" :thumbsup:

Step back, absorb the whole picture and ask why I would deliberately try and slag of a local mate I have known for ages for no reason :lol::lol:

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went back to work today after my holiday, back to the job which i pretty much hate and is ruining my life, but at the moment its money.

this pub i work in is about 5 min walk from my old school, so after the first few weeks of my old teachers looking at me and asking me whats my day job :ffs: it all calmed down.

but tonight

A lad came in at start of night, a lad i taught a shed load of it skill too and i practically did his a leval coursework for. I asked him what he does, he now has his own programming company move dinto liverpool , had his own house and is living with his gf, he asks me what im doin for my day job :ffs:

by this stage i was a bit pd off and feeling a bit low

then anothe rlad i went to school with came in, thsi one i taught a shed load of rigging to and also taught him how to use the school recording studio etc etc. I ask what hes been up to, yes he has just got back from abbey fricking road hes been recording in studio number 1 there and is there for the rest of the week. he aske me what my fricking day job is :ffs: :ffs:


Sod 'em! Bands always fall to pieces, owning your own company will be as stressful as hell, Inland Revenue Inquisition and all that, and as for the teachers - glug glug glug hic! - I'm married to one and the nights out are... enlightening! ;)

I agree with what was said earlier... Reply with "I work in pub!" and add "Durrrr!".

Then wee in their pint! :thumbsup:

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I guess there are the basic utilities too, the leak ridden water system that we are not allowed to use too much, (soon to be replaced with out own well and pumping station) and the dubious power system that frequently gives us power cuts and brown outs...... that we pay through the nose for anyway...

You need to move up north!

Plenty of water, I havn't had a power cut in 10 years and our accents better! (When you can understand it!) :lol:

Tha can allus tell a Yorkshireman...

Tha jus' can't tell 'im much!

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