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Speed Cameras And Ooops


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Two interesting Stories....

Speed Camera Van hidden by advertising board :unsure::bag::bag: : See story HERE


Gatso UK Boss caught driving at 102mph on a 70mph road: :nono::nono: See story HERE


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I wonder how many speed camera's are "hidden" by trees etc? :g:

It's shame that there isn't a way to get all UK motorists to do the speed limit for 6 months, so the Government doesn't receive penny from us!

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Got caught a good few years ago, driving my HiAce van back to work in a 30 mph area. It was a long down hill stretch & she picked up speed. A policeman hopped out of a fairly well concealed car & told me to expect a letter in the post :(

Exactly 1 week later , same van, same place & exactly the same speed, I was stopped again.

Garda asked me did I realise that I was doing 43 mph in a 30 zone. I said "Not again ! I was f...ing caught here last week doing the exact same speed. Oh well, What do you expect, it's Friday the 13th" He looked at me for a few seconds & said "I'll let you go this time, but if ever I catch you again, I'll f...ing nail you"

I don't condone what I did. I was wrong on both occasions, But the last Guard & I became good friends & still are :thumbsup:

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For Vic

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Thanks Raist :thumbsup: Now who has been trawling the Internet? :sneaky2: Much appreciated. Regrettably, there were no gorgeous women or kissing in my saga :rolleyes:

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It's shame that there isn't a way to get all UK motorists to do the speed limit for 6 months, so the Government doesn't receive penny from us!
If the Government believe that speed kills then why allow and certify for use on our roads vehicles that are capable of driving at more than 10 mph over the national limit.

If you believe that smoking cigarettes costs the country more in health care than the tax revenue received from their sale why not make them a class A drug?

You can make and sell knives, guns, alcohol, cigarettes, fast cars and fast food all of which can, if abused, cause ill health and in the worst case, death. Should you ban or restrict the sale of these items or just lock up all the people who abuse them. Every country and every person has their own thoughts but there is a lot of hypocrisy when Government income is generated off of the back of harmful things.

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OK I am going to get flamed for this but hey ho...

I think they should be hidden otherwise what is the point, am not saying I don't speed or I actually agree with cameras as a principle and they are not stealth tax etc etc but we all know if your speeding you are in the wrong.

Was on the way up to scotland borders a while ago on the A1 and there was one of those LED signs which actually flashed at me with a picture of a camera slightly before I got to the camera, yeah great thanks - I didn't get caught but, what is the point of the 40k spent on one camera if I have a little mini mock test to it first?

Also we had a temporary smiley face on in Lincoln, happy face when I was within the limit and sad face when I was over it, made me laugh so much I nearly crashed, and then all I wanted to do was see if i could get other faces out of it like :s if i drove backwards, or :o if I did like 80mph (its was on a 30).

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Speed doesn't kill... nor do speed cameras help stop people speeding... deaths on the roads actually increased in some areas when speed cameras were introduced...

Speed cameras are simply a money making scam for the government... they would be better off funding more police officers on the roads as a convo with a Traffic Cop when you've been caught will have a much better impact on your driving than a bit of paper through the post...

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OK I am going to get flamed for this but hey ho...

I think they should be hidden otherwise what is the point, am not saying I don't speed or I actually agree with cameras as a principle and they are not stealth tax etc etc but we all know if your speeding you are in the wrong.

Was on the way up to scotland borders a while ago on the A1 and there was one of those LED signs which actually flashed at me with a picture of a camera slightly before I got to the camera, yeah great thanks - I didn't get caught but, what is the point of the 40k spent on one camera if I have a little mini mock test to it first?

Also we had a temporary smiley face on in Lincoln, happy face when I was within the limit and sad face when I was over it, made me laugh so much I nearly crashed, and then all I wanted to do was see if i could get other faces out of it like :s if i drove backwards, or :o if I did like 80mph (its was on a 30).

Well in a way the warning is because the whole point of these things is to get people to slow down, and only if the driver is too damned thick to obey it then they rightly get busted.

I'm not a big fan of speed cameras, but there are too many idiots on the roads now.

I see so many near misses where some impatient spaz is speeding up some road, cutting in and out, then slams on the anchor when he spots a camera or almost runs into someone who IS driving to the limit, and almost causes the person behind him to crash into his dumb ***** because he goes from 60 to 20-30, or he cuts into the fast lane except there's a right turn so everybody's slowing down, so he cuts back into the left and almost crashes into someone driving at the limit :angry:

It's these sorts of idiots that cause the increase of accidents where cameras are.

I've driven on many roads that I personally think should have higher limits, but I understand why they couldn't be raised unless the road was also changed to discourage all the Darwin Award candidates from doing stupid things. The A10 is rife with idiots trying to run across the road because they're too lazy to walk the extra 10 metres to an underpass or lights.

Hell, I regularly see people, sometimes even a mother and child, running across both lanes, through the hedge in the central reservation and across the other two lanes just to catch a freaking bus! When I first moved up here I couldn't believe such things would happen, but I find it's an all too common occurance :(

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Another new one on the way....


And finally motorcycles are not immune any more....

News: SPECS3 average speed cameras launched: Motorcyclists beware

Read story HERE

Part of my journey to from work is along the M25 J27 to J25 and they are doing major bridge work so have installed Specs between J27 and J26 set at 40mph... but Motorcycles just disobey this and speed on through..... ;) ;) ;)

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:g: Hmmmmmm ! Wild flight of an anarchic imagination !

Entry cameras & exit cameras ? What would happen if you stopped for 5 minutes between the 2 ? Or even better, if it was feasible, stop, reverse back to before the entry camera , & therefore be photographed entering twice & exiting once ?

Would the system throw a wobbler, call the riot squad or simply blow up :blowup:

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:g: Hmmmmmm ! Wild flight of an anarchic imagination !

Entry cameras & exit cameras ? What would happen if you stopped for 5 minutes between the 2 ? Or even better, if it was feasible, stop, reverse back to before the entry camera , & therefore be photographed entering twice & exiting once ?

Would the system throw a wobbler, call the riot squad or simply blow up :blowup:

Again with the blowing up............ B)

Efficiency is doing things right;

Effectiveness is doing the right things.

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In several areas in Cheshire there are warning signs that say, something similar to "Speed warning, your speed is being monitored by Police aircraft" :eek: Now being a large county, with just about the most motorways you could get in any county, Cheshire Police use a FIXED WING AIRCRAFT and it regulary catches speeding motorcycles on the Cat and Fiddle between Cheshire and Derbyshire. Watch out! you could be pulled over by a low flying aeroplane in Cheshire :D: :D: :D:

Kingo :thumbsup:

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:g: Hmmmmmm ! Wild flight of an anarchic imagination !

Entry cameras & exit cameras ? What would happen if you stopped for 5 minutes between the 2 ? Or even better, if it was feasible, stop, reverse back to before the entry camera , & therefore be photographed entering twice & exiting once ?

Would the system throw a wobbler, call the riot squad or simply blow up :blowup:

Again with the blowing up............ B)

Efficiency is doing things right;

Effectiveness is doing the right things.

Like wot I suggested ?:naughty: & Yes with the blowing up :thumbsup: . I did mention having an anarchic mind. I never do any of these things. Thinking of them keeps me happy :wacko: :lol2:

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OK I am going to get flamed for this but hey ho...

I think they should be hidden otherwise what is the point, am not saying I don't speed or I actually agree with cameras as a principle and they are not stealth tax etc etc but we all know if your speeding you are in the wrong.

Was on the way up to scotland borders a while ago on the A1 and there was one of those LED signs which actually flashed at me with a picture of a camera slightly before I got to the camera, yeah great thanks - I didn't get caught but, what is the point of the 40k spent on one camera if I have a little mini mock test to it first?

I agree with you. Or at least don't make them bright yellow! Make them blend in a little bit more with the background.

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speed camera's are *****, you see them slow down then speed up again and carry on. Going down the A1 once at a higher than legal speed and i got over took by two Subaru's, i was doing just treble figures and they screamed past me, then both locked their breaks as the saw the camera, idiots. Speed cameras are useless apart from the average distance ones, but if they all get replaced the government know people will obey the limits so how will they get past go then and collect your £60?

everyone speeds, its just if you are lucky enough to get caught

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cambridgeshire SafetyCam Partnership goes blue


Cambridgeshire SafetyCam Partnership have treated themselves to some new SpeedCam Vans. I can imagine that they must have a very hard life travelling to the local haunts then parking up for a few hours. Very hard on the coffee cup holders and the seat recline mechanisms.

Still you have to balance the books and spend some of the cash generated somehow. It keeps the boys in the traffic garage busy and gives the Transport manager a chance to support our vehicle manufacturers.

But strangely, the partnership has changed the colour of the vans to dark blue. Apparently the previous dayglo yellow vans were occasionally mistaken for work vans. Naturally it makes complete sense to have them painted dark blue then so they will be mistake for anything but a SpeedCam van. And they are larger (uh why?) and they have camera logos on the side, just where you won't see them as you approach from the rear.

Perhaps the next upgrade should have have a side hatch and cooker then they could serve sausage rolls to passing motorists.

Read Story HERE

New SPECS install on notorious stretch but why no barriers


Peterborough Today report that work on a new SPECS installation has begun along a stretch of the notorious Forty Foot Bank Road between Ramsey and Chetteris in Cambridgeshire where six lives have been lost in the past three years.

A perfectly sensible use of the technology you would be forgiven for thinking until you discover that this road runs directly alongside a river and there is no barrier between the carriageway and the river itself. And the lives lost have been a result of vehicles entering the river, often in the dark or as a result of heavy fog.

So instead of installing crash barriers that would prevent vehicles from leaving the road they instead choose to install a SPECS system that will be less effective but will of course raise revenue.

Other sections of this road are protected by barriers so why has SPECS been chosen to protect this section?

Read story HERE

This quote made me chuckle

"Posted by MaFt on Thu May 28, 2009 11:14 am

Darren Wrote:

And it still won't prevent cars ending up in the river.

no, but at least they will have a lower average speed as they hit the water..."

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Don't you like camera's :fear:

Nice find, Keep up the good work

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Don't you like camera's :fear:

Nice find, Keep up the good work

Me :unsure::unsure::rolleyes::rolleyes: :P :P :P

I spend hours driving on our roads so it's nice to keep a fresh approach and upto speed (no pun intended) on these CASH machines...

See the local Police camper van parked on a bridge over the M11 by North Weald air field this morning.... Gave them the normal wave.... as I cruised past well within the speed limit... as the other not so observant fast lane motorists zoomed past... clocking up more NIP to be sent to them :lol::lol::lol:

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I have no problem with the yellow cams. If you get caught by a yellow box, you deserve the points for being unobservant.

But the cheeky gits in the vans I hate. I saw 5 of them on my sat drive down the a303 this weekend. All zapping away making my snooper go crazy

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.... All zapping away making my snooper go crazy

What model do you have as I am interested in buying an effective system :huh:

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.... All zapping away making my snooper go crazy

What model do you have as I am interested in buying an effective system :huh:

It is a very old model, sr5 or 5rs or something. Will look at it tomorrow. There are better models now, and it's not really effective when it takes me a month to get over 70. The latter ones can so the garage door/laser jammer thing too

But do legally do the jammer you also need the auto gate/ door opening thing at home.

My best advice is to get a gps and detector combo.

** EDIT - It's an S5-R .. pretty old school and now discontinued.

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Does having a CD or DVD dangling from your rear view mirror work, or is it just an urban myth ?

I also heard , long ago, that having balls of tinfoil inside your wheel caps drove the machines wild :unsure:

Not that I EVER (intentionally) break the Limit :driving::angel:

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Does having a CD or DVD dangling from your rear view mirror work, or is it just an urban myth ?

I also heard , long ago, that having balls of tinfoil inside your wheel caps drove the machines wild :unsure:

Not that I EVER (intentionally) break the Limit :driving::angel:

But I thought your car was made of tinfoil and string :rolleyes:

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