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Knife Attack


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This is something that is very worrying for me and my wife....

For the last 6 months or so our youngest son has been getting bullied a little at primary school by the same boy.. this boy is a known trouble maker and has been kept in at intervals etc etc etc before... the bullying up until now has been fairly trivial.. things like pushing kicking punching.. just the usual sort of boyish things. The biggest problem though is that my son is very small for his age, he is 10 years old, in primary 6 and the size of a primary 4 boy.

On his way home from school on friday this boy started his usual crap, pushed my son then tripped him up, my son got up and fended him off as he tried to push him again... the next thing this lad took off his school bag and put his hand into it and pulled out a pen knife, he swung it at my son just missing him.. at this point a girl who was with my son tried to help him, the lad then swung at her catching her on the back (no cuts though) he then went after my son again, but this time an older boy from primary 7 stepped in and defended both my son and the girl.. a few other children also then helped get the boy with the knife to go away.

When my son got home he was in a bit of a state, as you can imagine... so after he told Caroline what happened my wife called the school, they told her it was nothing to do with them as it happened outside the school gates and said she would be better calling the police, which she did. Caroline then went round to the little girls house and spoke to her mum who had also called in the police as had a few other parents who had found out what had happened.

After 2 hours the police arrived... yes 2 full hours.. they took a statement etc and said they would visit the boy. (I haven't heard anything more about it yet) but the police also confirmed that it doesn't have anything to do with the school as it was outside school hours and outside the school grounds. They said we should speak to the school about it and if we aren't happy with the responce to contact the education department at the council or the school board.

I am going to the school tomorrow morning, but I don't know what to say.. I want to know how they are going to protect my son and this little girl (and all the other kids) from this little brat of a boy.. I want to know if they plan on doing anything or indeed IF the can do anything.

Can anyone give me any pointers on how to express my fears over the way this boy might react after the police were called in? I know they are only kids... but, as the police have also said.. it doesn't take much for a 10 yearold with a knife to kill or seriously hurt another person.. a little cut in the wrong place and someone's life is in danger.

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What the hell is this kids parents doing?

I dont have kids but I would be very worried about this situation.

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Jesus Davy!

I don't know what to say or suggest! But just to say how awful it must be that your boy is having to put up with this awful bully!

At the end of the day, the school should take some responsibility - this kid is their pupil and he could be putting other childrens lives at risk.

Do you know where this boy lives? Perhaps you could speak to his parents face to face about the incident?

I'm not sure what else to suggest... other than you've done the right thing to call the police and speak to the school - perhaps exclusion is the answer? If he's not at the school he can't harm your son!

I'd definitely get his parents involved though - who in their right mind would be happy to let their kid pull a knife out on other kids? And if they're not bothered, well social services need calling on that family - its just not right! :angry:

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I have heard that his mother is err, hmm well, a drug user of sorts, and it is obvious she doesn't have any control over the boy... as for his dad, no idea if he is around or not.

I know where he lives but if i go round there i will be in trouble :lol: my other son (the middle "nutcase" son) was also going to go round and pay him a "visit", but he would then be in trouble.

I personally feel that the school should expell him.. but with it happening outside of school hours I don't know what powers they have.. probably nothing.. they will view it as a civil matter or something.

I don't really feel that my sons life (or any of the other childrens) is at risk.. but something needs to be done.. the boy with the knife also needs help.. lets not forget he is only 10 rears old too, but he has prooved that he could be capable of causing severe distress to other pupils , and it is possible that (without thinking about the consequencies) he could do someome a serious injury.

Keeping this boy in school when the other children are out playing hasn't worked, the bullying continues (and not just my on son) maybe the school will also think about how far the lad would be prepared to go after this incident.

This whole thing may look worse than it actually is.. but there is a serious problem that the school should be aware of and in my opinion it is something that they need to act on... how they go about that is something I have no idea about.

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I don't like that at all Davy, make sure your at the school first thing to discuss whats happening here, your son's life was and IS at risk here, a knifes a knife at the end of the day, they all do damage, and just as importantly a slash on his face that might not injure him badly could result in crap prospects further on in life, jobs etc, nobody wants to employ somebody with scars from fighting, it doesn't look good no matter how many degrees you have.

The police NEED to contact the parents of that cowardly thug! wheres your sons school mates, were they not around?

just shoot the little ubik!!! he's the ***** thats gonna nick my car when he's older, or worse...Just **** put him out his misery!

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Parents of kids like that.. should be shot.

The government should be shot.. for letting them breed.

cut the kids ***** off now. thatll teach him right and wrong

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Sorry to hear of this Davy, hope your son is ok after the incident.

The school could make sure that this lad does not take a knife on the premises, because next time he may be tempted to use it in the playground. The school should confiscate the weapon.

The school authorities should also share some responsibility for the safety of pupils and staff, both whilst they are at school and whilst travelling to and from school.

Perhaps you might suggest that to them?

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Next time i'm up Glasgow point this little **** out to me and i'll kick seven shades of **** out of him .

Honest .

ubik him , if he'll pull a knife out on another child he needs a good slapping .

Kids dont respond to the slap on the wrist and shout at nowadays , they just get ****** off that , they dont like to have to listen to anyone and do what they're told . Now do as they do....that works......jump the little scrot and leather him ;) let him know what goes around comes around then maybe he'll think twice before doing it again .

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yeah don't they have a walking bus?!

Wheres the discipline nowadays, Wheres the discipline.

Puff.. its going :(

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Just got back from the school. I spoke with the head mistress about the incident, as it happened outside of school there aren't any sanctions they can bring against the boy, however, they are aware that they do have a responsibility as it involves children that attend the school.

The only thing they can do at the moment is keep an eye on the situation and make sure that there are no incidents happening within the school, they want us to keep them informed with what is happening with the police investigation (i will phone them tomorrow if I hear nothing today), they are also going to have a talk to the children involved and make sure that they feel safe attending the school.

Although this looks like the school are doing nothing, i really did get the impression that they are taking this very seriously, I don't feel for one minute it is being brushed under the carpet, but the problem the school has is they also have a duty of care to this other boy, both myself and the head mistress feel that he needs help, I asked if social services were involved with the family but obviously they couldn't divulge that information to me...(I got the feeling that they are though)

I was also told that this boy acts on impulse, he doesn't think about some of the things he does and the consequences that can happen because of his actions, this in itself can be a dangerous thing. I pointed out that a little bit of bravado can go wrong.. one slip and someone can get seriously injured.. and anything the school can do they must do before someone does get hurt.

Not much more to add to that right now.. not what I wanted to hear but I do understand the school's point of view, all we can do is wait and see what they police will do.

That brings another question.. charges. Do you bring charges against a 10 year old? he is only a child and I would much rather he was helped than charged... but there are other children (not just mine) to think about too.... can only wait and see what the police advise as they will have dealt with similar situations before.

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There was a story the other day about a suspected kidnap of a nine year old, something about seeing him bundled into a car against his will and the car then zooming off, nothing was ever found regarding this and no children were reported missing, it makes me wonder if a little scrote like the one mentioned was taken for a drive, shown the errors of his ways then returned home.

I hope things turn out for the best Davey

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Davy!!!! You and your wife must be beside yourselves. :hug: We automatically think our kids are in a safe environment at school AND on the way there and back. :angry2: Where do we begin to give them some independance and yet still keep a protective eye on them? :mad2: It must be so difficult. :unsure:

I hope it all works out for you now. I expect you and all the other parents will now be organising to take your kids to and from school every day regardless (I would) and that is a sad fact of life now :censor: leaving your kids feelin that they are being looked over like in a police state!

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Davy, sorry to hear this but I think something here has been missed. Scotland is dogged with knife crime. If the boy had a knife the police need to do something about that. If he pulled the knife from a bag then he had it with him and carried it at school all day..

Thats cause for concern

If he gets expelled he will probably get sent to my daughters school, who seem to get these rejects I was up there last week to talk about a !Removed! that has just been accepted into the school as he has been excluded from two others. I see he has learned his lessons from his previous behaviou, he grabbed my daughter (age 11) and pushed her onto a table and got a free grope of her developing assets. No witnesses (and other school children dont count) so what can be done. Yep thats it they decided to get a social worker to talk to the boy. This is his third primary school, and I am sure that once a social worker is appointed it will all be sorted.....

So She now goest to kick boxing and is looking forward to their next encounter. :thumbsup:


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bah wats the world coming to

same thing happened when i was at school but the other way round the lad who was being bullyed one day pulled a kitchen knife on the bully!

he got kicked out the school for good

sorry to hear about this happenin to your young one but im glad him n the lass werent injured seriously

stick with it and dnt let it be brushed under the carpet

bring back the cane ! schools and the police dont have the powers they need to keep people safe these days its a discrase

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I think you need to show the kid the error of his ways, i was once bullied, for a day or 2 then my dad told me to hit him right between the eyes!

I did and he never did it again!

Another route which i have had to do with my cousin's bully is just have a quiet little word. Get your other son to wait outside the school then when he walks out put his arm round him and explain that if he ever lays a finger on his brother he will personally cut them off one by one with a set of pliers!

Its a horrible situation and you quickly realise that the school will do nothing to teach a bully a lesson they never learn!

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that is scary!!!

its true that the school has the duty of care to look after their pupils but the incident happened outside the school so they could say that its not their problem, but then again the school has their reputation to keep so it would be of their best interest to make sure this wont happen again!! no one wants to send their kids to a school where this kinda thing happens!!

well i suppose you could get in touch with the education board and explain to them about the incident, and with the support from other parents im sure something would be done! getting him expelled wont do anything really, he could just go to another school and same thing would happen!! and it could get worse!!! that kid needs help, i know its easy to say but i think that is the way forward for him! or as a member mentioned, he'll grow up and do even more stupid stuff!!

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Dificult situation that must leave you feeling pretty perturbed i imagine.

DO press charges as this can actually be a first good step to the child being brought to the attention of the courts, ss, whatever, and recieving some 'help'.

DO instruct your child that its perfectly fine and acceptable to DEFEND himself, praise him for doing so and offer tips on how to defend himself more effectively, never doubt or question his version of events for one moment where this bully is concerned

and DO point out where to go for if he needs to defend himself, eg.balls, bridge of nose, larynx, 1 inch 'below' sternum ummm forget the last 2 theyre pretty much potential kill shots

and finally... as bullying is about fear and vulnerability.... the most effective way to deal with fear would seem to be promote understanding that the bully is a !Removed! that is really a big sissy that needs to make himself feel good because of his own inadequacies by hurting others, and reduce vulnerability by enrolling ur kid in some form of self defence class.... kick boxing as suggested might be one of the best.

all the best m8 :)

hope it turns out well

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