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New Star Trek Film Due In 2008!


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The last episode was suxh a big deal for me as I had watched all 7 years of Voyager, was upset it all ended.

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The last episode was suxh a big deal for me as I had watched all 7 years of Voyager, was upset it all ended.

imagine how i feel i have gone through the full series 7 in about the space of 4 weeks... :rolleyes:

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Just found some old Voyager epps on VHS

found my entire collection of babylon 5 too :D

my weekends sorted :thumbsup:


babylon 5! i have them all on vhs and watched them all back to back for months. What a brilliant story from the beginning to the end! the 4 movies they released where great too

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ok.. Last night i watched Endgame and I was sad to see it end! :rolleyes:

What would have happend if the Admiral had gone back with the rest of the crew? :wacko: hmm...

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  • 2 months later...

Cant believe you guys, how can you do this thread without mentioning the best episode of Star Trek ever ? :wacko:

I am of course talking about The Next Generation double episode "The best of both worlds" where Picard

gets turned into a borg !



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  • 7 months later...

Just seen a clip of this whilst waiting for Cloverfield to come on (brill film)...its coming out 26th December 08!! :P

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  • 1 month later...

How could I have missed this thread! Fellow Trek lovers!

The thing is are you a Trekkie or a Trekker?

Ok I have all the films on DVD, I've seen every episode of every season, well almost as I missed some Enterpirse and currently getting all the different series on DVD.

Original Series - Fab, great for it's time - come on it was the 60's!

TNG - It's good, but a little too happy. The very very good episodes where the double episodes (eg - best of both worlds)

DS9 - Ace, though a bit too religious at times. They should've blown up Bajor and be done with it.

Voyager - Ok, though a bit pants as it was being TNG (being all nice to everyone) & being DS9 (I'll kick your butt if you call me a bi*ch!)

Enterprise - I didn't like it at first as I don't like modern stuff trying to be pre-old stuff. So the look ok the Technology put me off, that plus you can't use a style of ship that looks 90% like an Akira class ship from DS9!! Having said that, it does warm on you.

As for the movies, well everyone knows the 'even' numbers are the best, though Voyage home can be argued! The 'odd' numbers are just double episode films to me!

I think the new film might not work too good. That's because they need to get the look of the technology right and not contradict the the original series story line.

I do hope they finally put the line "Beam me up Scotty" in! As Kirk has never said it ever!

Babylon 5 works better than Star Trek as every episode was written before any filming took place. The visual graphics were never going to compete with Star Trek and that was never the place. I love Star Trek & B5, but if I wanted story I'd choose B5 for something to watch it would be Star Trek!

I hope they bring out a new Star Trek series, but I pray it won't be a time travelling based series. It will never work and will contradict it's self all the time. Never ever make time travelling films/series unless you watch what's already done until you can repeat it 100% in your sleep, then once the new thing is written, re watch what has been made again whilst cross checking the new. I've seen too many films and series messed up where they forgot what's already been done!

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Never ever make time travelling films/series unless you watch what's already done until you can repeat it 100% in your sleep, then once the new thing is written, re watch what has been made again whilst cross checking the new. I've seen too many films and series messed up where they forgot what's already been done!

[TV Scriptwriter] Erm, OK, er... sorry (whimper)

I know what you mean being a fan of Arthur C Clark and others who try to use science as a foundation for their stories slightly more than fiction. Otherwise, Sci-Fi tends to stray more towards the fantasy genre. I don't know how many of Gene Roddenberry's predictions were as a result of this but in hindsight they stand up well. Recent TV screenplays however tend to be a bit cartoony and you can see scripts being passed from one spin-off to the next with only a minimal tweak to make them unique for that spin-off.

The time travel card can be overplayed. It is the lazy option for scriptwriters in my humble opinion. This is why I have doubts as to whether I will be watching the Sarah Connor chronicles right through to the end. Terminator 1 and 2 were very well written and presented but the third film felt like the add-on that it was. The TV series is just milking it, as usually happens.

Having said that, I would like to watch the DS9 episode where they resurrect original Star Trek TV footage and weave their story through it. I missed the explanation that they concocted to explain why Klingons looked different then & now, so to speak.

Trouble is, today Sci-Fi is a mainstream genre nowadays. It used to be a cult thing where only the best writers actually survived long enough to make it into print. Today... anybody and his dog can write something and have a chance of making some effects-laden screenplay of it. The worst of these can usually be identified by the fact that there is background music to almost the entire script. This usually means that the writing or its delivery is weak.

I will still watch the Star Trek Movie however because I remember the day my Grandad sent my Dad out to get me to come and see it on telly when I was a child in the sixties. I've been watching it and the spin-offs since. Some of them are dire rubbish (like the cartoon) but I'll still watch 'em.

Don't know which Badge this post makes me qualify for... Trekker or Trekkie?

I'll get my anorak!

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The Sarah Connor Chronicles, doesn't sit all that well in the timeline of all the 3 Terminator films. It only works if you ignore the 3rd film and give it a lot of "no, ok I'm let them get away with that to a point!"

The only Time Travelling films I know that have worked are, Back to the future (1, 2 & 3). Even the original The Time Machine has a plot hole with the time travel element!

As for the DS9 time travel episode back to the original series, well it works but it doesn't. As I remember the original episode, so I could easily compare it when I watched the DS9 episode. It doesn't work as in the fight scene in the original, there's nobody who look like the DS9 ganag (what I mean by that is general appearance - Wolf being black and clothes). So when you watch the DS9 it looks fine if you don't recall the original series episode too much. The problem lies that the original episode would've contained the DS9 group and therefore there should be people who resemble them. However as its just a TV program you have to ignore these things and stop being a GEEK!

The Klingon thing is never explained in that episode. They all sit around a table and ask Wolf, to which he says it's a long story. That's it!

The Klingon explanation doesn't come until Enterprise and even then it doesn't hold water, as in the first Enterprise episode (Broken Bow) the Klingon's look Klingon. It's explained much later on that it's a defect of something that changes their appearence, but has only altered a low number and is a recent thing (within years). However it doesn't explain it concrete. As in DS9 Kaliss (spelling?) looks proper Klingon and in the timeline, he was around way before the Enterprise series timeline. Add that to human looking Klingons in the Original series, then them all being normal Klingons from the motion picture onwards, you get a very poorly explained reason full of holes. However as we love the show, we just ignore the holes and accept what we're told.

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  • 2 months later...

This is me with a couple of look alikes. The Jean Luc Picard was brilliant. There was a Klingon hanging around somewhere.


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  • 2 years later...

I've always been a quiet fan of Star Trek myself and am slowly working myself through the movies. I can't believe that so many of them were made! My favourite ones are with the Next Generation cast. In fact, thats my favourite Star Trek. My least are Deep Space Nine and Enterprise (latest one).

The latest Star Trek film was very good and very funny in places! There is another one in the pipelines isn't there?

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not sure but the original post was 2007 and the last 2008

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  • 1 year later...

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