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Looks Like Goodbye From Me


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Well, after having a pretty thorough look at her mi dad reckons that the steering rack isnt damaged and the actual damage is less significant than the estimates. Solicitor notified and hes trying to get the category changed. Also sent piccies of the car before accident, baby looked nice, now not. ay well

and apparently 'our opponents are looking into liability'. SHe killed my car and cant even be honest about it. she runs a red light, leaving me no stopping distance, and fails to give way to traffic with right of way... it was that simple. I hope theres a god.... it means shes going to hell and will pay forever.

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Hey Jinxed, sorry to hear about your 2 :(

i've lost a 2 aswell in the past and it hurts alot cause you get really attached to the damn thing. so i know how you feel. i was lucky and got good pay for it on insurance and went straight on and bought a Rev 5, couldn't think of anything else besides a 2 again at the moment.

A word of advice, never take the first offer the insurance company gives you, haggle it a bit, it does pay off! (did for me at least)

Hope all goes well for you mate. and that you're up on the roads in a nice car in a not too distant future :)

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Hey Jinxed, sorry to hear about your 2 :(

i've lost a 2 aswell in the past and it hurts alot cause you get really attached to the damn thing. so i know how you feel. i was lucky and got good pay for it on insurance and went straight on and bought a Rev 5, couldn't think of anything else besides a 2 again at the moment.

A word of advice, never take the first offer the insurance company gives you, haggle it a bit, it does pay off! (did for me at least)

Hope all goes well for you mate. and that you're up on the roads in a nice car in a not too distant future :)

thanks for empathising and the well wish RR :)

Its turning out to be very painful .... more so than the rest of the anarchy ive got going on presently.... very attached and not ready to lose her. Like you, I find myself longing for 2 fun again. Hafta admit tho I really want my car to be ok to repair and get her back, had a lot of plans for her.

and the first offer was insane lol I've got to admit I was like :o and then I just lit up... was like some unholy conflaguration. Its a good job I wasnt told the offer by the person who decided it in person... I was absolutely incensed.

I figure if its a choice between a little money left over and a banger or a nice car and skint then... nice car wins hands down lol.... just gotta hope the nice car option is available... and before I go mad driving the 2 series... that thing is living death. :lol:

Presently waiting and waiting... no news at all.... hope this gets resolved in some kind of reasonable short timeframe.... really is insult to injury all this waiting, no nice car, her not being a decent honest responsible human being, insurance company drawn out affair. And to think this is all worth nothing in renumeration. Doing my head in. Maybe tomorror...

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well the appointment for a doctor came through today.... took its time it did. Not sure what the point of going is except for avoiding paying a cancellation fee but..... ay well ima go... still its another reason my boss will use as to why im *insert bad thing here*. And still no news.... volvo ...dont want... to.... take it ....much longer.... erk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, its been a tough day, got complained about by some ingreat that I was trying to help and all she had to do was listen to the help.... but OH NO... she was 'angry customer not getting what she wanted syndrome' and put a complaint in.

Then, with me driving a 2 series volvo in mind, on the way home from work the world was trying to take me out....

a bloke pulls from nearside lane to a turn right lane on a 3 lane national speed limit zone road right into my path... I luckilly managed to swerve but i was like wtf u suicidal?

Then some donkey dressed in black crossed on an unlit pedestrian crossing that hadnt changed to green man for him, and I was about 2 seconds from 'crossing' it myself. His mate was looking on shaking his head with this look of complete stunned abject horror. I probably looked the same lol

and finally some ***** decided to pull out on a car to my left causing the driver to my left to think about swerving into me.... woulda been a mistake like though so he braked instead....

I was glad to get home.... and what did I find....

A letter from the solicitors saying ' you will be pleased to know our opponents have accepted liability' , there was a warning in there about how it wasnt 100% binding if in a court they had substantial evidence of summat but it is good news... kinda happier now... not back to mi good ol self yet but goin in the correct direction...

heres hoping the days of the big pink(its sposed to be red lmao) 2 series volvo are numbered...

im driving a big pink 2 series rofl how scary is that?

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Only just read this. That really sucks mate, so sorry to hear it :( Never saw your 2, even though your not too far down the road from me...

Having a quick read through your posts, how come you didn't take the option of a hire car? your cars un-roadworthy and your not at fault, if its offered, i'd of taken it :thumbsup:

Out of interest, was it your insurance company offering you a hire car or a seperate company?

Hope its all sorted asap for you :)

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Thanks for your empathy and the wellwish Jones32 :) :thumbsup:

I didnt take the hire car as my faith in honesty, justice, and good decisions for little people where money is concerned is practically nil. I wanted to take the hire car... an opportunity to try an rx8 and rotary engine sounded very appealing but... although the lady at the car hire place was very happy to let me take the car having spoken to the witness and other party, the warnings of taking something overly powerful and extravagant niggled at me(if the other side thought it wasnt ok I expected to have to pay for it), and no liability had been accepted at that point. So ... to say 'i wasnt at fault' was one thing and for an insurance company to agree was another :rolleyes: A big part in the failure to take the opportunity was that I dont have much capital to either get my car sorted or get another decent car. So if i'd ended up paying for the hire car then it would have been more money not there to spend on the cause... jsut couldnt take the risk... so I took the risk of a long time without decent transport and more money at end point rather than potentially less money to get rolling again and a nasty car at end point. Not sure if that makes sense lol

By the time I'd decided I could accept the hire car(with solicitors ok), the other side made a ridiculous valuation of my car and then poof, I was no longer entitled to a hire car.... ay well :)

The hire company was not directly part of my insurance company and was a seperate entity that had a contract with my insurers.....

As for sorting it all out... its still not been sorted whether the category will be changed, and the value of my car is being strongly disputed. If I get to keep my car and get her repaired... its going to be done by some company mi dad trusts. If not then... gonna have to find another decent nick black rev 3 tubby 2, pay for it and start again in getting it tidy. Still, I really cant wait till im out of the volvo lmao ..... its torment :D

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Fair enough :thumbsup:

Only reason I asked is that I work for a credit hire company, and we do provide hire vehicles to the non-fault party (or who we feel is not at fault lol) then claim the costs back from the 'at fault' parties insurer. In any case you should have some form of legal cover in place which covers you against the hire company coming back on you for costs :)

Just seeing that you were offered an RX8 made me think it must be a company like I work for hehe... we can get some tasty motors! :drool:

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Just seeing that you were offered an RX8 made me think it must be a company like I work for hehe... we can get some tasty motors! :drool:

I was gobsmacked when the really nice lady(she was really nice before the offer lol) offered me an rx8... I was expecting something small with no go and ciggarette burns :lol: Kinda just a little sad I didnt take the opportunity but ay well it was the most viable decision to not take it then. Just hope now theyll get the rest sorted and make me a decent offer for everything. If I can wind up with about 6k sum total(claim, savings) without using my overdraft then... Im gonna aim for another fresh import rev3 in A grade nick or(this may be optimistic lol)... if I will be able to repair mine then... im gonna pour a shedload of cash into her again :rolleyes:

Its made me feel substantially better knowing that justice seems to be prevailing on the fault front..... :yes:

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Anticipation can be a scary thing.....

I say this because although I dont expect any people to actually reply, if they do I might be made aware of something thats worse than the anticipation. Reality or facade, worse or better which?

Got home from work today to find an envelope..... I knew it was solicitor stuff and although I harboured this small secret kinda hopey thing, I had this dread feeling. I took coat off, lit a cig took a deep breath and opened it....

For those who possess some knowledge of the details in this thread this may make sense....

It began on a really positive note..... "we are very pleased to inform you that it has been established that you are 100% not 'at fault'".... and then it all went down hill.

Attached to the bottom of the letter was a cheque..... yup..... uhuh..... for 2.2k.

I didnt sign the schedule of loss, I disputed the valuation(the first one incidentally) and I like to think that I made it clear that it was wrong.... and there they went.... paid it out for the 'pre accident' value of the car.... Im on the warpath now.... the solicitors acting for me will share this bitter sweet rubbish they're promoting.... it starts tonight with a very stern email(quick lets print some t-shirts and have a campaign lol). tomorrow I ring my insurers and inform them of what their solicitors has created. When its established whats what I'll know better what I intend to do... potential options at this point range from saying "no" through suing the solicitors acting for me as they appear to be acting for the 'opposition', right upto googling those columbian hitmen I was typeing about previously....

damn the system in this country to hell..... another victim becomes even more victimised by the establishment.....

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Anticipation can be a scary thing.....

sure can but I found out today that a) its been acknowledged that the value of the car was all wrong so now theyre offering 4k, 2.2k of which is the cheque(interim payment) and the rest to be settled later. The value of the car was stated as being 'as much as they could goto' I dont even know if this is with consideration to almost new bottom end, turbo, suspension units etc basically the shed load of cash spent bringing the car upto good nick. Thats a 'to be investigated' for me now.

and B,) its been confirmed theyll change the category to C but it will likely need a police inspection after work to establish its repaired properly. Which it will be if that routes chosen.

So the general questions I need to answer is ......

Is the valuation a 'first offer' on the relevant car given its now been established that(standard to standard) rev3 imports are worth more and not the same as uk models? Consequentially should I hold out for more?

Secondly; and Ultimately, when the time comes do I repair mine, or just get another that will be likely more modded from the off? theres an argument going on here that my car is a relatively known value, we know whats been done and that the engine is sweet. But, I cant ignore the fact that my car is worth less if the time comes to ever sell, due to accident, and that time or money may be used unwisely in the pursuit of a not cost effective repair process as its gonna hafta go to a proper bodyshop for ALL of the work as mi dad bless im doesnt wanna do it. Guess firstly I need to get the quote done by the vbra(or whatever it is) certified bodyshop were looking at using....

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sure can but I found out today that a) its been acknowledged that the value of the car was all wrong so now theyre offering 4k, 2.2k of which is the cheque(interim payment) and the rest to be settled later. The value of the car was stated as being 'as much as they could goto' I dont even know if this is with consideration to almost new bottom end, turbo, suspension units etc basically the shed load of cash spent bringing the car upto good nick. Thats a 'to be investigated' for me now.

Good news :) Don't cash the 2.2k cheque until you've got that in writing though, otherwise it might be seen as acceptance of the earlier settlement.

Is the valuation a 'first offer' on the relevant car given its now been established that(standard to standard) rev3 imports are worth more and not the same as uk models? Consequentially should I hold out for more?

No harm trying ;) If you genuinely think you could have sold your car pre-accident for more than 4k and have evidence to back that up, then go for it. Sadly just having spent loads of money on it won't really wash, doesn't affect the value of the car anywhere near the amount you spend in the first place.

Secondly; and Ultimately, when the time comes do I repair mine, or just get another that will be likely more modded from the off? theres an argument going on here that my car is a relatively known value, we know whats been done and that the engine is sweet. But, I cant ignore the fact that my car is worth less if the time comes to ever sell, due to accident, and that time or money may be used unwisely in the pursuit of a not cost effective repair process as its gonna hafta go to a proper bodyshop for ALL of the work as mi dad bless im doesnt wanna do it. Guess firstly I need to get the quote done by the vbra(or whatever it is) certified bodyshop were looking at using....

Tricky one and really depends on how much it'll cost to repair. If the repair is cheap then you can take the hit on the resale value and not lose out, if its going to cost a bomb then its a no brainer - time for a different car.

Sounds like things are turning out ok anyway, £4k doesn't seem like a bad valuation to me for an early Rev3 Turbo these days seeing the way prices have dropped through the floor.

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Saw this thread ages ago but finally got round to reading all the progression...

Firstly as stated above, dont cash the £2.2k cheque until you have the rest.

With regards to the valuation i think its about right as you can pick up a rev 3 tbar tubby for £3.5k upwards these days. (just speak to Rash)

With regards to fixing your old car up... Find out how much it would cost to buy back the car and then take it from there. You maybe able to break it and get monies from it that way if its cheap enough to buy back. Resale after the car has been repaired as most people these days do a HPI check.

Glad to see its turning your way finally though after such a struggle.

all the best bud.

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Find out how much it would cost to buy back

Cheers for the input and positivity guys :)

As for the buyback price.... erm we have the car in our possession, they gave it us when it was cat B write off and let us take it for the grand sum of £0.00. They havn't actually said "but youll need to pay for the salvage also" at this point so ima kinda wondering if that detail has erm... gone un-noticed or if the cars worth zip at present and they know it lol.

Ill post up the bodyshop quote and try to get some piccies to see soon as its looking like im going to have considerably more time in a few weeks...

If my cars getting repaired, its been thrown in that it might be time to get a full respray while theyre at it if the cost is good. So if thats what happens.... at least she'll be looking even better than she did... not that the paint was awful like..... and I'm also going to have to choose some alloys and tyres which im not really all that clued up on :) erm n maybe a couple of other bits if cost permits :rolleyes:

a question burns in my head.... can i buy a really cheap uk mk2 and use parts from it? like the steering rack if necessary?

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ok here we go :)

got all the stuff through from solicitors today... confirmation of 4k, ok'ness to cash cheque and wait for rest, category change, and part list.

Tomorrow I'm gonna be trying to get a date set for a quote from bodyshop(hopefully; if i ask really nicely and promise a cup of hot tea/coffee, and breakfast/dinner of choice, they'll come do that tomorrow) and then seeing about sorting out parts for delivery.

Just hoping that I've got couple of grand left over(of all the cash I got squirreled back there) left for .... I was thinking stage 3 rally tuning by thor with traction control, flat shift, anti lag, and launch control :rolleyes:

last bit is probably hopeless optimism but makes me feel better :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok... hopefully progress....

i got an NA due to be collected in next 2 days.... and although the poor thing is a dog of a car bless it.... the panels are looking good, with some cleaning, probably a fair amount of the car is decent for parts. Sadly the wheels are knackered, which means im still looking at getting an appropriate set of alloys and tyres and I have no idea what to get for those but.... I got hopefully approx 85% of the needed bits for under 500 smackers.

to give those who dont know an idea.... a brand new door is approx 330 quid from mr T, 160 2nd hand

some stupid bar underneath is approx 220 from mr T, 100 2nd hand

similarly theres a lot like this.....

sooooo .... hopefully the games on and my budget skills will prevail, just need to get some other bits that arent on this car....

Plus, that quote came in..... and if we can make some final reductions on certain aspects.... then its going to be nowhere near 6.2k and that includes a FULL respray :yahoo:

The actual price to repair and full spray is .... quite flaming low tbh, and they are VBRA or whatever it is members. If somebody can tell me if its possible and how to get pictures up given that im not currently paid up :rolleyes: then its time I started a new thread... one thats hopefully a lot more positive from the get go and the better half of the journey :thumbsup:

Stage 3 with those options may NOT be a pipe dream loooool

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Set up a free http://smg.photobucket.com/ account and host the pictures there.. use the img tags and paste the url here.

thank you good sir for that info :thumbsup:

I will be doing that in the next couple of.... I personally think when you guys see what Mr T called 6.2k worth of damage you will be a little :eek:

Incidentally, collected that car this morning, 450 quid all in with a valeting .... lol, looks a lot nicer now inside. Sooo looks like theres gonna be a lot of spares around after im done..... kind of feel bad about about breaking this car..... kinda like for one to live one must die kinda thing.... sure as hell wont be mine :thumbsup:

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