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Is Fuel Running Out Faster Than We Thought?


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I'm not being funny but does anyone else feel like they are being priced out of the market when it comes to filling up your car?

Its becoming a total joke now and there is nothing we can do about it. Fuel is just gonna go up and up.

How long do we have until fuel gets so expensive that no one can afford it (minus the Aygo's you lucky freaks)....?

I can see me telling my grand kids about fields and fields of cars parked up because there was no more fuel to put in them.

We all post about our pride and joys but will we still be doing it in 15 years time??!! at the rate of fuel increase, I'll be on a push bike in about 5 years!!!

Intrnal combustion is 100 year old technology, are we coming to the end?

Anyone else worried about this or is it just me?.. its like something from a Sci-Fi film.

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The daft thing is that OPEC always used to control the price of oil by increasing production if there was increased demand. Makes you wonder if they are thinking now would be a good time to take huge profits because this income stream isn't going to last forever.


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The truth is that thers is more than enough oil to supply the world and it gradually renews itself. However it is becoing harder to get to as it's being found in very deep water and under hard substances. This is some reason why oil is going up as it costs more to get to.

The cost of oil is never going to go down, unless we have an equal source of fuel that is greener. However this will then mean that this will be taxed just like oil, so regardless of developments, costs will just go up.

Something we all will just have to live with!!

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I don't think it's going to run out any time soon but because they're wacking the price up & we're still buying it in huge quantities the price will contine to rise & I feel we're approaching the point where people really will start looking at a change of lifestyle so that we don't rely on cars as much. It's going up at a much higher rate than earnings & at the minute people are sacrificing other things to have money to spend on fuel but taking it to an extreme, if it got to £100/litre in the next year or 2 people simply wouldn't be able to afford it & would have to make changes so they didn't have to buy it.

There is a limit as to how much people can actually afford to pay & I think the prices will start reaching some people's limits soon.

What I don't get is why it's so much more expensive here than the rest of the world, it's the same !Removed! fuel imported from the same places yet we're paying an absolute fortune on comparison. If it really was because supplies are running low it would be a worldwide thing so I don't buy into that, I just think they're using that as an excuse to charge extortionate prices & because we're English/British we just do our thing of moan a lot but do sod all to change anything

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On petrol the OIL company gets about 35p per ltr, ALL THE REST is tax to the government. So Mr Brown should be a good leader and reduce the price and fit a max cap of 99p per ltr.

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The oil is not going to run out any time soon but the goverment is going to bring the country to a standstill if they dont do something about the tax/price! They might think its a brilliant way of getting people to stop using their cars - in theory yes, in reality no, im sure im not the only one who cannnot do without a car, i travel 23 miles to uni and 23 miles back everyday, i cant carry the things i need on a bike and the public transport is a joke, no im not just saying that because i like using my car - its true, i had the misfortune of experiencing it the other day

Firstly there is no direct bus to the train station from university which is only three miles away, so that means taking three buses! or walking - i chose to walk as i cannot afford three buses, then when i got to the train station the train i was supposed to get never showed up and the guy had sent me to the wrong platform in the first place, finally got my train home, then i had to get another bus or walk three miles again - i chose the bus as i was knackered, it cost me £2.00 to go three miles! I nearly died of shock - the train fare was only £3.30 to go 20 miles!

so all in all my journey took me 3 hours! and cost me £5.30 to go one way - home, bearing in mind my normal journey takes me half that time and i get door to door service and i pay £40 per week petrol, so for me to do the same journey on public transport it would cost me roughly £11 per day and i would have to be at the bus stp for 5.30am! menas getting up at 4.30am! Sod that!

Until there is a viable/cheaper alternative to using my car - i will always use it - gordon brown needs to pull something else out of his a**e because if people cant afford to use their cars to get to work - and they cant get there by public transport then the country is going to go down the crapper!

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Totally agree with Tegan, even us Aygo Freaks (thanks Jappy :lol:) are struggling I can do 100 mile a day sometimes for work and 60 of that is my own commute and not paid for and may pay didn’t go up a single penny this year yet petrol went dramatically up. Which means I am now considering looking for work back near my house.

And Public transport is dire, it would cost me 3 times as much and take me about 4 hours to get work if i chose this option, plus I spent far to many years relying on this when I couldn’t drive and you would have drag me kicking and screaming before I get back on a bus.

I think the future will go one of two ways in an optimistic view that public transport will become the main mode of transport and petrol cars will be for hobbies and racing only. Or Hybrid, electric etc type cars will be the norm for everyone and just hope performance comes with it (bring on the s/c Aygo.. :lol:)

Pessimistic view - we will all go into recession and wars will break out etc etc all because of petrol :lol:


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On petrol the OIL company gets about 35p per ltr, ALL THE REST is tax to the government. So Mr Brown should be a good leader and reduce the price and fit a max cap of 99p per ltr.

Yeah, but they use tax as an excuse to overcharge, Shell recently revealed the biggest profits in British financial history or something like that, they're hardly being crippled by the taxes

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Oil companies get the bulk of their profit from selling crude oil, which is used for producing plastic etc. The main enemy for the car driver, is the government.

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I'm not being funny but does anyone else feel like they are being priced out of the market when it comes to filling up your car?

Its becoming a total joke now and there is nothing we can do about it. Fuel is just gonna go up and up.

How long do we have until fuel gets so expensive that no one can afford it (minus the Aygo's you lucky freaks)....?

I can see me telling my grand kids about fields and fields of cars parked up because there was no more fuel to put in them.

We all post about our pride and joys but will we still be doing it in 15 years time??!! at the rate of fuel increase, I'll be on a push bike in about 5 years!!!

Intrnal combustion is 100 year old technology, are we coming to the end?

Being one of the more senior Club members :crybaby: , I can remember when petrol was a couple of Bob a gallon. At the time of the 7 days war (Israel v Arab States ) I was in a mile long queue to get the max allocation of 10 shillings worth. If the queue was downhill, you were lucky coz you could freewheel with engine off ! Everyone thought it was the end of civilisation, as we knew it. It wasn't & we got used to paying more & more. :(

In other words, been there , got the T-Shirt & they are still available :thumbsup:

Anyone else worried about this or is it just me?.. its like something from a Sci-Fi film.

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You also seem to forget to meantion the price of fuel on other things ...... Fuel is always involved somewhere along the line whether getting your items delivered to you door all the way down to manufacturing processes.

So as well as paying extra to put the stuff in your car it's also putting up the prices of items and services.

The hole keeps getting deeper and deeper in my eyes .....

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As Edwardio pointed out, its getting harder to extract. That in itself aint such a big problem, I work for an engineering

company, a lot of our business is making precision machined parts for oil companies to get the stuff out. A lot of current

wells are in locations where 10 years ago the tools and technology did not exist to find it let alone get it out. Nowadays

technology has moved on, who would have thought you could sit on an oil rig and use a satellite to steer a drillbit 4 or 5

miles deep into the earths crust let alone make it turn at right angles. And dont think we need to thank the yanks for this

stuff either, a lot of brilliant BRITISH engineers in Aberdeen invent this stuff. The North sea aint such a big player in the

global production market, but it is for engineering.

Currently companies like BP are downsizing their operations in the north sea, thats because the type of fields left are

smaller and not the £1 million an hour type. But other smaller companies buy the rights and take over. I would not

worry too much yet as there is still a lot of oil left in the North sea and a hell of a lot more in other new places like Africa.

When it does eventually start to run out, you will see the technology thats been bought out and conveniently hidden by

the big oil companies start to take over. They will then continue to make the huge profits they are used to. And believe

me the oil alternatives ARE there under lock and key. Fuel Cells, think they are modern ? A lecturer at our local college

invented an engine that could run on water 30 years ago. What happened to it ? The rights were sold to an oil company.

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Just invest in shares of oil companies, the profit pays for the extra price on petrol and more!

As everyone has said, its the government that make the most money out of petrol (Duty and VAT) - can't blame the oil companies for wanting to make profits.

My car gets converted to LPG in 6 weeks and I can't wait - 49p a litre (with slightly less MPG mind).

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It is taking the pees! If I had to drive anymore than 2miles a day in the Supra I would be looking at something else!

I've started cycling the odd day to work also.

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My car gets converted to LPG in 6 weeks and I can't wait - 49p a litre (with slightly less MPG mind).

Where are you getting that done John?

I've been considering it for the IS and possibly for the MR2. Not doing sufficient miles to warrant it at the moment, but if that changed I'd definitely be looking at LPG rather than taking the diseasal or hybrid route.

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On petrol the OIL company gets about 35p per ltr, ALL THE REST is tax to the government. So Mr Brown should be a good leader and reduce the price and fit a max cap of 99p per ltr.

Yes! I am really glad someone has finally mentioned this! The government is the car drivers enemy, about two thirds of the price of fuel is government tax! That is why fuel is cheaper in other countries under less greedy regimes. You really cannot blame the oil companies for wanting to make a profit, they are businesses after all and need to be competitive with eachother. The government's greed needs to be highlighted to the general public. The government are hiding behind this "oil is running out" facade. It would take an idiot to not look at other countries and realise that this country's government is making a mint out of fuel taxation. I would like to openly PUNCH the government over this but I'm afraid I would get shot if I did :D

It is taking the pees! If I had to drive anymore than 2miles a day in the Supra I would be looking at something else!

I've started cycling the odd day to work also.

But can't you see!? If you do that it means they've won! All the crazy "green" people who say that cycling is better, Transport 2000 etc and the government! By cycling that will mean they have achieved their ultimate goal of stopping people drive the wonderful machines that are cars :angry:

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On petrol the OIL company gets about 35p per ltr, ALL THE REST is tax to the government. So Mr Brown should be a good leader and reduce the price and fit a max cap of 99p per ltr.

Yes! I am really glad someone has finally mentioned this! The government is the car drivers enemy, about two thirds of the price of fuel is government tax! That is why fuel is cheaper in other countries under less greedy regimes. You really cannot blame the oil companies for wanting to make a profit, they are businesses after all and need to be competitive with eachother. The government's greed needs to be highlighted to the general public. The government are hiding behind this "oil is running out" facade. It would take an idiot to not look at other countries and realise that this country's government is making a mint out of fuel taxation. I would like to openly PUNCH the government over this but I'm afraid I would get shot if I did :D

Yeah, I understand that but the government have always took loads of money from fuel tax & now with the new laws about smoking the income from tobacco sales has been dramatically reduced & drivers were always going to take the main hit for it. I just think the oil companies are using it as an excuse to fleece us too, the price keeps rising, they keep saying it's not their fault & then reveal record profits. They are just a normal company with duties to shareholders etc but I think it's too easy for them to just say "It's nothing to do with us, it's the government" & then everyone seems to believe them

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Who said it wasn't the oil companies :huh:

Spring last year crude oil was $50 per barrel and they recon by spring this year it will be close to $200 :(

Is it true that our government charge us tax as a percentage so as the price of fuel goes up so does the tax (at more than double the rate)

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