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Kev...been there and done that with a previous BF. Star sign book said we were doomed, uber non-compatible......we were and we did. At the time of the relationship I tried and he tried....tbh we both could have tried harder in different ways.

The book said it was a non-starter, but I went with my heart and not my head, if I was in the same position again I wouldn't put myself through it.....that said I now have a best mate a girl could ever wish for.

That happens with relationships all the time though. Do you honestly think if 1/both of you had been born at a slightly different time of year & had a different star sign, the relationship would have had a better chance of working out?

Not having a go btw, just interested to know how much bearing you feel star signs have on life

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I'm a fellow Sagi too.

I read the horoscopes in the Sun when I get it, purely for the random entertainment and bewilderment factor!

My other half is a Virgo which I don't think are meant to be a match with Sagi's but I completely disapprove obviously :D

We did win £24 on the Euromillions last night so I'm gonna do the lottery tonight just incase........;)

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I'm a fellow Sagi too.

I read the horoscopes in the Sun when I get it, purely for the random entertainment and bewilderment factor!

My other half is a Virgo which I don't think are meant to be a match with Sagi's but I completely disapprove obviously :D

We did win £24 on the Euromillions last night so I'm gonna do the lottery tonight just incase........;)

I won Euro9.00 Wahaaaay :lol: 1 Number + both the extras B) Sagis rule, OK. :horse:

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Part of me believes in Starsigns, part of me doesn't. Never believed in horoscopes though.

My reasoning for not believing is that you can have literally any trait in the world, or think you do, and your starsign just confirms what you think you know. Mine is amazingly true however, but the same could be said of any starsign description.... ie:

Virgo (me)

Virgo's are one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. People think they're fussy, critical bad tempered and picky but that's only because they want everything to be perfect. This is the sign of cleanliness, although lots of Virgo's have the grottiest bedrooms and hang their clothes on the floor. They're extremely inquisitive and have a dreadful time trying to relax. Virgo's make fantastic friends. If a minor crises pops up you can be sure the Virgo will have everything under control in 30 seconds. They are always on the move because they like to learn as much as they can before they take off again. They excel at work so they probably get all the boring jobs (the ones Leo wouldn't be seen dead doing).

Virgo's are highly intelligent, interested in everything and everyone and happy to be busy with many jobs and hobbies. Many have some kind of specialised knowledge and most are good with their hands. Their nit-picking ways can infuriate their colleagues. They find it hard to discuss their innermost feelings and this can make them hard to understand. In many ways, they are happier doing something practical than dealing with relationships. These people can overdo the self-sacrificial bit and make themselves martyrs to other people's impractical lifestyles. They are willing to fit in with whatever is going on and they can adjust to most things, but they mustn't neglect their own needs. Although excellent communicators and wonderfully witty conversationalists, Virgo's prefer to express their deepest feelings by actions rather than words. Most avoid touching all but very close friends and family members and they find lovey-dovey behaviour embarrassing. These people can be very highly sexed and they may use this as a way of expressing love. Virgo's are criticised a good deal as children and are often made to feel unwelcome in their childhood homes. They in turn become very critical of others and they can use this in order to wound.

Many Virgo's overcome inhibitions by taking up acting, music, cookery or sports. Acting is particularly common to this sign because it allows them to put aside their fears and take on the mantle of someone quite different. They are shy and slow to make friends but when they do accept someone, they are the loyalist, gentlest and kindest of companions. They are great company and have a wonderful sense of humour.

If you need something done right, you’ll do it yourself. In fact you pay attention to all the details and it’s usually those small differences that really set you apart from your competitors. What helps is that you are the practical type and enjoy learning about and doing all the work yourself. Even though you can be slow to catch on to new technologies, once you embrace them, you soon know them inside out. If things start to go bad, you are excellent at getting in there and fixing the situation. You do however, need to relax from time to time doing the everyday type of work, otherwise you will soon become too stressed and panicked and not much use at all!

All of which is pretty much true of me, however if I take another random starsign.... say Taurus for example

Taureans are easy to understand. What you see is what you get. They also like to own everything, mostly food. They'll even own what's on another person's plate because their stomachs are very important. They never do anything quickly. You'll never catch a Taurus making a snap decision. They also hate change, especially in a relationship because they're very loyal. Taureans are extremely attractive and creative...They love flowers, music and the opera. They are the best mates you'll ever have.

These people are practical and persevering. Taureans are solid and reliable, regular in habits, sometimes a bit wet behind the ears and stubborn as mules. Their love of money and the comfort it can bring may make them very materialistic in outlook. They are most suited to a practical career that brings with it a few surprises and plenty of money. However some Taureans, have a strong artistic streak which can be expressed in work, hobbies and interests.Some Taureans are quick and clever, highly amusing and quite outrageous in appearance but underneath this crazy exterior is a background of true talent and very hard work. This type may be a touch arrogant. Other Taureans hate to be rushed or hassled, preferring to work quietly and thoroughly at their own pace. They take relationships very seriously and make safe and reliable partners. They may keep their worries to themselves but they are not usually liars or sexually untrustworthy.

Being so very sensual as well as patient, these people make excellent lovers. Their biggest downfall comes later in life when they have a tendency to plonk themselves down in front of the television night after night, tuning out the rest of the world. Another problem with some Taureans is their 'pet hate', which they'll harp on about at any given opportunity. Their virtues are common sense, loyalty, responsibility and a pleasant, non-hostile approach to others. Taureans are much brighter than anyone gives them credit and it is hard to beat them in an argument because they usually know what they're talking about. If a Taurean is on your side, they make wonderful friends and comfortable and capable colleagues.

Taurus at Work

The fact that you like to take the time to read and think things through, means you’ll never be taken by surprise in your business ventures. No snap decisions here, but that’s a good thing because through this you have developed a knack for generating a steady income. Your business won’t suddenly take off on you, but at least you’ll know exactly where you stand, every step of the way. You are practical and persevering, sometimes to a fault. Maybe it’s not such a bad idea to let go of that friendly neighbour who isn’t really doing a very good job for you. Even though the direction you take with your business always seems like common sense to you, others in the same situation may spend some time just scratching their heads. This, combined with your hard working attitude makes for a reliable and profitable business.

I could easily say this applies to me also. It's all very generic traits that are never actually that personal. ;)

And as for compatibility, my boyfriend is also Virgo but we're chalk and cheese. He is very calm and I am a bit more hot-headed and panicky. He is definitely more calm, the ying to my yang but in many ways we are strangely similar, but I definitely don't believe starsign compatibility has anything to do with it - I mean look at me and my ex, supposedly compatible (Virgo & Capricorn) and we couldn't stand the sight of each other. IMO its got nothing to do with the stars, its all about personality & who you are and how you were brought up which shapes you, not the fact you're a particular starsign.

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My point exactly Em. They're written in a clever way so that you read your 1 & think "Wow, they really know me" when in fact they just make you think that not matter what 1 is yours

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Hi D-A ........

I have edited your post as there were a wee handful of words wrongly spelt. I think the following edit is more appropriate and I am sure a few of us will sympathise with your predicament....

Part of me believes in Starsigns, part of me doesn't. Never believed in horoscopes though.

My reasoning for not believing is that you can have literally any trait in the world, or think you do, and your starsign just confirms what you think you know. Mine is amazingly true however, but the same could be said of any starsign description.... ie:

Virgo (me)

Wumin are one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. People think they're fussy, critical bad tempered and picky but that's only because they want everything to be perfect. This is the sign of cleanliness, although lots of Wumin have the grottiest bedrooms and hang their clothes on the floor. They're extremely inquisitive and have a dreadful time trying to relax. Wumin make fantastic friends. If a minor crises pops up you can be sure the wumin will have everything under control in 30 seconds. They are always on the move because they like to learn as much as they can before they take off again. They excel at work so they probably get all the boring jobs (the ones men wouldn't be seen dead doing).

Wumin think they are highly intelligent, interested in everything and everyone and happy to be busy with many jobs and hobbies. Many have some kind of specialised knowledge and most are good with their hands. Their nit-picking ways can infuriate their colleagues. They find it hard to discuss their innermost feelings and this can make them hard to understand. In many ways, they are happier doing something practical than dealing with relationships. These people can overdo the self-sacrificial bit and make themselves martyrs to other people's impractical lifestyles. They are willing to fit in with whatever is going on and they can adjust to most things, but they mustn't neglect their own needs. Although excellent communicators and wonderfully witty conversationalists, wumin prefer to express their deepest feelings by actions rather than words. Most avoid touching all but very close friends and family members and they find lovey-dovey behaviour embarrassing. These people can be very highly sexed and they may use this as a way of expressing love. Wumin are criticised a good deal as children and are often made to feel unwelcome in their childhood homes. They in turn become very critical of others and they can use this in order to wound.

Many wumin overcome inhibitions by taking up acting, music, cookery or sports. Acting is particularly common to these folk because it allows them to put aside their fears and take on the mantle of someone quite different. They are shy and slow to make friends but when they do accept someone, they are the loyalist, gentlest and kindest of companions. They are great company and have a wonderful sense of humour.

If you need something done right, you’ll do it yourself. In fact you pay attention to all the details and it’s usually those small differences that really set you apart from your competitors. What helps is that you are the practical type and enjoy learning about and doing all the work yourself. Even though you can be slow to catch on to new technologies, once you embrace them, you soon know them inside out. If things start to go bad, you are excellent at getting in there and fixing the situation. You do however, need to relax from time to time doing the everyday type of work, otherwise you will soon become too stressed and panicked and not much use at all!

All done in the best possible taste....................................... B_b

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It is spelt 'women' tho. :P

LEO's rock!!!!!!!!!



Up here its spelt wumin!

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My point exactly Em. They're written in a clever way so that you read your 1 & think "Wow, they really know me" when in fact they just make you think that not matter what 1 is yours

I actually watched a programme on TV about how stuff like this works and they did a test with people on the street as to what traits their starsign had and they basically said "well every starsign mentions this trait or something like it"

They are incredibly well worded.... :yes: So I understand those who believe but I guarantee if anyone reads a different one they will think "oooh thats me too" and anyone who doesn't is just being stubborn and defiant.... lol

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Fine as far as it goes :D

BUT, has anyone contacted an Astrologer for a personal view & opinion? They all give contact numbers & e-mail addresses.

I stress that I haven't & won't, mainly because it is far from free :hokus-pokus: so, not even for a laugh, would I do it,

However, as far as I know , you have to supply, as closely as possible, the time of your birth & the location, so that they can calculate the exact alignments of the planets @ that moment. Everyone has quoted generalisations, so far.

BTW ! Hitler relied heavily on his Astrologers for the conducting of World War 2. The Allies knew this & tried to work out what advice he would be given. He lost, Thank God ! :g::toot:

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BTW ! Hitler relied heavily on his Astrologers for the conducting of World War 2.

That'll be why he lost then.... :lol: :lol:

And most starsigns are generalisations..... no matter what website you go to. I'd imagine this is how astrologers work as well, purely from generalisation and positive comments yet they charge a fortune for it.

Easy money.... shame about those who are duped by it.

The only person I will admit to being astounded by, and he's not even an astrologer, is Derren Brown. The way he guesses things is amazing - so much so I'm desperate for tickets to his show just to see if I can figure out how he does it!

But then I suppose the smarter, more personal astrologers probably use a similar technique to Derren.... doesn't make it any less total hocus-pocus. Even Derren Brown will admit that!

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World population is currently growing by approximately 82 million people per year.
source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpopulation

If you just use 12 sun signs to generate a horoscope that is a lot of people who are the same.

As the Earth has a 360 degree transit around the Sun within each Sun sign you have 30 different positions (degrees) the Earth could be in when you were born. Just using that fact you can change the likelihood of you being different to someone else from 1 in 12 to 1 in 360. For those with the same Sun sign the ratios change from 1 in 1 (i.e. all Libran's are the same) to 1 in 30 (only one in every 30 Libran's are the same).

If you combine the position of all of the planets at a certain date and time you can generate a much more specific chart for each individual.

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World population is currently growing by approximately 82 million people per year.
source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpopulation

If you just use 12 sun signs to generate a horoscope that is a lot of people who are the same.

As the Earth has a 360 degree transit around the Sun within each Sun sign you have 30 different positions (degrees) the Earth could be in when you were born. Just using that fact you can change the likelihood of you being different to someone else from 1 in 12 to 1 in 360. For those with the same Sun sign the ratios change from 1 in 1 (i.e. all Libran's are the same) to 1 in 30 (only one in every 30 Libran's are the same).

If you combine the position of all of the planets at a certain date and time you can generate a much more specific chart for each individual.

That is exactly what I was trying to say :thumbsup: You made the point much more clearly :clap:

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