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Class A's..


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Now regardless of what you're opinion is on this subject.. what really p***es me off it the following:

Possession of class A drugs can carry sentences of up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine

You'd get less than that for running a load of kids over in your 4x4.. sense?? None!!

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I never understood how someone else car tell you what you can and can't do to your own body.

If it's not effecting anyone else, how do they have the right to?

Probably find out it's against my "human rights" to not be allowed to take smack .. (esp after hearing all the BS in the news lately about "human rights")

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I agree if people are going out mugging old ladies to fund their 'hobby'.

If I wanted to smoke crack, and I can hold down a 9-5 and not go out stabbing or mugging people, I f***ing will.. !

Not that getting into smoking crack on a regular basis sounds particularly appealing, but if I wanted to I would!

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Yep i totally agree, i personally dont have a problem with drugs at all.

If people want to go and take such stuff then i dont see why they shouldnt - its a free world.

I have no interest in drug taking myself and choose not to take such things. But if someone wants to take crack etc it doesnt matter to me.

Some say 'yeah but people on drugs cause car accidents and attack people' but how is this any different from alcoholics? same affects but one is legal.

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exactly , its your body itshould be your choice...

and speaking of free will , why should i wear a seatbelt if i dont wanna , cops yesterday insisted i had too and gave me a lovely pink slip :( **nts

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I never understood how someone else car tell you what you can and can't do to your own body.

If it's not effecting anyone else, how do they have the right to?

Probably find out it's against my "human rights" to not be allowed to take smack .. (esp after hearing all the BS in the news lately about "human rights")

I would agree with this comment but the fact is these drugs are illegal and by buying them you are more than likely funding further crime, which does affect other people.

It's the law, just like speeding, do it if you want to but accept the consequences. Someone has had to fund getting the stuff into the country, growing it, protecting it, manipulating it or whatever.

I feel old.

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look - if your stupid enough to take illegal drugs - let alone be caught by the police with them in your possession then its your own !Removed! fault...

as for the sentancing, well, thats been :censor: all along, (like you would get longer for robbing a bank than shooting a security guard) why should this be any different?

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If druggies clean up after themsselves, and don't litter the street, I ain't bothered.

If the drugs they take don't leave them in mentally unbalanced state, in which they could be a danger to the public, I'm not fussed.

If the money isn't being used to fund other crime, etc, fine by me.

If it is though, then keep the law as it is...

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look - if your stupid enough to take illegal drugs - let alone be caught by the police with them in your possession then its your own !Removed! fault...

as for the sentancing, well, thats been :censor: all along, (like you would get longer for robbing a bank than shooting a security guard) why should this be any different?

I agree with the "can't do the time, don't do the crime". But I'm also a believer in freedom to do what you like, as long as it doesn't interfere with someone elses freedom to do what they like.

I do think that the law in this country does need a shake up. And it'd better be soon otherwise we may pass the event horizon ..

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Yes indeed, i also agree with both your points :thumbsup: In that if you do something illegal that you should take whats coming to you. Just like when i got done speeding - its a fair cop - shouldnt have been doing it and now i gotta live with points on my licence for the next couple of years.

But i still dont think drugs should be an illegal substance. Its true that the money from drugs will no doubt go into criminal acts, but i think the government should go after 'these' people. Lets face it if drugs were legal then they probabaly wouldnt be so expensive and these drug lords wouldnt be making such a lot of money. I think its the illegality itself which is making these people rich.

Im a law abiding citisen and wouldnt ever buy such things because they are illegal and i have no interest in buying such things. I just think the law should be harder on people that cause genuinly aweful crimes like murder etc rather than people who are just causing damage to themselves. :thumbsup:

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Fidgits - Do you have to be stupid to take drugs????? Id say they were clever as so called specialist crime units cant even stem the flow into the country.

I will take drugs - big deal - I have no criminal Record, own 3 cars, House and pay tax and hold down a full time job with alot of responcibility! What I do is my own Business, I know my part time habit may fund Criminals but so does buying Petrol or getting Lost series 2 on DVD!

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I know my part time habit may fund Criminals but so does buying Petrol or getting Lost series 2 on DVD!

Ahh, but the petrol and DVD's are taxable ;) :yes:

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Whoa Red, lets not get personal. We're having a polite conversation here. Not an arguement :thumbsup: B)

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of course you have to be stupid to do drugs...

you also have to be stupid to smoke, spending a fortune to inhale toxins into your body - same s**t different plant...

At the end of the day - drugs are illegal - i didnt say i had a problem with people doing drugs, as has been said above, if it doesnt impact my life, do what you want to your body...

but, the fact remains, they ARE illegal, and for good reason, otherwise Tony would've had it sold at every corner shop with a 75% VAT charge by now...

and, everyone knows they are illegal - so, if your going to walk around the streets at night with it in your pocket looking stoned, you shouldnt be surprised if the police stop and search you...

All im saying is, you want to do it, do it in the safety of YOUR OWN home, and the chances of being caught are minimal

(unless you deal out of your own home, in which case, well, your stupid)...

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but, the fact remains, they ARE illegal, and for good reason

Because Tobacco and Drinks companies are established and provide the Government with loverly houses with massive gardens to play croquet in via the tax payers money.

The problem with making other bits and bobs legal is people can make "home grown". Look at all the BS you have to go through to make your own beer at home.

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but, the fact remains, they ARE illegal, and for good reason

Because Tobacco and Drinks companies are established and provide the Government with loverly houses with massive gardens to play croquet in via the tax payers money.

The problem with making other bits and bobs legal is people can make "home grown". Look at all the BS you have to go through to make your own beer at home.

Theres more to it than that, and you know it :thumbsup:

I've heard all the arguments to why pot is safer than tobbacco (assuming of course, these are people smoking it without tobbacco?) but ive also heard all the scientific evidence to the damage it causes (mental mainly) in heavy users.

personally, I dont care what you do to your own body, knock yourself out - but in this case, there is reason's behind the legislations, and the worst thing Tony did was reduce it to a class A! (all IMO of course)

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Uk laws are :censor:

DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL! and if you get caught with them then it's your fault. if your a dealer and you get caught then you get what you deserve.

Anyone who is stupid enough to take class A drugs and dies well reallywho cares? It just means that I will have to wait a bit longer in the MacDonalds Que ;) Or somone who jumps of a building to see if they can fly.... How about trying it from the floor first dumb nut... I doubt we have lost any Einstein’s

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Woah people... never heard so much CR@P in my life!!

As Red says.. I'm not ashamed to say that I partake on occasion.. I've never stabbed anyone, mugged anyone or done anything immoral to buy this stuff. I work a full time job which I've held down for a number of years and I pay my own way. I'm not f***ed in the head.. in fact I consider myself to be a fairly decent person where most issues are concerned.

As far as I'm concerned it's the people who take herion/crack 24/7 and commit crimes to fund their habits are the ones that should be sorted..

If the law was actually reconsidered on this, the stuff could be taxed, made safer (i.e there would be more control over whats put in instead of it being cut with rat poison or whatever). The fact is, that most drugs, if taken in moderation (as with alcohol) aren't actually that bad (all the stories you hear about people going mental after taking 30 pills a day.. well d'uh.. course.. bad things would happen if you drank 30 pints a day).

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it's funny how vemehently people who take drugs argue to justify their actions...

tell a smoker its bad for them, they'll say "i know", "i dont care", "whatever" or "so, i enjoy it"

the same for someone who drinks booze...

yet, tell someone who smokes pot its wrong or bad for them, and, well, just look at this thread for the sort of response you get...

as far as im concerned, that speaks volumes...

(and yes, before anyone says it, i know there will always be smokers/drinkers who overreact, and im sure not all pot smokers argue so much, but hey, i think this thread is a pretty good representation of the reactions of people i have previously had these discussions with)

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bad things would happen if you drank 30 pints a day).

Im willing to test this theory at JAE :lol::thumbsup:

So lets review, we all agree that if you take drugs then thats your decision but you need to be aware of the risks your taking both health wise and if you get caught by the police. :thumbsup:

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bad things would happen if you drank 30 pints a day).

Im willing to test this theory at JAE :lol::thumbsup:

So lets review, we all agree that if you take drugs then thats your decision but you need to be aware of the risks your taking both health wise and if you get caught by the police. :thumbsup:

Totally agree on that Lee :thumbsup:

30 pints.. good plan.. we should take bets as to how many you can manage.. a 'Leekys JAE Pint Drinking Challenge' sweepstake.

If I want to drink, smoke, take drugs I will. I don't force it on other people.. if people don't want to thats fine by me, their choice.. but don't have a go at me for choosing to do it, just because you don't.

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say what u feel lou-lou..

Im much like u... ive done my fair share and ive never lost a job or been in a brawl,well yeah i have been in a brawl... in a pub..!Removed! p**s heads.. but thats OK.. its a good taxable drug.. tax man's laughin all the way to the bank..

Its the people with nasty addictions that bring the words junkie and druggie into the headlines but these are the poeple that need help the most.U'd think that they would of sussed this by now(too busy lettin out prisoners).What gets me is the people that smoke weed and have nites out on disco chemicals just enjoyin themselve are the people that get slated.

But hey what do i know..

Il be back off to sleep now..


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it's funny how vemehently people who take drugs argue to justify their actions...

I think you'll find it's all people with do things illegal ..

Driving too fast, taking drugs etc ..

If it was illegal to drink more than 3 units a day, you'd have load of people moaning. Ban fat people from KFC type food and you'd have roits (okay, slow moving ones smelling of lard) ..

It's the people doing what they want to do (and it's illegal) who feel they need to defend themselves.

If I sit in the lounge and get drunk, I'm not breaking a law, I don't need to defend myself.

If I go to a race track and drive fast, I'm not breaking a law, I don't need to defend myself.

If I sat in the lounge taking illegal drugs, I'd feel the need to defend myself cause it's illegal.

If I'm on the motorway doing 71 mph, I'd feel the need to defend myself cause it's illegal.

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say what u feel lou-lou..

Its the people with nasty addictions that bring the words junkie and druggie into the headlines but these are the poeple that need help the most.U'd think that they would of sussed this by now(too busy lettin out prisoners).What gets me is the people that smoke weed and have nites out on disco chemicals just enjoyin themselve are the people that get slated.

Yup I will!! :thumbsup:


What gets me is the people that smoke weed and have nites out on disco chemicals just enjoyin themselve are the people that get slated.

..and they're the ones doing F.A to hurt anyone else.. just out to have a laugh and a good time.

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