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Time To Slow Down.


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Wasn`t too sure wether to post this or not. But decided that perhaps airing it in public may help as a warning to others.

About 3 months ago I was diagnosed with a form of Ventricular Tachycardia. Put simply erratic heartbeat. Which manifests itself in varying forms and degrees of seriousness. Mine apparently is potentially life threatening. :blink: I`ve done loads of reading up on it and basically my ECU or the wiring to it are screwed. I`ve been poked at, wired up to Harefields equivalent of Cape Kennedy. Put through the treadmill - Litterally - and they still don`t know whats causing it. :ffs: When i had my first attack my heartrate peaked at 260 BPM. Thats serious over revving :lol:

Anyway. I`m not posting this for the sympathy vote. It can, and does happen to thousands of people each year, and most manage to deal with it quite well. I`m now on medication which should stop it re-occuring. The first two lots didn`t. If this lot doesn`t work then i will need a pacemaker :(

But the crux of the matter is the associated changes that go with something like this. Things that we all normally take for granted have to be approached in an entirely different manner. It`s meant that i`ve had to radically alter my lifestyle. Which means i`v now got to maintain a healthy lifestyle.- Quit smoking, drinking and watch my diet which is !Removed! near impossible when your trying to stop the !Removed!. Still not quite succeeded with that one. :rolleyes: I used to be quite active. I was mountain biking when it happened. Thats had to stop as well. and i`ve had to quit my job. No straining or heavy lifting. :wacko: So in the last 3 months i`ve actually managed to put on a stone :eek: There`s been other problems associated with the medication - there always seem to be side effects to these things - one of which lowers your metabolism significantly. I`d probably put weight on just looking at food. As for other side effects... I`m not even going there. :crybaby:

So i guess the message here is that we all have to watch what we`re doing. Modern lifestyles really aren`t suited to the human body. Or perhaps i`m not Peter Pan after all :lol::lol: :

Take care peeps. :thumbsup:

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Sorry to hear about your problems mate, but you're right, we all take our good health for granted. Too many processed foods filled with salt & fat - good things in moderation of course, but too much is proven to be derogatory to your well being.... people binge drinking more than ever, which yeah, is great fun getting wasted with your mates but again, alcohols only good for you in moderation - and then theres the cigarettes, which are never good in moderation, can't wait for the things to be banned if it helps people to give them up!

I think we should all stop and think sometimes more about our health, your body is meant to be a temple, so treat it the very best you can!

All the very best for the future mate - keep us updated on how its going for you :yes::thumbsup:

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Very interesting, hope you get there with the life style changes. I know what you mean and at the ripe old age of 37 am feeling some of the lifestyle side effects myself. I am gettign there, it's slow and hard. Have been off the !Removed! and back on three times this year, I will get there!

Hopefully I will get the benefits before anymore grief. I signed up for a sponsored cycle run to raise money for charitiy and it's the best thing I could have done. I am in training for the 50 mile cycle run and I am doing the best I ever have with the smoking. The run is on 27th and I am looking forward to it. I am glad the charity will benefit but no matter how much I raise I do not think the charity will get any where near the benefit I am gettign out of this.

Well if this medication works hopefully you can then plan your lifestyle better. I only know you from here but think that you are the type that can handle the stress that this can put you thgough, keep your chin up Dak I wish you luck with the rest.

By the way veg & fruit play serious havoc with your gut and gastric process during the change period no? lol

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Aw :hug: I hope you gets it all sorted soon! As for the diet - well I must agree that we all eat far to much of the wrong things nowadays. I personally have tried very hard to remedy this and I must admit to feeling better for it. Just cant give up the odd glass of wine but NEVER drink too much now since the brain op and never get drunk anymore. I suppose I'm trying to say that you can get used to a new regime and still have a good life, I know cos I did it :yes:

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When the specialist told you to stop smoking, drinking, eat less and no more strenuous exercise, it won't make you live any longer.......................................It will just seem like it ;) :lol:

Take care :thumbsup:


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Lol at Les.... Incidentally the consultant was a fat sod who stank of !Removed! & cheap whisky. :lol:

I`m sure i`ll deal with it all somehow. And it`s encouraging to know that others in similar situations have managed to cope with the changes. The smoking is the worst part. I`m on the patches. But how the hell do you stop them melting when you light them???? :unsure:

Martin. Good luck on the 27th mate. :thumbsup:

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Wow, really sorry to hear that :(

It's surprising how quick life can change in many situations.

Take care mate :thumbsup:

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Dak sorry to hear that Dude , but your not gonna let some erratic heartbeat from stopping you getting that 4 on the road are you :D !

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Dak sorry to hear that Dude , but your not gonna let some erratic heartbeat from stopping you getting that 4 on the road are you :D !

Nah.. I`d have to be in my box before that happens. Need to get a job sorted now though. Needs new shocks. Failed MOT. :crybaby: Tein adjustables on the shopping list :drool::thumbsup:

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I think we should all stop and think sometimes more about our health, your body is meant to be a temple, so treat it the very best you can!

Hmmm... im not sure on this one.

Every week there's some new snot-faced cow on my tv telling me what that something else is bad for me, something else i should stop, to do this thing or that, but not too much of this and be careful with that.

Im 19st and 6ft 3" with a 40" waist, therefore, according to the NHS and the snot-faced cow's of this land, im clinically obese. And because im obese, im contributing to the £3.6bn of extra money the NHS requires to cure fat people. Yet, I have never, not even once been to the doctor about my weight. No injury or illness iv had has ever been attributed to me being a fat git. Yet still, according to the snot-faced cow's im lazy and im costing the nation more money than I should because I don't listen to their advice.

I eat what I like. If I want a steak rather than a rabbit-food special, then i'll have a steak. If i want a piece of cake, i won't wax-lyrical about it's virtues and it's rarity in my presence or it's health risks, no, i'll have a piece of cake. And i'll enjoy it. Yum. This may lead you to think that this is why im fat and therefore unfit and lazy. And you'd be half right.

Every week i play a minimum of 5-10 hours of football. Every week I go to the gym. Every week I go swimming. Every week my girlfriend and I go for a walk or a bike-ride. Until recently, my occupation was 90% manual labour and heavy lifting from TV's, to washing machines to furniture. Yet, somehow according to the snot-faced cow's; im lazy and im costing you £3.6bn.

I understand that im overweight and that later in life there may be risks, but I dislike this classification of obese when I could run faster than half the avergae sized kids at the schools I taught at. And I could run for longer. Im fitter than quite a few of my 'average' sized friends. I eat quite a lot less than my 'average' friends.

Body as a temple?? Nah. Body as a useful tool for everyday use. I'd say so.

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I think we should all stop and think sometimes more about our health, your body is meant to be a temple, so treat it the very best you can!

Hmmm... im not sure on this one.

Every week there's some new snot-faced cow on my tv telling me what that something else is bad for me, something else i should stop, to do this thing or that, but not too much of this and be careful with that.

Im 19st and 6ft 3" with a 40" waist, therefore, according to the NHS and the snot-faced cow's of this land, im clinically obese. And because im obese, im contributing to the £3.6bn of extra money the NHS requires to cure fat people. Yet, I have never, not even once been to the doctor about my weight. No injury or illness iv had has ever been attributed to me being a fat git. Yet still, according to the snot-faced cow's im lazy and im costing the nation more money than I should because I don't listen to their advice.

I eat what I like. If I want a steak rather than a rabbit-food special, then i'll have a steak. If i want a piece of cake, i won't wax-lyrical about it's virtues and it's rarity in my presence or it's health risks, no, i'll have a piece of cake. And i'll enjoy it. Yum. This may lead you to think that this is why im fat and therefore unfit and lazy. And you'd be half right.

Every week i play a minimum of 5-10 hours of football. Every week I go to the gym. Every week I go swimming. Every week my girlfriend and I go for a walk or a bike-ride. Until recently, my occupation was 90% manual labour and heavy lifting from TV's, to washing machines to furniture. Yet, somehow according to the snot-faced cow's; im lazy and im costing you £3.6bn.

I understand that im overweight and that later in life there may be risks, but I dislike this classification of obese when I could run faster than half the avergae sized kids at the schools I taught at. And I could run for longer. Im fitter than quite a few of my 'average' sized friends. I eat quite a lot less than my 'average' friends.

Body as a temple?? Nah. Body as a useful tool for everyday use. I'd say so.

I’m sat here at a computer screen in a conservatory attached to a Shell of a bungalow, my wife has gone to stay at a rented cottage where all the food is, I have finished my bottle of wine and am now starving hungry, oh what I would give for a miniscule of sustenance to get me through the night :shutit:

PLEASE PLEASE can we not mention the FO*D word.

Thank you

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Im 19st and 6ft 3" with a 40" waist,

I eat what I like. If I want a steak rather than a rabbit-food special, then i'll have a steak. If i want a piece of cake, i won't wax-lyrical about it's virtues and it's rarity in my presence or it's health risks, no, i'll have a piece of cake. And i'll enjoy it. Yum.

Every week i play a minimum of 5-10 hours of football. Every week I go to the gym. Every week I go swimming. Every week my girlfriend and I go for a walk or a bike-ride. Until recently, my occupation was 90% manual labour and heavy l

Body as a temple?? Nah. Body as a useful tool for everyday use. I'd say so.

I`ve edited the choice bits. But i`m not far behind you. an inch taller. I was a couple of stone lighter and i was pretty active with a similar job. Hardly any illness to speak of.

Think of this as a tip. I used to think pretty much along the same lines as you, but now it`s happened to me. It`s surprising how quickly your attitude changes. No one`s suggesting we should all live like top level athletes and become super fit. But it might pay off long term to moderate the excesses. I think the word here is 'Balance'.

Incidentally, I agree with you about the snot faced cow. We don`t need it ramming down our throats 24/7. :no:

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But it might pay off long term to moderate the excesses. I think the word here is 'Balance'.

Hence why if I want a piece of cake, i have just that. A piece, not the whole thing. Everything in moderation.

There's no need to live on seeds and lettuce, you can eat anything you want... but in moderation. (That's the part I left out! :lol: )

The reason I am ok fitness wise is because of the exercise, the reason im fat is because of the food. The reason I need to reduce the intake, is because diabetes runs in my family, as does kidney-stones and angina. I don't want those. But im not sacrificing what i enjoy for it. I'll just tame it a bit.

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Daktari ... Peace mate :thumbsup: hope you make the changes you need to make and that you make the most of your life, be happy and live well :yes:

Im not trying to be 'controversial' or anything just trying to be realistic. I think im fairly in tune with what seveer was saying....

Were all going to die at some point and theres no amount of healthy living going to change that. Im not religious though i am a little spiritual. I do believe its better to live happily for 10 years than to live unhappily for 50. I guess i think we should make the most of any opportunity to fulfill our desires and cross each bridge as we get to them....

One day when that thing happens that im fairly sure will end me... in those last moments I really dont want to regret not indulging in the pleasures i knew I enjoyed while I was able to indulge.... Id rather regret not having another 2 hours to get a few more steaks, beers, and by that point probably a hooker or 2 in :D

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Oh Dak hun, so your not quite fireing on all cylinders eh ? poor baby!!!!

If I was there you would have the biggest hug ever. (but you know that)

Try and do as the doc's tell you (I know you are trying too) and its not easy.

I will PM or MSN you later hun.

Love Ash.x

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Dak, I know what you are going through :(

My dad was exactly the same, he was diagnosed with an erratic heartbeat 10yrs ago so was told to diet, exercise etc etc but he didnt really take it too seriously. He ended up having a heart attack 4yrs ago just before his granddaughter was born :(

Now hes had to go through a double bypass, and only then did he take heed to what the doctors said. Hes cut all the rubbish out of his diet, he very rarely will have a small glass of wine if we go out for dinner, and he exercises every other day.

Life is short, and its upto you whether you want to make it last or just make it even shorter......

Hope you get through this ok Dak :group-cuddles:

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