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The Way Toc Is..........


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I don't think that I've done a bad job.... I've been on here for 4 1/2 years, by no means one of the "old school" Fizz talked about, but old enough to appreciate and understand TOC and the people in it... and cynical enough not to let it bother me! :lol:

All forums suffer from member-lag.... when those members who've been around for a while decide to move on - for their own reasons. TOC is no different from forum in this respect - people have a choice to stick around or do their own thing - who are we to judge people who choose the latter? If its something to do with TOC or someone on TOC then you have a choice to go or stay and fight - we've all had words with other people at some point - moderators especially. It's bloody difficult to do a job you don't get paid for and get berated in some way for it - members have no idea how that makes us feel - it hits me especially hard, because I'm one of those emotional woman types.... sometimes I wish people would understand its nothing personal, it's just something we have to do!

I've always been fairly vocal in that anyone can come to me and discuss anything (apart from anything sado-masochist, I'm just not into that!) - whether its something on the forum you're not happy with, someone is picking on you, you aren't happy with a moderators decision, let me know! I am quite happy to sit and chat with anyone who isn't happy or who feels they can't be themselves (Hou - PM me babe and we'll talk!) because if anyone can be themselves, it's on here and I'm adamant that things shouldn't change. Moderators aren't here to cause you misery (unless you date me :lol:) ;)

TOC Camp if anything proved that when we all get together - both old school and new school - that we're a really decent bunch of people. JAE in the past also proved it, but sadly due to the organisers moving things around there isn't much of an interest - thats not TOC's fault, thats JAE's fault. TOC Camp proved we can still get together and have a laugh. It will be the same at the Christmas Party (of which I'm trying to get a certain old school member to attend if he can spare us his precious time ;) )

Fundamentally we're all here for the same thing aren't we - a love of all things Toyota. Anything else is a welcomed optional extra :)

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  • flexy7


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If I go to the bottom of Toyota Forums to see who is logged in, I could find 30+ members, but running my eye over them I'd find that they are people who never post on General, which indicates that TOC is in a healthy state, with people concentrating on the forums for their own model, rather than the Intellectual :lol: chat, ideas & banter of General.

The main thing I've noticed over the years is that, as cars get less and less 'homework friendly' then the more helpful members drift off to more model-specific forums ( MR2OC / TOC! etc ). The technical people aren't around in the numbers they used to be.

Other than that, i reckon it's pretty much the same as it's always been - except some people have left and some others have joined - that's why it's called a Dynamic ! :P

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:yahoo: Well i'm not someone who likes to blow her own trumpet :eek: But to give answers to the original Hou posting, I am the "FUN", I give the "LAUGHS" (Sadly it's usually you lot laughing at my beloved Camry,that polled 15% of TOC vote as the most beautiful.) & I am a GREAT person , so I fill all your criteria Hou. & finally I'm gorgeous, have fantastic taste in cars,(& motorbikes) love football............but enough about me.

Photo deleted in order to save my stomach

Now this sort of banter, even though somewhat seriously misguided, is what makes TOC a good place :lol: ;)

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I think the forum is managed very well, i am 100% happy with the mod team and they are an asset to this club.

Over the last month i recently joined another club in order to get some info on a project i am doing. I have never really been a member of another forum club before (different on the other side) The forum is under moderated and the forum runs like crap. All topics go off topic and the members have their own piggin language because noting makes sense. Also the clique never make you feel welcome whatsoever. Plus the occasional insult and your a N00b feeling.

My plan was to make TOC a really friendly place... and it is. Its one of the friendliest!

The mods keep the forums in ship shape.

Thats what makes TOC a good place, many members enjoy the forums as its part of their daily life. Some don't like it.. we cannot please everyone, thats life!

Why I love the team and why everyone should appreciate. See some scenarios below

  • I would hate to see the forum full of spam selling watches, shoes and pills to get wood (which the mods delete daily)

  • I Would hate to see the forums full of stupid idiotic foul language (which the mods control daily)

  • I would hate to see my topics go off topic leaving me frustrated with no answer or scroll through 30 pages to see the answer in amongst the crap (which the mods manage daily)

  • I would hate to get abuse from trolls (which the mods control daily)

  • I would hate to see porn photos appear on my screen while i am at work and get sacked or divorced from my wife (which the mods control daily)

  • I would hate to click a link given to me from a newbie posting on the boards and find out that i have had a unknowingly installed back door trojan malware on my PC stealing all my data and credit card info when i am buying that spoiler i always wanted (which the mods will delete asap and warn everyone)

  • I would hate the forum to be full of topics in the wrong sections (which the mods clear up in to the right sections daily)

  • I would hate for TOC to be absolute pants (which the mods don't want)

  • I would like to Love TOC and it be a cool place and come and visit and make friends (which mods want you to have and aim to provide)

The list goes on.

So thats why I appreciate the team.

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I don't remember there being anything about controlling your wife in the JD. ;)

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I think we should start a Moderator Appreciation thread..... post up who your favourite moderator is, why and how much you love her..... ;) :lol:

Well why not - we all love Kimi! ;) :lol:

Steve is absolutely right though - did you guys know that is what we do - we don't just hang around to nark you all off you know. :P

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I think we should start a Moderator Appreciation thread..... post up who your favourite moderator is, why and how much you love her..... ;) :lol:

a few years back Vmail posted a poll on who the best Mod was...............I suggested Paul Weller but nobody got it ! :(

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Hmm, not been a member of a forum before this so have nothing to compare with.

But i did regsister 8 years ago when i needed some help with my Yaris, didn't post much but when i got the CTS i came back because of the friendly forum i remembered (couldn't remember my old log in details! :lol: )

Don't think the forum has changed much since i came back, same helpful nature.

Sometimes TOC is a bit quiet and heated discussion's do get closed down quickly but this is a family site.

Maybe it's time for a no-holds barred Gold Members forum??? ;)

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I did it, because as Steve explained, we keep the forums tidy and that picture was pointless and still is..... :unsure:

Please stay on topic, else I'll do it again! ;)

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Perhaps because it had absolutely nothing to do with the point of this thread :)

But thanks for providing such a great example of why it's necessary for mods to prune threads.

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Nothing personal here Flexy, I know you are doing a lot of things in good humor because of your use of emiticons (as I pointed out earlier how useful they can be) however... sometimes, even in jest.. these things can antagonize other members, even more so when an old joke starts to wear thin (again no offence) These situations are where we, the moderating team, feel we are walking on eggshells or we get accused of picking on certain individuals, in this example we risk upsetting the Aygo community if we keep letting it go, or we upset you if we delete it, but it's one of the duties of be a moderator on any forum, members have to realize how tough it can be at times. On the whole I feel the boards are fair and friendly.

Signatures... there are rules on signatures, but every now and then members start breaking these rules (size etc) this is something we try to keep an eye on too... if its just one ot two members it's fine, but when there are a lot of members signatures getting too large it can slow the forums down for members who don't have a fast connection, thus limiting their enjoyment of the forum... large pictures can take a while to download and when there are a few on the same thread.....

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When I was at school, our headmaster told us about the Golden Rule!

It may be something worth enforcing in TOC... in that people actually think before they speak/post. Would it be something you'd be happy for someone to say/post aimed at you?

Feel free to agree or disagree with each other as long as you do it respectfully. Please remember that there are people on the other end reading what you write. We all have our own experiences and perspectives. Please be respectful of that.

Bottom line: Ask yourself, "Would I be comfortable saying this to the person's face?" If you're not sure, then don't post it.

The Golden Rule - don't post anything you would not want posted about or aimed at you!

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This is the sort of thing that is good about toc


Stuff like this is great because it saves members money and stops them getting ripped off, fair play to this fella for posting it up, lots wont, long as my car fixed dont need the forum any more kind of attitude

Even in the corolla t sport section lately there was a small discussion on the length of time it take to do a clutch on are cars, and the hours Toyota bill for!!!! Thats the sort of thing i enjoy about this place, but we dont have enough of it in my opinion.

Also if we could have know faults with a model at the top of a section to stop repetitive threads, same Q asked over an over and over again, you know the answer but you just cant be bothered again. Like my model, alarm , clutch, gear box bearing, aux idler, air injection pump, bent valves, lift bolts, things the car is known for

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I dont usually get into these threads but this one is not about modding directly its about how you feel about TOC.

This is the best forum I am part of on the net. Since I started accessing the internet, with an Amiga about 25 years ago for me, I have joined numerous forums for all sorts of things. TOC i like this forum very much and have stayed part of it.

I joined it a number of years ago to get info for my car. I have not sought any info for a while and mainly provide info where i can for other people and contribute to the non serious stuff for amusement. I can also say that over the years I have found some amazing links and news on this site often before a lot of other forums. This is the side of the forum that keeps me coming back.

My frequency on the forum has varied, that is the way of most of the users, members have come and gone, the club has to deal with a lot, not least the tasks of making the site present when we seek it and also function the way it does. Over the years it is a very small number of times that I have tried to access this forum and for it not to be there, now that is a task and a half........Wow and pats on the back for the people who do that.

How do I feel about TOC its fantastic !

I have personally witnessed some great contributions from Hou..the originator of tis thread, and I recall a number of people over the years discuss this topic from various angles. This is a discussion forum and you have sought discussion of this thread, I hope I have contributed in the way intended by this thread.

Now Please

If you feel the forum is lacking something, levity, diversity, whatever then please put your brain into gear and post something. You could even start the thread by saying since I feel we need a little more.... and post to try to replace whatever you think the forum is missing.

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Flexy, don't think I was putting you down in any way.. I wasn't, I merely used the Aygo Camry "banter" as an example.. a lot of subjects in a lot of forums, not just here, throw up situations where members take things the wrong way, as you type you kind of say it to yourself inside your head, and of course, you say it within a certain context, however actually typing in context is difficult.. you may read your own post in the context in which you originally said it to yourself, but others may read what you say in a different context.. hence why people get upset and sensitive (as you put it).. I wouldn't assume someone to be sensitive when I can't be sure how they have interpreted the context of a post. We all imagine what people are like in real life, but when we meet them they can be totally different to what we thought. It's only when you really get to know someone that you can judge what they type to be serious or jest... untill then it's guess work.

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Nothing personal here Flexy, I know you are doing a lot of things in good humor because of your use of emiticons (as I pointed out earlier how useful they can be) however... sometimes, even in jest.. these things can antagonize other members, even more so when an old joke starts to wear thin (again no offence) These situations are where we, the moderating team, feel we are walking on eggshells or we get accused of picking on certain individuals, in this example we risk upsetting the Aygo community if we keep letting it go, or we upset you if we delete it, but it's one of the duties of be a moderator on any forum, members have to realize how tough it can be at times. On the whole I feel the boards are fair and friendly.

:o Are they really that sensitive ! That's so sad, Much more "serious" insults against Camrys have been posted in my direction & it's just banter, for flips sake ! (See I almost used a bad word.) Lighten Up, people aren't really laughing at Aygo drivers, we are just jealous because we look so ridiculous in our cars. :yes: There seems to be alot of members who only post to act shocked & outraged, bit like the ......"Concerned of such a place" letters to the TV & Magazines. I suppose I don't get on with Mods because I'm a biker ?

The point was Flexy, that your comment was not necessary in this thread about a totally different subject! It's got nothing to do with you as an individual, I would have done the same had it been any other member!

Once again, people should stop taking moderator actions personally! I don't know you from Adam, so who am I to judge you, if you are a biker or not - I wouldn't. My job is to be impartial. Don't take offence to it!

As I said, this is not an easy job, we make a judgement call, if its right or wrong its our call to make, but that particular post was off topic - and now this is going off topic so this is the last thing I'll say about it all and any further queries, please feel free to PM me about it :thumbsup:

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I dont usually get into these threads but this one is not about modding directly its about how you feel about TOC.

This is the best forum I am part of on the net. Since I started accessing the internet, with an Amiga about 25 years ago for me, I have joined numerous forums for all sorts of things. TOC i like this forum very much and have stayed part of it.

I joined it a number of years ago to get info for my car. I have not sought any info for a while and mainly provide info where i can for other people and contribute to the non serious stuff for amusement. I can also say that over the years I have found some amazing links and news on this site often before a lot of other forums. This is the side of the forum that keeps me coming back.

My frequency on the forum has varied, that is the way of most of the users, members have come and gone, the club has to deal with a lot, not least the tasks of making the site present when we seek it and also function the way it does. Over the years it is a very small number of times that I have tried to access this forum and for it not to be there, now that is a task and a half........Wow and pats on the back for the people who do that.

How do I feel about TOC its fantastic !

I have personally witnessed some great contributions from Hou..the originator of tis thread, and I recall a number of people over the years discuss this topic from various angles. This is a discussion forum and you have sought discussion of this thread, I hope I have contributed in the way intended by this thread.

Now Please

If you feel the forum is lacking something, levity, diversity, whatever then please put your brain into gear and post something. You could even start the thread by saying since I feel we need a little more.... and post to try to replace whatever you think the forum is missing.

Very well said Martin :thumbsup:

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