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Caz SR

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Okies - I've been motivated by some other members (namely Lee & Em) to try and get some exercise in before the Summer (ok, so JAE in particular :P ). Eating and drinking well is taking it's toll a little and action must be taken :laughing:

The thing is;

- I hate gyms and the cost involved, so they're no good to me.

- I joined an aerobics class ages ago and used to take part every week but it was full of a more mature crowd and ended up not challenging / body changing enough to keep me motivated.

- I am essentially lazy and find it hard to keep to any kind of exercise routine - so expensive equipment is out of the question.

But I do like;

- Feeling it's been worth it (so quick results preferable, i.e no slow burn / yoga etc).

- Not spending much money on keeping fit.

- Working something into a daily routine.


Can anyone recommend an ideal exercise or perhaps something they do within their daily routine (apart from the obvious - it's a family forum :P ) which really seems to work? I'm aiming to tone up a bit on the lower half ;)

Cheers!! :thumbsup:

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Walking places that you might have originally taken the car.. but dont have to (if possible)

Swimming? I know can sometimes be difficult.. and some people dont like swimming.. but its damn good exercise and often going to a local pool isnt overly expensive... can be kinda relaxing too..

Dancing... yeah I know it sounds odd.. but do you go out to clubs etc?.. you burn off a lot while dancing... so maybe a few extra mins on the dancefloor could help lol

Fidgiting... yeah also sounds weird... but people who cant stay still (fidgit... play with stuff.. basically dont sit in one place long enough) tend to burn those few extra calories a day.

Sitting in front of the TV burns less calories than sleeping.. (apparently) :P

Erm... my usefulness runs out here... Im crap at exercise too.. I really should do more..

Am off to play badminton tonight with people frmo work... hopefully this will become a regular thing :)

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Use the "Ben Method" of staying fit ..

Last week.

Diet :

Breakfast : Mars bars and Kit Kat Crunchies.

Lunch : Sweet and sour chicken balls, chips and Dr Pepper (But on Thursday I had battered sausage and chips instead, and on Friday I had a pint instead).

Dinner : 3 Chinese, one curry, and a few fryups at home. Half a loaf of fried bread.

Friday night : half a bottle of vodka 2 cans of redbull, 3 pitchers of vodka redbull, 2 pints.

Saturday : Tin of peaches (followed by lots of crying), Chinese.

Sunday : Chinese.

Exersise : None.

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Yeah, but you're scrawny anyway...

What about cycling? Its good exercise and will help tone stuff and is also a decentish method of transport so you can cycle to the shops or to a park rather than jst "cycling for the sake of cycling". Most folk already have a bike too...

As JJ says, badminton is good - even a lazy sod like me can enjoy it...

Anyhow, good luck :thumbsup:


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Use the "Ben Method" of staying fit ..

Last week.

Friday night : half a bottle of vodka 2 cans of redbull, 3 pitchers of vodka redbull, 2 pints.

Saturday : Tin of peaches (followed by lots of crying), Chinese.

Tee hee... surprised you even managed the crying part... state of you guys... obviously can't keep up with me and Tori anymore... :lol:

The only excercise I manage to get is my hour of walking everyday.. I have to park my car over in Caversham (free parking) then walk to work (half hour each way).. not out of choice but it's the only excercise I get and my diet isn't exactly what you'd call healthy... a fair few takeaways and lots of pre-prepped meals.. have kinda got out of the habit of making my own stuff since I left college.. although all thats gonna have to change soon... :o

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Great idea Caz!! :thumbsup:

All suggestions so far (apart from Bens :P ) have been great, how about dog walking? Offer to take a friend or neighbours dog out for an hour or so, it does you good, does the dog good and the owners can relax in the knowledge that their pooch is getting some good exercise (and they might even pay you for it too!)

The fact you have a "purpose" in JAE is also good, means you have a reason to do it, thats normally my problem, I say I'll do it and chicken out - I can't chicken out with this, I have a lot of people relying on me, but its good pressure, because it gets me off my lazy backside!! LOL!

You can also do excersises during work, bum squeezes whilst on your chair are great for your backside, take the stairs instead of the lift - you'll have buns of steel before you know it! ;) Exercises in bed (not that sort! :lol:) are good too, like lying down and lifting your bum up, clenching and holding for 20 seconds and repeat as many times as you can, but remember to warm up properly before any running or anything like that, I normally do a couple of stretches, jogging on the spot kinda stuff.

I know you said no yoga, but it stretches muscles you dont even know you had - and boy do you feel the burn!!

I've also given up Pizza Hut :crybaby: and am starting a healthy eating routine (had to eat all the crap in my cupboards this week! lol), you dont have to do that, but you'll show results more if you do (I know you love The Hut as much as I! :lol: )

Good luck, keep us up to date with your progress and we can both unveil our new us's at JAE :thumbsup:

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What's the whole "for JAE" thing?

It's only a weekend car show in a field ..

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What's the whole "for JAE" thing?

It's only a weekend car show in a field ..

Because it's a Summer event and skimpy gear galore... Although I shant exactly be wearing hot-pants and posing on bonnets (don't worry folks), I still want to at least try and look my best in between lifting glasses of wine and falling over with them :laughing:

It's good to have a target hehe.

Thanks for all the suggestions so far. My office had 10 floors, so I'm thinking I could do a 'stair climb' once a day, up and down again. I try not to take the lift anyway, but I'm only on the second floor so no real challenge there!

Swimming is something I've been thinking about too - but I could only hack it on over 20's nights as little kids dive bombing and screaming alone, is enough to make me get out again. I'll look into that one.

I was thinking about cycling, but I don't have a bike :( Might be worth investing in one for this - but I'll only be motivated once the weather gets better (you can tell I'm far from a hardcore fitness freak hehe) :thumbsup:

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What's the whole "for JAE" thing?

It's only a weekend car show in a field ..

Because it's a Summer event and skimpy gear galore... Although I shant exactly be wearing hot-pants and posing on bonnets (don't worry folks), I still want to at least try and look my best in between lifting glasses of wine :laughing:

Too right! :lol::lol:

I plan to fit into my skinny jeans - some feat, but it must be possible!! :lol:

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OoooKaaayy ..

But it's Summer now (I know it doesn't seem like it).

Good luck and all that .. but maybe it should have been a resolution for end of last year :lol:

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Oooh! Dying to help if I may, as I'm pretty good at this one if I may say so myself. Some of it is obviously teaching granny to suck eggs, no offence intended, just quickly listing a few of the very simple basics I know really work.

Aim at daily calories of 1,600.

Fat 20%, protein 20%, carbs (66% complex, not sugars) the rest.

Cut out everything that is not essential to nutrition with the all or nothing approach -- no booze, no sweets, no cakes, no crisps, etc. It's a rule.

45 mins. exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week, more if you are already fit. Lower intensity excercise actually burns a higher percentage of fat -- maybe 40% plus of expended energy, but then again, high intensity (heavier breathing and perspiration) burns more calories due to higher amount work done, so even at 25% fat burn, it's still quite a lot in fat calories.

Cheap diet foods that are v. low fat with the carbs and protein you need plus v. cheap: Shredded Wheat with non-fat milk and Actimel liquid yogurt stuff on top, tuna in brine (drain first!) mixed with light Philadelphia on full bodied but low fat bread/Rivita. Salads with just a little bread -- a little drizzle of oil is fine, as are flakes of strong flavoured cheese and meat. Cottage cheese with all kinds of stuff mixed in, like chopped pickled onions in spirit vinigar and ground black pepper. Chicken !Removed!, cooked in whatever shape or form -- one small one is enough. Prawns. Remember that some foods may claim to be only 5% fat, but since foods like chips are heavy at 300g for a big portion, that's still quite a lot of fat you're eating. Beware low fat stuff that has had a load of sugar stuck in instead. A lot of processed foods have loads of fat chucked in -- best cook from the raw materials yourself, cheaper too.

The problem with gymns and the like, apart from cost, is that it's tiresome to drive, get changed, excercise, change and drive back -- can take 2 hours for 45 mins excercise. Is there anything on your doorstep? E.g. a place you can walk or run where traffic pollution isn't bad. If you aren't that fit/don't normally run, start by walking with the odd 100 yards of light jog in between and build from there. A lot of people shoot out of the front door, find they can't do it and give up in utter disappointment: yes, humans should be able to run, but you can't expect to sit down for 5 years and suddenly be able to do it. Take it easy and you'll be surprised how in only a few weeks you'll be jogging the odd mile of two. Stretch and warm up first -- the warm up can be simply walkng for the first 10 mins and then increasing your speed. Even athletes need to raise their pulse first -- breaking into heavy excercise creates a load that a cold engine can't meet and stops you in your tracks (or if you are more athletic makes you reduce your speed by 20 seconds a mile to recover the deficit and loose the race).

Ever heard of 'power walking'? Daft name but a pleasant excercise that also gives a little upper body work. Buy the sticks (glass&carbonfibre composite) for £20, walk. You'll get the swing of it in 20 mins. Also good for running/bouinding up hills. Use your own body in your own home -- stretching, sit ups, leg raises in all directions, squats and stiff legged dead lifts with or without weights, some sort of rowing movement, press ups, running on the spot. Focus on major movements as opposed to bicep curls and the likes. Things you could buy for your home that are good but cost money and take space -- an orbital walker, a multigymn.

Exercise actually reduces your appetite. Drink lots of water from the tap or still stuff from a bottle. Don't starve yourself -- your body notices and starts trying to hold onto what you've got. Same goes for gaps between meals -- a little every 3-4 hours is best, even if it's only a banana and a low fat, low sugar (e.g. Actimel) yogurt or a couple of crackers with a low fat spread. You need to excercise to burn fat, and you need carbs to excercise.

So, work in 45 mins. of excercise in home or from doorstep several evenings a week, say two hours after a light meal after work, eat sensibly after making your own studies and adjusting to personal taste. Increase excercise frequency and duration, though if it's intense like hard running it's best kept under an hour. Do this and you will loose a stone in a month and have the tools to keep on loosing as you please. When you are really fit (and being lighter is directly linked to this) you'll be able to burn 800 calories in a run, so weight loss is in this case hardly a problem. Consistency and persistency are essential. Don't weigh yourself every day. If you feel too lethargic to excersise, up the calories a little; you can always reduce again later. Again, this ramble above will loose you a stone a month or thereabouts, and the same or more in the month after if you wish.

Good luck!

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OoooKaaayy ..

But it's Summer now (I know it doesn't seem like it).

Good luck and all that .. but maybe it should have been a resolution for end of last year :lol:

Are you trying to say I've got my work cut-out for me Bibbs? :o :P

Thanks very much for the advice Avensis wagon! :thumbsup:

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Are you trying to say I've got my work cut-out for me Bibbs? :o :P

Unlike you to read something the wrong way ;)

If you wanna be "ready for summer" .. erm, it's here ..

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Are you trying to say I've got my work cut-out for me Bibbs? :o :P

Unlike you to read something the wrong way ;)

If you wanna be "ready for summer" .. erm, it's here ..

I knew what you meant, I was extracting the urine ;) :laughing:

JAE is late July... so I have a couple of months to get my rear into gear and lets face it, I'm not out to get a body like Cindy Crawford (I'm 4 foot too short for a start! Hehe) But just a bit better than it is now, on the cheap so to speak :) :thumbsup:

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How about doing race for life? I'm doing it this year on 19/07 (think it's in Prospect Park).

It's another thing to aim for, and raise money for a good cause at the same time!

The best thing about it is that you don't have to be mega healthy to do it (thank god) cause it's not too far!

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How about doing race for life? I'm doing it this year on 19/07 (think it's in Prospect Park).

It's another thing to aim for, and raise money for a good cause at the same time!

The best thing about it is that you don't have to be mega healthy to do it (thank god) cause it's not too far!

I'm hoping to do that next year :thumbsup:

Unfortunately I've been a bit slow off the mark this year (read, lazy) and a lot of friends have already forked out some cash for sponsorship of things, so I've sponsored a few peeps that are doing it and will try and get my act together for next time hehe. Best of luck Lou! :)

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What about cycling? if you wanna make it interesting you could go off road and do a bit of mountain biking.

It's non impact (unless you fall!) so isn't tough on your joints and you'll get a buzz from going fast, and you'll be out in the fresh air :thumbsup:

I used to race 'push bikes' in my teens, then I discovered the joys of drinking, smokin weed and women :lol::drunk:

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The more it's mentioned, the more I'm coming round to the idea of cycling :)

I used to be very athletic when I was younger (heck, I even trained for school sports days and district sports - gulp) and would cycle at a local park for a few hours everynight (lots of steep hills etc) ...but it all went to pot.

I'll have a look in to how much one is going to cost me. I guess I don't need anything fancy but would prefer a bike that'll last me :)

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I have to agree that walking is definitely under-rated. Anything from 15mins+ is worth doing.

Whatever you choose, the important thing is to enjoy it. In general I guess increasing the amount of sport and exercise you do is better than reducing food intake, as not only can you lose weight but also what's left is in much better condition :thumbsup:


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I know Halfords is just one of many places for bikes... and poss not cheapest Caz.. but you do get TOC discount there if i remember correctly... might be worht investigating? *shrugs

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How competitive are you?

Whatever you do set targets and do something timed for example and you can try and beat that time, therefore seeing results before you lose weight!

How about running round a football pitch 10 times and seeing if youcan beat your previous time... or how many times you can do it in 30 minutes.

I think this is a good method as you will see results sooner as you will see your times coming down and sets you a target.

Also you could enter fun runs, even if your not going to set the world alight... it gives something to aim for and the experiences of running with others will be beneficial.

I must get round to doing this myself :thumbsup:

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Some tips I would suggest, sure I am repeating a lot of the good advice that has already been submitted

- If possible at work, try to take frequent walk breaks. Treat it like smokers treat a smoke break.

- Try to get in a regular routine of exercise. This always sounds easy but rarely is. If you miss a session, for whatever reason, make sure that you do it that day never let it skip over to the next day.

- Try a get someone to do exercise with you. It makes it a lot of easier if there are two people working together towards a common goal, you will push each other and look out for one another when one of you slacks off.

- Start off slow and work your way up. Never try to run before you can walk!

- Join an club, not a gym, where you are constantly doing things with people. Hiking/ walking groups, martial arts club, running clubs, sports clubs - tennis, badminton, squash. Just don't join a gym unless you are really committed to getting fit, I never feel a sense of commitment to a gym where I do to my martial arts school

- Eat small meals more frequently. Try to eat smaller portions more often rather than 3 large meals. Chew your food properly and have a glass of water with your meal to aid digestion. Sounds silly but try to increase your metabolism, unless your metabolism is already fast

Good luck and all the best. :thumbsup:

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