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Soooooo Mad...someone Has Damaged My Car


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Went out this morning to find this......



I cant work out how its been done? we only have off road parking and I was parking half on path half on road as usual and not sticking out at all and there is no damage to the bottom quarter so either someone has driven into into it in a high van/truck or someone has smacked it with something, and it must be something strong to have made that dent in the metal above the light but dont recall upsetting anyone lately :unsure:

Was actually at the garage when I noticed it and they said they couldnt do anything with it today and have took some pics etc to get me a quote, he says the dent above the light might be too deep to repair and they might have to replace the whole rear quarter panel :( and as I dont know who done it (yet! :g: ) am going to have to claim it all off my own insurance :ffs: or pay for it myself, also said car would be in shop for a week :eek: so am gonna have to pay for a hire car :crybaby:

So am off to Halfords to get some red film so that my car is actually legal to drive until they fix it and then going to go all Poirot on my neighbours :euro: would love to hear ideas on how you think it was done if any one feels joining my new detective agency :lol:

Having a self pity moment here, but I really dont need this right now :(

And I am not sure I want to ask this really but anyone got any ideas how much this might cost to fix?


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Have no idea what might have caused that... Always bad finding some damage to your pride and joy and not knowing how it got there....

Had damage on old car I used to have...no idea how it got there... only found out weeks & weeks later.. neighbour was having some work done and contractor removing ladder slide of side and banged into my car over small fence other side....never said anything :angry: :angry:

When you do find out, we could send the boys :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: round to read them the riot act....

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Thanks guys, have already been on case with the appropriate (curtain twitching) neighbour and she said the house almost opposite me is having some work done and have just moved in, there has been trucks been coming and going all day and apparently they were behind my car unloading stuff early this morning in a big truck and did screech and then drive away rather fast, prob is the new neighbour in question is a big scary polish guy and it could have been a contractor, so erm yeah please can u send round lads asap :lol:


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Just go and tell the homeowner. They will talk to the contractors and they will admit to it and get their insurance details.

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Thats awful! Not untypical of 'workmen' to drive away though is it! I hope you get it sorted out quickly.....dont hold out much hope of getting anyone to own up though sad as it is :censor: :angry:

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I feel your pain. People who do that are beyond contempt when they don't own up.

My car got damaged in my work car park last week but wasn't picked up on camera !! I've got a quote of about £750 to get it fixed and I'm very cross as its going to cost me a fortune even if I do put it through on the insurance (first car and year of ownership) !! My car has been hit behind the diver's door and the garage reckon it has bumper marks so someone hit at about a 90 degree angle to the car. That really is some seriously bad driving. Its really horrible having to work with someone who knows they did it and won't own up.

Some people clearly have no morals.

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I feel for you as well.

Makes you want to string them up by their knackers when you get hold of them! :hang:

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I think we all feel that pain. Good luck with it and I hope the c**tractors admit responsibility!

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Baskets!! Looks like it could be a tailgate clip from something like a tipper Transit type thingy. The safety catch would be about the right height to hit your car where it did. Looking at it, they were "lucky", (if lucky is the right word) not to be a couple more inches to the right, otherwise your glass would have gone....!! Hope you manage to find the grumbling grunts that did it. :angry:

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!Removed! hell :( thats not good at all !!! why cant people just be considerate, and if it was an accident from over the road they couldve been honest about it, n if not paid for all the repair at least gone halfs?!

im still trying to find £300 to have my key scratch outta my rear quarter panel where the barsteward from next door got jealous.... my god has he got some nasty suprises waiting for him!

what a pain in the bum all this is... quite afew people round here have had damage done to their cars :( not good!

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Commiseration to you and anyone else who has this done to them. If it was the contractor then it is very unlikely they will own up.

About 2 years ago my previous car had the same sort of damage from a van reversing into it and then scarpering whilst I was having a meal. Somebody got the registration plate luckily and the van company name. The two guys denied it to their boss but unfortunately they got captured on the CCTV stopping, getting out for a look and then driving off. Their boss even accused me of being a con claimant and that the police woman ringing him up probably wasn't a police officer. :rolleyes:

I got the money in the end, but it still took a year. The problem with van drivers is that often it is not their van and they just don't care, some of the worst driving I have seen on the road is by van drivers. A van driver even wrote off my Yaris, he wasn't even insured because he was a young lad working for his father in law.

Good luck.



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Thanks for all the replies!

Update, I reported it to the police who were very helpful and are looking into it much to my surpise..lol, but the funny thing was when I told the man what my car was we then spent about 20 mins while he asked me loads of questions and I was just telling him how wonderful the car was and I think I had sold him on it so Toyota I want commission!! :lol:

Anyway quote for fixing the light and the quarter panel from Toyota £517.48 :eek:

Light from Parts king £60 and fix it myself

There was one on eBay from a breakers for £20 as well

and of course just leave the dent for now but look at smart replairing or something else a bit more DIY!

If anyone has any "how to's" on how to remove the rear light etc, would appreciate a link.

This probably sounds daft but I kind of like it broken, makes the car look kind of 'ard, like it has a black eye :lol::rolleyes:


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£517?! oh my word lol

Good to hear its being investigated so hopefully something will come out of that :)

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Single bolt directly behind the light in the boot to remove the whole unit. I can't remember if there is a hole to access the bolt or if you have to pull the carpet back slightly.

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...but the funny thing was when I told the man what my car was we then spent about 20 mins while he asked me loads of questions and I was just telling him how wonderful the car was and I think I had sold him on it so Toyota I want commission!! :lol:

I got breathalised about a year and a half ago and after the test the Policewoman asked me a ton of questions about Hugo. She and her partner were after a cheap second car- it only occured to me afterwards that it wasn't a random stop, she just wanted to quiz me on an Aygo!!! :o


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  • 3 weeks later...

Wooohoooo am so proud of me, fixed my light aaaallll by myself!! and a mate has offered to fix dent for £20 so was

Mr T - £750+

Moi - £80

soo Mr T tongue0015.gif

and have now moved house aswell (not just because of this :lol:) and he now has his own driveway :D


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Wooohoooo am so proud of me, fixed my light aaaallll by myself!! and a mate has offered to fix dent for £20 so was

Mr T - £750+

Moi - £80

soo Mr T tongue0015.gif

and have now moved house aswell (not just because of this :lol:) and he now has his own driveway :D


It is nice to read your good news.... well done :)

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Ouch! I feel your pain.

I had a serious run of bad luck the first year I had my Aygo. Two months after I bought it I came back one evening to find some ****!?!? had driven up the side of it leaving serious damage to the passenger side. The repairs involved a new passenger side door! Of course they didn't leave details.

Then 3 months after that it was nicked. Some little chav managed to get into my flat and knicked the car keys, he was in the process of knicking my laptop and various peripherals when he was disturbed by my (then) boyfriend. He'd run off, but by the time I realised he had my car keys he had come back and stolen the car. :censor: :censor: :censor:

Then add to that some idiot with a tow bar backing into the front of my car thus causing a massive amount of paint loss in the centre just underneath the grill, the grill itself was pushed backwards and I had to ask the mechanic to fix it back in place when I was getting it serviced. Oh and I found my licence plate lying on the ground. Lucky it wasn't knicked!!!

Plus various dents that have appeared out of nowhere on the passenger door and one on the hood. I blame it on the students, I used to live in a very student rich area and now since I've moved house to a much quieter part of town not a single thing.

Except for some idiot in a car park who just HAD to slam their car door into mine thus leaving a scratch and a dent.


People are idiots.

And I'm seriously thinking that some do it out of spite as if they really begrudge someone else having a shiny new car. Not a reason to damage and destroy something that someone has worked hard for the money for!!!

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Angelicevil - thats just so awful. Some people just have no sense of decency with other people's belongings.

I know the feeling; I work in a school and the kids smashed up a mini hi-fi system the other day "just for fun". Plastic bits were everywhere. It can be really depressing.

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I had a go with the T-Cut yesterday to get all my phantom scratches out. It's weird how so many little dings and scratches appear out of no-where. The fact that my whole front bumper needs re-spraying due to someone hitting it and cracking all the paint off is very frustrating (hence my sig pic is on the opposite side the damage). I also noticed someone has hit the back of my car aswell and left a slight dent but I managed to T-Cut the majority of those scratches out. The fact is no-body cares about anyone elses property and at the end of the day I'm afraid we have to just live with it and accept it.

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