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I tried to head over to the gazebo on saterday night to say hello and just go glared at so carried on walking :(

I didn't recognise anyone in there!

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There was a bit of a division last year as well.

It seems that some of the members from LOC think they are 'above' Toyota drivers (even tho they have a re-badged Toyota Altezza!! :lol: )

On the whole the LOC members i spoke to were quite friendly but once in their own little circle of friends they didn't seem keen to mingle.

I don't recall any coming down to see us at the sofa!

A feeling shared by others from TOC hence opting to stay at our sofa and BBQ!! :lol:

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It sounds like people had a good time, but I for one don't regret not attending as I had a much better time 1 mile from my house than I would have had driving 150 miles..... but then that was my main reason for not attending, the fact it was my birthday weekend, not so much the distance as I'm happy to drive further for a good laugh!

People who went have told me I haven't missed out on much, so I'm not too disappointed! ;)

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I tried to head over to the gazebo on saterday night to say hello and just go glared at so carried on walking :(

I didn't recognise anyone in there!

thats the feeling i got every time i walked past charlie -- i felt like we werent wanted or welcome, i personally dont have anything against anybody in particular as i dont know anybody from LOC, but i didnt feel like anybody wanted to get to know us either, i appreciated the effort to include us in the awards at the end of the weekend but overall it felt like we were a bit of an inconvenience to the loc stand and pushed to the back. :( I think next year it should be seperate stands no matter how many TOC show up, i saw one stand with only two cars on it so quantity doesnt really matter.

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I think next year it should be seperate stands no matter how many TOC show up, i saw one stand with only two cars on it so quantity doesnt really matter.

Seconded, it would be nice to have our own stand not a shared one.

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These kind of events are what you make them and that can be if you have 10 or 100 on your stand, yes it was disappointing not to see more people make the effort and represent the club but we had fun without you anyway, :P

Yes it would be nice if it was a bit closer for northerners, but it would have also been nice if I was a size 8, driving sexy supra and Danny Dyer was my plus one but hey that’s life and I am dealing with it :lol: – but 3 days away camping for £15 and I did 400 miles on £35 petrol (still laughing at my Aygo now :lol: ) and it took us about 4 hours, could have been less if I wasn’t navigating a Gaz wasn’t having mpg issues :P But hey I am car enthusiast and the journey was all part of the fun!

Toilets, showers, unpredictable weather, mozzies etc are what I expected – I don’t see it any different to Glastonbury type festivals, and they charge £150+ a ticket!

The Lexus V Toyota – agreed with the above comments, although it didn’t surprise me at all and it doesn’t apply to every Loccer

Considering it was a large question mark whether JAE would actually even run at one point I think it’ was worthwhile effort and I am certainly happy that I went :D

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JAE 2008 information was posted way back in February this year. By July after cajoling, bullying, begging it was still an uphill struggle to achieve sufficient numbers to make for a decent stand. If not for the efforts and bumps from Andy (acstreet), with posts from MsB (Janey) from LOC we would have been a VERY small group of Toyotas in the corner of a field. Sarah (SJ&Aygo) hit the nail on the head by saying –

probably cos they had such a better turn out
Lexus had an excellent turn out of enthusiastic members wanting to get together and show off their cars as well as their club.

I do feel that as one of the largest member car clubs we could have had a better turn out. In the recent ‘What Toyota do you drive’ poll there were nearly 140 Rav4 members with nearly the same amount of Corolla owners, yet when it came to supporting Toyota Owners Club the best we could manage was three Corollas and not one Rav4 in sight.

Leaving out our own 2 cars, my appreciation goes to the 12 Toyotas (+ 1 Renault!) 3 of these asked to join our stand at the venue - which were gratefully accepted......... They made the effort extremely worthwhile.


My thoughts about JAE 2008:

The journey

Leaving our house (near Hull) I set off at 8.30am loaded with as much as I could cram the Roadster and a full tank of petrol. The route was A6, M62, M18, A1, M11 then onto about 20 miles of B roads for the final leg. I must admit that after the motorways + A1 the B roads were a pleasant end to an uneventful trip - driving through a few pretty villages ending at our final destination - East Mersea and the ‘Strood’. I don’t know if my sat-nav took me in a different direction from anyone else but I have to be honest and say that I have driven an articulated vehicle with a 40foot trailer down worse roads. The strood itself was a bit of an anti-climax because I blinked and missed it!

The drive after the strood to the site was again nothing like I had imagined from some reports. My total journey (including a pee stop) was 4 ¼ hours, 240 miles and only used ½ tank of petrol.

The Site

On arrival the staff were still setting up, we were just handed the info brochure with a wrist band and left to our own devices. After waiting where the brochure plan said the TOC stand was for half an hour Anne went for a walk around, found Steve, and discovered the location had been changed! Also there had been an error interpreting the scale of the site which meant the ‘plot’ was smaller than anticipated. But still we had more than enough area for both TOC and LOC + camping.

When some of the LOC members turned up we set up the stand in readiness for the rest arriving over the next few days. Our joint stand was not set up with the intention of winning ‘Best Exhibit’ prizes or indeed with an ‘us and them’ theme, the plan was to park the vehicles as they arrived but to ‘group’ where possible.


Although leaving a lot to be desired they were adequate (my iced shower in the morning was very refreshing!). One thing that amazed me was the way some subhumans treated the portaloos - yes they are portable toilets and yes they are basic - but the state that some individuals left them in made me wonder what kind of slum they crawled from!

Trade Stands

Not enough!!!!!


For a first venture on this site it was quite reasonable. I do feel that I have to comment on the ‘Show & Shine’ competition. My advice to anyone entering would be that unless you have thrown thousands of pounds on your vehicle and ‘blinged’ it up with all the chrome, flash, paint etc (including not having stone chips, dings or scratches) DON’T BOTHER.

The Beach

Lol - lol - lol - lol - lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leaving on Sunday

The JAE organisers came round the site with a megaphone ‘clearly’ announcing the the strood would be closed within the hour (12.30ish) then re-opening at about 2.30pm. I never saw any massive tailbacks during the first period and only a slight build up when the road re-opened. We left at about 3.15pm and apart from a slight delay joining the main road over the strood (which was barely damp) our journey home was hassle free.

Will we go next year?

HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF: Obviously we have more attendees………………………………..............

To make for a better stand we must know numbers in plenty of time to arrange pitch sizes etc.

So, given the chance with enough notice I am sure that I can make JAE 2009 a memorable occasion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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well i wasn't able to make it this year.......


but again im saddened to see the issues, which only ever seem to be brought up on TOC

has anyone considered the fact getting to know people is a 2 way street, i can assure you, that no LOC member even considers themselves aloof to TOC, and i find it amazing that anyone would ever think that....almost childish

having been to every JAE since TOC and LOC was formed, every single time the 2 clubs are put together someone from TOC will say, " oh those LOC lot don't like us, they look down on Toyota".

what utter **** rubbish.

someone said, "they (LOC) didnt come down to US on the Sofa."

erm....so you was separating yourself, by positioning yourself away from the center, of the people

someone said "they just looked at me...as i walked past"

erm, if they didn't know you, what do you expect them to do....could be anyone,

getting to know someone is a 2 way street.......make the effort and reap the rewards

and get out you heads that there is a divide, the only divide is the one which over subsequent JAE, you are letting fester in your minds

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OK folks here is my report on the show...............

J.A.E. 2008 my personal ickle report

Apologies for any mistakes n if I have forgotten to mention anyone

Thursday 28 August

8.30am - packed up and off we go. It was a pleasant journey, a trouble free drive all the way via M62, M18, A1 and M11. Onto B roads for a 20 mile journey which was nice too. The drive over the Strood was found to be a tarmac road with no problems of flooding (except high tide of course!). We arrived at 12.45pm, having enjoyed fine weather all the way. We were given a brochure with a map of the site and followed this to our pitch….well we tried to! Found no markers………hmmmmmm? So of I toddled to the admin tent and was told that the map was wrong and we were WAY over there >>>>> . So off we went and found our pitch. We started to set up camp and around 4.00pm we got together with a few peeps from LOC and began putting up the marquee……….this was a struggle but we finally did it and stood back to admire our handy work - helped by the odd beer or two, and some fabulous bites n tablet which had been made by one of the LOC wifes (Mrs Mole). I wandered over to MR2 peeps to see JJ n Ash (traitors hehe). 5.30pm - by now Paul had arrived and Steve (RedYaris) and we made up our BBQ and fired it up for the first hot meal of the day. We had steak, jacket spud, mushroom and wine - a lovely mix yummy. 8.00pm Jaxx, Earpl (who’s he….erk hes banned!) and Teegs arrived. 8.00pm the bbq was fired up again…..more food! and we settled down to drinks n socialising till bed time around 11.00pm for us zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday 29 August

Up at 7.15am…..yawn. Les had a shower n commented that it was bl**dy freezing!! The day started off overcast, bright but warm - t-shirt weather. Bbq breakfast of bacon n sausages to set us up. Weather was getting brighter by the moment. We then got down to the serious business of polishing up the cars. We made a recky round the site and were suitably impressed. A steady stream of new peeps were now arriving - both TOC and LOC. Personally I went to Liqwidart n spent some money…..I got ‘horns’ for the front n back logos and a ‘devils’ tax disc holder - well I think they look great!!! Back on stand and Les prepared his car for ‘wildcard’ show and shine entry at 3.00pm. This was OK but the judging did take a lot of time (there were only 3 entries on our section)and we were stood around for ages. Then we went back to stand having another look around on the way. Eventually (after the odd beer or two) Les got a text on his phone to say he was through to the next round…hooray…..(later found out all 3 cars were through)! More peeps arrived - SJ&Aygo(Sarah) n Norfolk Chance (Gaz) in particular so now we have on TOC: Rob, Teegs, Earpl, Steve, Gaz, Sarah, Paul, Andy +1, Carl+1, Les and ME!! Fired up the Bbq for tea at 5.30pm (had been drinking all afternoon of course). The evening progressed with much more alcohol being consumed. Quite a few peeps from TOC and LOC went to see the tribute band ‘Oasis, Definitely Might Be’ but were not terribly impressed. The rest of us got into a circle and socialised. Around 11.00ish we went to bed as Les had suffered several insect bites and was feeling a bit under the weather. During the night he even had a burning fever.

Saturday 30 August

We found out that Paul had been sick all over the place last night….oooops. A lot of us (inc Paul!) went for a cooked breakfast in the canteen - £4.00. It was very good value! We then toddled to the First Aid peeps and they gave Les an antihistamine. Then we spruced up the cars again and tried to get the spiders off………millions of the blighters. After we sat around in the sunshine chilling with the odd beer. The sun was very hot!!!!!!!! 12.00 till 1.30pm was spent on another quick tour round the site and we got some very yummy cream doughnuts. Back to the site to chill with biscuits n tea n coffee till 2.30ish when we were hard at it again polishing up the cars. At 3.00pm we joined the queue for the show and shine - me, Les, Andy, Carl were our entries. 1 ½ hours of bored hanging around while they were judged (wouldn’t do that again!). Throughout the day Les was steadily feeling better. The back to our ‘ickle camp to chill n Bbq tea at 6.00pm. Guess what??? More drinking and socialising ensued. At 9.30pm there were fireworks set off…..very nice! Though Les was feeling better we still went to bed at 11.00ish cos he was shattered, but we laid listening to various peeps putting the world to rights - hahahahaha. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday 31 August

Up at 7.30am. Bbq breakfast then packing the tents away because the weather forecast was rain. Sarah had slept all night under the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was sooooo comfy in the chair which Earpl had purloined. We then chilled around until 11.00am in the sun when we had the awards for TOC and LOC. For TOC there were several jokey awards given out and the Runner Up Best Car on Stand went to ME! Best Car on Stand went to Andy. Show and Shine went to Carl………….well done everyone!!!! Some of us left before the strood was closed for tide at 12.30ish the others left in dribs n drabs 3.00pm onwards. We left a nice clean pitch behind us……..thanks to everyone who cleared up as they went and to those who cleared up the remainder (you know who you are!). We set off at 3.15pm and drove through some horrendous rain storms home, finally arriving tired but happy at 8.00ish.

I am happy to report that it was a damn fine JAE 2008!

OK we would have liked more peeps with their cars to support us, but the people who did come made it a very enjoyable weekend. Personally I think that the facilities were OK - I mean every show we have been to has had problems of one kind or another and this one was no better or worse than any other.

My thanks go to Steve (boss man!) and to Janey (MsB) of LOC who did so much to help organise the weekend and to EVERYONE who was there, both TOC and LOC! We rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROLL ON JAE2009.……………..lets make it even better!!!!!!!

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Feeling totally creamcrackered after a brilliant weekend ...to much beer & vodka & not enough sleep but it was definately worth it :rolleyes:

Big thanks to all of you who came because without you all it would be nothing and I honestly think it was the best JAE so far and considering it was my 6th one thats not bad going, and especially to those who travelled long distances to get there.

Special thanks to Les & Anne who as always were in the thick of it all still smiling (even if Les did get the 'Mr Grumpy' award) well done to everyone who won a certificate or award - it was good to still see a lot of you there right up until the end. Massive thanks to Steve who brought up the Gazebo's & BBQ etc and hired the generator and without his back up it wouldn't even happen in the first place.

The causeway was not the big problem that it was made out to be by a lot of people beforehand. Facilities were a bit more primitive than E of E but apart from last thing at night & 1st thing in the morning the portaloos weren't as bad as they could have been. There were 3 shower blocks admittedly the pressure & the water temp could have been better but I guess thats what camping is all about. There were loads of things going on - Saturday was taken up with Show & Shine (hopefully yes they will split the categories next year), 5-a-side footy, its a knockout & the tug of war and sitting on the beach wall thingy eating lunch in the sun watching some loons in the sea (so guessing it wasn't quite as disgusting as some reports)

Think I managed to say hello to most peeps & sorry if I didn't get to you

I think my only disapointment is to see the 'them & us' comments...admittedly LOC had more cars/people but the Gazebo & BBQ was meant to be a central place where everyone could get together, especially with having a DJ Saturday night & music both Friday & Saturday for everyone. I posted the 'whats happening' thread so everyone knew what was going to be there and provided but sadly the 'sofa' took preference :( Contrary to popular belief just because someone drives a Lexus it doesn't mean that they come from a different planet :rolleyes:

It was a great weekend wasn't it ;)

Reading through the dozens of posts on Loc made me envious of all the much deserved appreciation you received :yes: Your time and effort extended to Toyota Owners Club members is also gratefully appreciated :thumbsup:

well i wasn't able to make it this year.......


but again im saddened to see the issues, which only ever seem to be brought up on TOC

has anyone considered the fact getting to know people is a 2 way street, i can assure you, that no LOC member even considers themselves aloof to TOC, and i find it amazing that anyone would ever think that....almost childish

sorry Matt but in defence of Toc it can be a two way thing.

I suppose this could create the kind of reaction that seems to exist between the clubs

"From a Lexus post" (if intended to be funny it still sums things up :( )

Some random toyota things that invaded the picture


Despite that, it was still a pleasure meeting some new faces (to me) among the Lexus owners especially Mrs Mole (think I might have diabetes now :lol: )


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and i post because i am utterly astounded that people still try and levy some kind of issue against LOC members, you will not see a single word of complaint againt TOC over on LOC, but ...praise for what a good weekend it was....for everyone

im even more sorry to come to the thoughts that you agree with the the members of TOC, from what ive heard, you also did make a great effort to speak with LOC members

im concerned that you feel that LOC members are the way that is being portrayed

i post because i see through all the **** bull***** that gets posted on this forum, and come to say get your head out your asses,

there only ever seems to be moaning and whining from TOC after JAE, infact TOC in general is always moaning about things...get a grip, and start working together.

sorry Matt but in defence of Toc it can be a two way thing.

I suppose this could create the kind of reaction that seems to exist between the clubs

"From a Lexus post" (if intended to be funny it still sums things up :( )

Some random toyota things that invaded the picture


Despite that, it was still a pleasure meeting some new faces (to me) among the Lexus owners especially Mrs Mole (think I might have diabetes now :lol: )


why defend people...they have a forum to voice there thoughts.

you say a two way thing, i said that twice in the previous post..........

as a side note, LOC had US servicemen arrive for there first JAE, knew no one, but they managed to mingle....and comment on how reclusive the TOC lot were!!

i hadnt seen the picture before, but im sure it was a joke whoever posted it, and it sums up ubik all....only what you want it to sum up in your head.

there is no reaction between the clubs other than what is Created by TOC members, always has been...and with the general attitude of some TOC members, always will be

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I stand by my comments about the LOC members - i dont believe im being childish , i am simply being honest, would it be better for me to gush about how welcoming and friendly they were? Because that would be a lie. Id also like to add that i didnt think LOC members believed they were above TOCers but in general i just didnt feel welcome from them.

Maybe the comments are always from the TOC side because we welcome everybody and are full of friendly welcoming people, a few members did go down and sit in the marquee and on returning said they still felt unwelcome and didnt want to go back - so its not like we never made an effort to socialise, its not like i lose any sleep over it but i would have had a better time if the stands were seperate thats all.

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and i post because i am utterly astounded that people still try and levy some kind of issue against LOC members, you will not see a single word of complaint againt TOC over on LOC, but ...praise for what a good weekend it was....for everyone

im even more sorry to come to the thoughts that you agree with the the members of TOC, from what ive heard, you also did make a great effort to speak with LOC members

im concerned that you feel that LOC members are the way that is being portrayed

i post because i see through all the **** bull***** that gets posted on this forum, and come to say get your head out your asses,

there only ever seems to be moaning and whining from TOC after JAE, infact TOC in general is always moaning about things...get a grip, and start working together.

Wow - that is very uncalled for :o We were asked to post our thoughts about the new jae location and show - we posted honestly and openly and there have been mixed reactions -bad and good, as far as i can see you are the only one kicking off and moaning and making it personal - totally unnecessary

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well.....how much effort did you make to get to know LOC members.....

or do the loc members have to make the first move...

common how childish does it sound

"they didnt talk to me.....so i didnt talk to them...."


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and i post because i am utterly astounded that people still try and levy some kind of issue against LOC members, you will not see a single word of complaint againt TOC over on LOC, but ...praise for what a good weekend it was....for everyone

im even more sorry to come to the thoughts that you agree with the the members of TOC, from what ive heard, you also did make a great effort to speak with LOC members

im concerned that you feel that LOC members are the way that is being portrayed

i post because i see through all the **** bull***** that gets posted on this forum, and come to say get your head out your asses,

there only ever seems to be moaning and whining from TOC after JAE, infact TOC in general is always moaning about things...get a grip, and start working together.

Wow - that is very uncalled for :o We were asked to post our thoughts about the new jae location and show - we posted honestly and openly and there have been mixed reactions -bad and good, as far as i can see you are the only one kicking off and moaning and making it personal - totally unnecessary

its personal yes....why

every year, either myself, steve or some one else from LOC...makes an effort to try and make the clubs unite, and every year all we get is negative feedback from TOC knocking the members of LOC...its all very negative from one source, and in one direction

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well.....how much effort did you make to get to know LOC members.....

or do the loc members have to make the first move...

common how childish does it sound

"they didnt talk to me.....so i didnt talk to them...."


You obviously missed the above post that said several members went down to talk and mingle and came back still feeling unwelcome, and the US guys sat under their own marquee the whole time, except when chris went over to talk to them and even went for a walk and chat with one or two - so i really dont understand why they called us reclusive when they spent time with some members :wacko:

I wish you would also stop playing the childish card - we are all adults here having an adult discussion, there is no need for calling people childish when nothing personal has been said about any single loc member, a general statement was made that was all. I even said i have no grudge against any single member but just got a feeling in general

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i had people from the clubs walk past glancing at me from both sides because they did not know who i was.

I could not make the weekend due to family things, but next year i will be there overnight.

Lets face it.. both clubs have never formed very well, so perhaps that separation would help.

to me i dont see the difference as both clubs had their own pitch anyway.

If both clubs decide to do their own thing then thats good for them, but being next to each other or 10 miles away doesnt make any difference. You have your designated spot and therefore you use it to how you see fit. Just makes things easier for me ie sharing big generator etc.

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It was only a matter of time before this type of thread was to begin.....I even had a bet on it. (with myself).

Its such a shame. :(

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Some random toyota things that invaded the picture


:lol2: I take Random as a compliment!!! :P

By there own admission at the awards the Lexus are just Toyotas anyway, look under the bonnet...says so on the tin!! :lol:

As teegs says, I am not loosing any sleep over the TOC V LOC I still had a great weekend, people are entitled to feedback on how they think the weekend went good and bad - am not slating anyone and as I said before there was possible overpowerment in numbers from LOC - not LOCS fault, but TOC did make every effort with not much return, if we had seperate stands things may have felt different and I think there is fair feedback to be given from our members.

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ok, go over to loc...join up, and ask there opinion of JAE, no one will mention anything about TOC in a negative way

now, look through the past reports from previous JAE, on TOC, and see if you can see a common whinge........

the number of members attending from TOC has dwindled over the years due to the bickering on TOC, LOC has always made an effort to include TOC, not just JAE........

its a shame that SOME TOC members feel as though there is a ground that cant be crossed between the 2 clubs.

TOC grew out of the efforts myself and steve, put into Building LOC

we have already made the decision, next year TOC will have its own stand.!

we are **** fed up with the moaning....

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It was only a matter of time before this type of thread was to begin.....I even had a bet on it. (with myself).

Its such a shame. :(

I know...... think of the money you could have made!!! :lol:

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I will close this topic if it ends up a TOC/LOC war

I wanted it to be an honest account of what people thought about JAE 2008 not world war 3

So please keep the opinion's coming in and lets not escalate it into something that doesn't do anybody any good.


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ok, go over to loc...join up, and ask there opinion of JAE, no one will mention anything about TOC in a negative way

now, look through the past reports from previous JAE, on TOC, and see if you can see a common whinge........

I dont think i will because i really am not interested - we were asked to post our thoughts, i did that honestly , nothing could change the feeling i had while i was there so there is no point in dragging this into an arguement, i wont say anything further because this is clogging the thread up for other people who want to describe their experience of the new venue etc for members that werent there.

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I think next time, name tags around the neck are a good idea, it would help break the ice.

indeed...these are the positive things that we should be aiming for.... :D

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