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Toc Back To How It Once Was?


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I'm confused. why have you got a big knife?

The big knife is for all his cutting remarks and quips :D

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I'm confused. why have you got a big knife?

The big knife is for all his cutting remarks and quips :D

Thanks Mate :thumbsup:




Nobody even insinuated that I was in the IRA :lol: but being Irish & confessing to the fact that I found that I was illegally in possession of an a.r.s.enal comprising 1 Air rifle & 1 Air pistol,neither in working order & brought by Santa when his Reindeer were young, I thought it best to declare my innocence :angel: :lol2:

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I was saying to Lauren yesterday that I didnt recognise half the posters in the other sections. They should post in the generals section more!!!
I was saying to Lauren yesterday that I didn't recognise half the posters in the other sections. They should post in the generals section more!!!

Or maybe not :unsure: Do you not think that the regular contributors to General have a similar quirky sense of humour, of the ridiculous & the bizarre ?

There was the case recently, in a fun topic of total innocence, where 2 Ladies(?) rarely seen on here, came on & expressed their views concerning a much loved & witty regular. The post was totally removed, eventually, but our regular member has disappeared (almost) & is not about to return in the foreseeable future. :(

This was a case of non regulars on this forum sticking their oars in & causing damage & upset. :excl:

We had another member interrupting on the much maligned Word Association thread, by posting "Pointless" & regular intervals. We just posted around him & he went away. ;)

It is all water under the bridge, now, but illustrates my point that maybe not all members are qualified for General :yes:

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what does that have to do with this thread? :\

Everything :lol:

Les brought up his point about not wandering off in every direction & I posted my previous reply to Em (with clarifications & amendments) :rolleyes:

SO, not :offtopic: , as I promised Em I'd try to do :yes:

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too much moaning!

if people were as passionate about the club as they was about having a moan we wouldn't have this problem. Look at JAE thread....excuses excuses. £25 is nowt tbh, most of us haven't even got a big drive there. Yeah sometimes it aint possible but why doesn't peopel even try?

Don't have proper input don't have any then! simple as, don't troll for the sake of it. What will your moaning do? its a date set by someone else and it won't please everyone but to have a handful of people off a forum of nearlly 80,000 members is a bit shameful. we're meant to be one of the biggest clubs there is but having only a few people turn up to thbe biggest event of the year is shameful.

I'm not having a go or saying people aren't trying because they might have done and really can't maanage it but its only february (at the moment) so why can't you sort summat out in the mean time?

and before anyone moans; I didn't go last year due to personal reasons and working away but i'm gunna try go to this one BECAUSE i think even £25 is worth it for a top weekend

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I find it interesting that Em mentions 'Evolution'... the club has 'evolved' into this... I also find interesting Bizarra's mention of 'Devolution' and that perhaps the club has 'devolved' into this...

So which is it? Can it be a bit of both?

Could it be that its Winter? One of the worst times of year for your average petrol head? The roads are icy or wet, the weather is miserable and 'going for a drive' doesnt seem as fun as when the sun is shining and there is a warmth in the air. There arent any national meets through the winter, there are only distant memories of last years 'awesomeness' that fade into insignificance or are pumped so full of artificial hype where all negitivity is somehow erased and only the positive remains.

Could it be that people mourn for the loss of familiars, and despite the influx of new 'fresh blood' still yearn for the banter of old because of the aformentioned 'artifical hype' (there were crappy times then too... we just choose to ignore them)?

Could it be that TOC really does need a 'Gold Section' back again to spark off the 'fun and games' add a little friendly rivalry/ intrigue between paid / non paid?

Could it be that yeah... maybe there are some Moderators who like to over Moderate, quite possibly because the world itself has gone a little PC mad, and well... its easy for places like this to follow suit (if sometimes subconsciously)?

Could it be that one or two members simply love to be controversial and provoke?

Could it be something to do with the current financial climate - people arent as easily able to spend money going places, entry fees and petrol costs?

Could it be that TOC needs more than a couple of people to carry the 'light' forward?

Previously the 'bounce' of the club resided within its members, they all laughed together, met up, made the effort to see eachother (I remember birthday parties in Bath, Photo Sessions in Scarborough, Track Days at Bruntingthorpe and a meet just to go see Kimi when she wasnt well)... Where have these types of events gone? Perhaps I miss it as I am not on the forums as often as I once was (have I evolved to another more specific forum... or devolved to it?). All I see now is a paltry attempt at getting people to a Northern meet every so often... Xscape... or Karting mentioned. Apparently the last meet was good, and thats great news... but how often are these actually happening and are they making full use of each area? (North East and North West - I use Northern as an example... it may be different in other areas, I have not honestly looked).

Would a system of 'Regional Reps' work for TOC? Would anyone want to step forward? Splitting the country into manageable areas and assigning 2-3 'Reps' for each area to promote regional and national meets and events might be a good idea? It might suck... it might fall flat on its face... but it might work?

As far as JAE is concerned, sure... its just another date and no, it wont please everyone, but that doesnt mean to say people cant input on it. I was originally debating going to JAE this year because of a clash with another event. When I heard the date was to be moved I was pleased... until I found out that it was to be in September. This doesnt pose much of a problem for me... I take my holidays throughout the year when I want (so long as work sanction them)... but what about Students? What about Teachers? September is when schools start going back and getting time off around then is going to be nigh impossible for some. Pending on location JAE isnt worth turning up mid Saturday to go home Sunday... not really.

Hmmm 2p seems to have gone on a bit... oh well :)

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Some very valid points have been brought forward by Em and JJ as well as other members on this thread.

Ive been a member on here for a few years now (will be 6 years in May! bloomin 'eck) and as time has gone by i too have moved onto other forums which suit my needs. People move on.

I loved how it was back in the day with huge numbers for meets etc but as already stated this is the life cycle of how a forum runs over the course of a few years.

Personally i see that a younger section of members have come onboard which is great but alas i aint on a similar 'level with a lot of younger folk on here as i once was. This is down to me orignially joining when i was 23 with not much going on in my personal life.

Now im married/kid/home owner/busy job etc etc.. This also means that my everyday conversations with people have changed as the years have passed too.

On a few occacions i have posted threads which would have got a good set of replies in the past only to find that no one was interested. This is due to those people i used to debate with also moving on.

I still love this place but i aint got time for the nitpicking / blaming mods for everything / lack of commitment to meets / lack of cross 'sub forum' communication...

This is the reason i stepped down from being a mod a while back and no one even noticed... lol

I dont envy the current mods and nor Les for the position he is in but im always around to help out with advice for anyone who wishes to seek it.

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Not slagging off Mods or Management in any way, & I do understand that to go " Off topic "is verboten, but why is it so wrong ? :unsure:

The heading for the forum is General Discussions

Chat about anything here

A new Topic is posted, discussed & goes off at a tangent following a train of thought. This stimulates more replies & ideas + a bit of banter.

It makes the forum much more interesting & entertaining, like a bunch of friends in a pub, having a chat. Peeps who might not have had anything to say on the original post can join in & add their tuppence-worth :D

I quite understand that if someone becomes seriously abusive, aggressive or confrontational, the Mods must intervene :banned:

Personal opinion only :D I think that "Off Topic" is good for the forum & Club :bag::chair: :lol2:

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I quite understand that if someone becomes seriously abusive, aggressive or confrontational, the Mods must intervene :banned:

Personal opinion only :D I think that "Off Topic" is good for the forum & Club :bag::chair: :lol2:

I'm sorry but that's off topic :D

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I quite understand that if someone becomes seriously abusive, aggressive or confrontational, the Mods must intervene :banned:

Personal opinion only :D I think that "Off Topic" is good for the forum & Club :bag::chair: :lol2:

I'm sorry but that's off topic :D

I know it's in my jeans, or was last time I looked :unsure: But it is also in my genes, to have trains of thoughts , wander off topic , make smart (?) remarks & occasionally get a slap on the wrist (Oooooh, I love it when Em does it :drool: ). Can't help it & we've done it again :blowup:

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Simple solution to that is for mods to leave a thread alone when it goes off topic unless the thread starter objects then by all means jump in and clear it up ;)

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As I said, people are quick to blame us.... how about looking at other members behaviour rather than point the finger at the mods and shove all the blame in our direction?

Why should people click on a link about topic x and then have it digress into topic y for no reason?

If people want to banter with each other, then swap emails or phone numbers - I have with a few members and if I fancy a chat, I get on the phone and have one.... I don't digress on a topic about a completely different topic all together.... or at least I try not to!

I think if the moderation shoes were on your feet you'd see things very differently.... but hey, lets just blame the moderators, it's not like they are real people, with jobs on the "outside", loved-ones & lives of their own is it?

The current moderating team is no different in attitude or behaviour than teams of the past, in fact we are pretty easy-going in comparison.... back when I started, the mods were respected.... their word was gospel and you never crossed them - maybe that's where we are all going wrong? Maybe we should be harsher?

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As I said, people are quick to blame us.... how about looking at other members behaviour rather than point the finger at the mods and shove all the blame in our direction?

Maybe we should be harsher?

I love it when your firm............ :lol:

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I wasn't having a go at mods Em, just airing an idea.

People moan that as soon as a thread goes off topic, even tho people are having fun within the thread and no-one has complained, a mod is straight in with a threat to close the thread unless it's brought back on topic.

I just thought that if that only happened if the original poster objected then it would stop some of the "mod bashing" and bring the "missing banter" back to the forum.

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I was saying to Lauren yesterday that I didnt recognise half the posters in the other sections. They should post in the generals section more!!!

Or join us at JAE ;)

whit :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Aye - wunnerful!

It costs me £25 for a few hours at Crail burning rubber + £30 petrol an annuther £130 for B&B and diner if I go the previous night....so whit sort of cost wid gawin tae the JAE be??? Ahve bin retired fur 13 years the noo and ahm still nowhere near the DSS retirement pension so moneys mair ticht than a Aberdonians jockstrap.

Wid luv tae dae mair meets but the travel is the cost an ah canna dae tents cos a ma backs sair.

Mind ye, it costs nuthin tae post in the genmeral section altho ahve ony jist stairted postin here recent like. Ony cos the RAV sections fu o pifters wi 5 door cars ye ken!!! :lol: :lol: Nae harm tae pifteers either but - jist a manner o speakin ken.

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I was saying to Lauren yesterday that I didnt recognise half the posters in the other sections. They should post in the generals section more!!!

Or join us at JAE ;)

whit :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Aye - wunnerful!

It costs me £25 for a few hours at Crail burning rubber + £30 petrol an annuther £130 for B&B and diner if I go the previous night....so whit sort of cost wid gawin tae the JAE be??? Ahve bin retired fur 13 years the noo and ahm still nowhere near the DSS retirement pension so moneys mair ticht than a Aberdonians jockstrap.

Wid luv tae dae mair meets but the travel is the cost an ah canna dae tents cos a ma backs sair.

Mind ye, it costs nuthin tae post in the genmeral section altho ahve ony jist stairted postin here recent like. Ony cos the RAV sections fu o pifters wi 5 door cars ye ken!!! :lol: :lol: Nae harm tae pifteers either but - jist a manner o speakin ken.


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I was saying to Lauren yesterday that I didnt recognise half the posters in the other sections. They should post in the generals section more!!!

Or join us at JAE ;)

whit :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Aye - wunnerful!

It costs me £25 for a few hours at Crail burning rubber + £30 petrol an annuther £130 for B&B and diner if I go the previous night....so whit sort of cost wid gawin tae the JAE be??? Ahve bin retired fur 13 years the noo and ahm still nowhere near the DSS retirement pension so moneys mair ticht than a Aberdonians jockstrap.

Wid luv tae dae mair meets but the travel is the cost an ah canna dae tents cos a ma backs sair.

Mind ye, it costs nuthin tae post in the genmeral section altho ahve ony jist stairted postin here recent like. Ony cos the RAV sections fu o pifters wi 5 door cars ye ken!!! :lol: :lol: Nae harm tae pifteers either but - jist a manner o speakin ken.

That's easy for you to say :P

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am annnither thing - ah dinna mind the muderoaters - cos its important tae keep the lagywage clear and concise an tae the point so as onywan can unnerstan whist bein talked aboot ye ken - heafan kens whit trubble ah hae triein tae desiphor whit youz english is oan aboot - an ah lived in Liverpule fur 10 year.

Aye - the mutterrators have a place in life somewhere an ye shuildnae mak their hakkils rise aifter aw.

wan mair thing - we need a section fur recipes as weel.

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I was saying to Lauren yesterday that I didnt recognise half the posters in the other sections. They should post in the generals section more!!!

Or join us at JAE ;)

whit :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Aye - wunnerful!

It costs me £25 for a few hours at Crail burning rubber + £30 petrol an annuther £130 for B&B and diner if I go the previous night....so whit sort of cost wid gawin tae the JAE be??? Ahve bin retired fur 13 years the noo and ahm still nowhere near the DSS retirement pension so moneys mair ticht than a Aberdonians jockstrap.

Wid luv tae dae mair meets but the travel is the cost an ah canna dae tents cos a ma backs sair.

Mind ye, it costs nuthin tae post in the genmeral section altho ahve ony jist stairted postin here recent like. Ony cos the RAV sections fu o pifters wi 5 door cars ye ken!!! :lol: :lol: Nae harm tae pifteers either but - jist a manner o speakin ken.

That's easy for you to say :P

canna unnerstan

"easy for you to say".... easy for me to say whit??? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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wan mair thing - we need a section fur recipes as weel.

Ready for such culinary delights such as deep fried Mars bars :D

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The place has changed and has new people and a new way of thinking.... I know - lets blame the moderators! :rolleyes:

No, it's called evolution:


   /ˌɛvəˈluʃən or, especially Brit., ˌivə-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ev-uh-loo-shuhn or, especially Brit., ee-vuh-] Show IPA Pronunciation


1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.

2. a product of such development; something evolved: The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.

3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

4. a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions.

5. a motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.

6. a pattern formed by or as if by a series of movements: the evolutions of a figure skater.

7. an evolving or giving off of gas, heat, etc.

8. Mathematics. the extraction of a root from a quantity. Compare involution (def. 8).

9. a movement or one of a series of movements of troops, ships, etc., as for disposition in order of battle or in line on parade.

10. any similar movement, esp. in close order drill.

Things evolve, it's a natural part of the process of life. People move, people join, people change, priorities change... it's just a fact of life. The fact is that the "new breed" of members choose to behave in a more segregated way, this has, IMO been pushed on them with the segregation of the forums, something I was always personally against and am glad it's back to the way it was but the damage has already been done.

It'll never be the way it was and to be honest if that's what people want, well they'll be waiting a long time. Change happens, people need to deal with it and embrace it and if they want to make it different, put ideas forward to make it so.

People are quick to blame others for the failings, but it's everyone's fault really. It's easy to blame moderators but we're not the power behind this forum, it's the members that are. We're just easy scapegoats....

As for JAE, it was unfortunate that the organisers didn't have a date & venue set earlier. A lot of people who used to go to JAE with us have moved on so the newer people, who are segregated from General, probably don't know about it. A bit of advertising and publicity will help and maybe get more on board, but all these little cliques have formed and cliques don't tend to mix....

Some things are hard to change and social structures within communities are one of them....

whits this aw aboot ??? :blink: :blink: :blink:

I ony manged the furst 3 lines afore ma heid stairted nippin. Ony chance ye cuid write it in english???

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wan mair thing - we need a section fur recipes as weel.

Ready for such culinary delights such as deep fried Mars bars :D

Pidgun Porridge

Whisky vol-au-vents (see the french hae a way o cooking as well

rabbit en croute

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