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Karma Supra

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I enetered the roundabout KNOWING I had left enough roomm after all he DID stop, without having to struggle to do so.

I DO appretiate your condescending comments, but bike riders are not the *only* people on the roads that can judge the speed of other vehicles, I can also assure you I was truely in the right of way :) I stopped as he was stressing about it all, if I had not done so I would have exited the roundabout without even causing him to slow down.

RE hitting my wing. If you got of your hight horse and actually READ what I put you'd have seen that he STOPPED his bike (as it happens dead level with my window, in a long nosed coupe) after 10-20 seconds of me explaining the traffic rules to huim HE RAMMED MY CAR. why he aimed for my wing I do not know.

I did NOT cause the accident, as there was no accident. Maybe its the bikers that should take notice... car driver get incredibly annoyed at them thinkign they own the roads, have special rights of way, and can get away with murder! in my eyes they are one up from road using cyclists.

ZeroBlade, its a rare colour mate, in the entire owners club there are only 2 :( its a base colour of silver, with a sky blue pearl adna pink flip over that :thumbsup: pretty horrible and not very manly :lol::lol::lol:

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I enetered the roundabout KNOWING I had left enough roomm after all he DID stop, without having to struggle to do so.

I DO appretiate your condescending comments, but bike riders are not the *only* people on the roads that can judge the speed of other vehicles, I can also assure you I was truely in the right of way :) I stopped as he was stressing about it all, if I had not done so I would have exited the roundabout without even causing him to slow down.

RE hitting my wing. If you got of your hight horse and actually READ what I put you'd have seen that he STOPPED his bike (as it happens dead level with my window, in a  long nosed coupe) after 10-20 seconds of me explaining the traffic rules to huim HE RAMMED MY CAR. why he aimed for my wing I do not know.

I did NOT cause the accident, as there was no accident. Maybe its the bikers that should take notice... car driver get incredibly annoyed at them thinkign they own the roads, have special rights of way, and can get away with murder! in my eyes they are one up from road using cyclists.

ZeroBlade, its a rare colour mate, in the entire owners club there are only 2 :( its a base colour of silver, with a sky blue pearl adna  pink flip over that  :thumbsup:  pretty horrible and not very manly  :lol:   :lol:   :lol:

I was just putting the other side of the coin across.... but..

1.. You said you watched him squirm with his brakes and only stopped with 2 feet to spare...now your saying he stopped easily and safely....hmmm

Also sufficient stopping distance in your eyes.... on a icy road as you say...with four tyres..probably with ABS...EBD perhaps? compared to his stopping distance with two skinny tyres is probably worlds apart

2... so why did you slow down to a crawl?? becasue he was stressing about it?? how could you tell if you had allowed sufficient distance??and he has a pigging helment on? and of course all while looking through your mirrors...since you say you were already on the roundabout...and if so..why wern't you looking where you were going

3. So bikers are only one up from Cyclists...ah so everything outside the metal box really is low life.

4. I never said you caused the accident...as sure there was no accident...but the eventualy outcome may....or may not have been instigated by you...intentionally or not.

I'm not denying that he was totally wrong to ram your car.... but there must be a reason for his frustration.

I mean no offense what so ever...I obviously wasn't there...again....just putting the other side across...debates would be boring otherwise!


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I can see how you might be able to say I ****** him off enough to want to ram my car... but on the same arguement I can say if he had not have been so cocky as to try and accuse me from being in the wrong when I was very clearly in the right, I'd not have stopped..

re: looking where I'm going... I'm not sure about you glorified cyclists, but my eyes are EVERY where when I'm driving.. -its how I spot ***** like that -how many motorists would have assumed they were in the right of way and not even thought about it untill they have some bespecticled such an incredibly beautiful persont in a helmet is making dents in your flip paintwork?

re: braking, as I said HE STOPPED in time, I judged it impeccably, if you knew anything about traction and grip co-efficients you'd know skinny tyres are BETTER in snow, I'm used to driving cars with NO ABS, NO traction,.no nothing.

Besides its all down to self control, he ****** me off, so I annoyed him a tad more, he then rammed my car... do you think as I was sitting in first with the clutch down and he was scraping along my front bumper, pricariously between my car and a concerete island I didn't think of dropping the clutch and making sure he never rides again? 1/2" movement of my left foot would have ensured so.... It would have been messy, immensly satisfying, and good for the entire of society..

No, I sat and held my ground, -its probably why I have a liscence and he still has L plates. :thumbsup:

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Right for my two pennorth here.

I can't sit back and have you calling me a glorified cyclist.

Right first off you get peed off because you had a conflab with a moped rider, MOPED, he is not a motorcyclist. You are within your rights to be peed off he deliberately rammed your car, without being there I am not going to comment any further.

So why the attack on glorified cyclists ( your words ) eh?

The average motorcyclist and I'm not talking about the weekend race rep rider but your average every day biker will by dint of his survival be about 75% more observant than any car driver, he has to look out for all sorts of ignorant drivers in all sorts of vehicles including tossers on race reps and mopeds, he does this from the confines of a helmet which does restrict your peripheral vision, in my 22 years of motorcycling the only accidents I have ever had where any damage was caused involved some dork in their box not looking out, or thinking they had judged my speed correctly, the last incident involved some cretin on the motorway starting to overtake without looking over his shoulder, i was beside him, I ended up riding at 70 on a piece of concrete the width of a an A4 sheet, oh I was still doing 70 about 6" away from the armco barrier....I have been rammed by some !Removed! who thought it was her right to be on the piece of tarmac I was stopped on, get that piece of :censor: out of my way she screamed out of the window, I pointed out to her the pannier she had just hit was worth more than her whole car including the tax in the window.

I have given up biking now as I have two kids and I want to see them grow up.

As for the skinny tyres bit that is a bit falls apart and you know it, 4 skinny tyres are much better than any bike for stopping in the snow, with 2 skinny tyres you can still lose your balance.

Retribution, now wake up eh, this kid has been to the plod, so his details are on record, if something happens to his ped then who will they come looking for?? Do you think you could you could pick his ped out of a line up, he had a helmet on would you recognise him in the street? He would recognise you and the car, i know because two years later I am still looking out for the !Removed! in the fiesta.

Would you have been so antagonistic if the bloke had been 6'5 on a big bike??

And lastly if you had squashed my kid whilst he was riding his ped do you think your probe owners club would have protected you?? How satisfying that would be eh?

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Oh my ***..................what is it with this forum, is it full with frustrated owners or what??

It gets worse and worse everyday.

Anychance of a refund on the Gold membership?? (unused) as I dont think I really want to be here anymore.

Master-Simon?? more like Master-bates................

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I can see how you might be able to say I ****** him off enough to want to ram my car... but on the same arguement I can say if he had not have been so cocky as to try and accuse me from being in the wrong when I was very clearly in the right, I'd not have stopped..

re: looking where I'm going... I'm not sure about you glorified cyclists, but my eyes are EVERY where when I'm driving.. -its how I spot ***** like that -how many motorists would have assumed they were in the right of way and not even thought about it untill they have some bespecticled such an incredibly beautiful persont in a helmet is making dents in your flip paintwork?

re: braking, as I said HE STOPPED in time, I judged it impeccably, if you knew anything about traction and grip co-efficients you'd know skinny tyres are BETTER in snow, I'm used to driving cars with NO ABS, NO traction,.no nothing.

Besides its all down to self control, he ****** me off, so I annoyed him a tad more, he then rammed my car... do you think as I was sitting in first with the clutch down and he was scraping along my front bumper, pricariously between my car and a concerete island I didn't think of dropping the clutch and making sure he never rides again? 1/2" movement of my left foot would have ensured so.... It would have been messy, immensly satisfying, and good for the entire of society..

No, I sat and held my ground, -its probably why I have a liscence and he still has L plates. :thumbsup:

It seems I can now quite easily say that you :censor: him off enough to ram your car...as you even said it yourself ( one who apparently has self control):

"Besides its all down to self control, he ****** me off, so I annoyed him a tad more, he then rammed my car... "

Might see you on the news one day...as you never know the next person you "annoy a tad more" may just pull out a gun and shoot you.

Oh...I'm not one of those glorified cyclists thanks...I also drive a metal box on wheels. I'd rather not drive a bike on British roads with arrogant car drivers around. I don't like the odds of a few hundred kilo moped say against a 1.5 ton car.

I know quite a lot about Traction and grip thanks very much, having A Masters in Applied Physics, and I'm sure....or I hope you do know full well that a bike on a slippery surface has nothing like the traction of a car. Even on a totally dry surface...a Car can out match a powerfull bike....on a twisting road

So you would have felt it immensly satisfying to run him over would it, and you obviously consider him to be much lower than you, if you think he shouldn't even be allowed on the road...you'll be calling him an oxygen theif next.

Ermm I think he has L plates on because he's a learner? and as such should be treated as one, but again you think your so much better because you have a license..and could drive anything better than anyone else even if it had no abs or ebd..or perhaps no brakes or even wheels, and is never in the wrong ...interesting.

Your story is full of holes, your attitude to any other road users is diabolical.

He was still wrong for ramming you...but you brought it all on yourself.

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Its true what they say.........an education doesnt teach you manners :censor:

Youve obviously never driven an abs equipped car in the ice, or riden a decent bike as your statements are competely wrong. And also your knowledge of the highway code seems a little sketchy aswell.

Again another thread goes down the pan on TOC due to Trolls :!Removed!:

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I think not sir.

For one, I mearly quoted what has already been said, and put the boot on the other foot,

and tore every statement apart, upto the point of admission of guilt to antagonising the other party...and what they really thought of them

I have driver an ABS car on the ice thanks...but what's that got to do with anything?... I have one...and no I have never driver a powerfull bike..or any bike for that matter...as i've already said, I'd rather not take on a car.

So....which statements are so inaccurate.


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:thumbsup: Master simon -granted, -a lot of the "hobyist" bikers that ride for run are very alert, and I agree they do tend to be more alert that most car drivers! -its the idiots on mopeds that purely run them as its "affordable transport" that are the problem.. pizza deliverly boys.. and this bloke..

if you have experahnce, are on a powerfull bike etc etc, the chances are you'll be VERY aware of your souroundings, read the road well ahead. its comments like

"The average motorcyclist and I'm not talking about the weekend race rep rider but your average every day biker will by dint of his survival be about 75% more observant than any car driver" that annoy me, so you are saying be default the average biker is far better and more observant then a car driver... surely you can see how that would get up my nose.. and THAT is exactly what MOST bike riders say.. begin to understand why MOST of them annoy me! THATS what I mean about "get down off your high horse".

-untill you'd said your post apeared to be a well structured and reasonable argument.

RE you last lil bit.. you never know who you are having an altecation with.. but they don;t know you either. Its very well the big bloke talk.. but what do they know about my family and what backup I might have :P -they don't. -but I WILL NOT diguss that any further :thumbsup:

Viper "I don't like the odds of a few hundred kilo moped say against a 1.5 ton car" -you'd probab;y not directly take them on then by ramming them!

"you obviously consider him to be much lower than you" yup, just like you seem to think all "metal box drivers" are below you.

the more I think about it the more I think he actually didn't see me pull out, even tho I was way infront of him.. I know theres asome kind of statisdtical fact that silver cars are something like 10 times more likely to be hit...

its a posibility

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From one ex CB900F2B owner to moped riders everywhere...either get some decent training or stay off the !Removed! roads altogether..please.

I too have had a gut full of kno-it-all kids on motorised skateboards.

Whether driving my cars or riding the bikes, or driving the artic...poxy moped aimers seem to have suicidal tendencies that really ***** me off.

Get trained or bugger off back to your playpens.


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So....which statements are so inaccurate.


You mentioned that Karma was in a car with ABS, the way it was written suggested it would stop quicker, wrong........ABS wont help you on ice.

You said, due to you having a Masters in Applied Physics, that a car will out handle a bike in the dry on a twisty road.....wrong, you shouldnt believe all you read, wether it be Winnie the Pooh, Applied Physics or Fly fishing by J R Hartley.

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My favourite sport when driving the artic was 'how many motorised skateboards I can catch tween the unit and the trailer'...brilliant fun that was...scored many points doing it and never ever got the blame for knocking the dozy ******s off....oh how i miss that sport lol

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Even in a "metal box" and I dont play chicken/kamakazi run with artics.. as they win.... :lol::lol:

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So....which statements are so inaccurate.


You mentioned that Karma was in a car with ABS, the way it was written suggested it would stop quicker, wrong........ABS wont help you on ice.

You said, due to you having a Masters in Applied Physics, that a car will out handle a bike in the dry on a twisty road.....wrong, you shouldnt believe all you read, wether it be Winnie the Pooh, Applied Physics or Fly fishing by J R Hartley.

I said "probably" with ABS...and they do help you on ice...up to a point..as they prevent the wheels from locking...any traction obtained...is better than locked wheels sliding.

It's in snow when they won't stop you as quick...as when the wheels generally lock...they dig in...that never happens with ABS, as they don't lock...so you tend to float on top of the surface.

but sure...ABS does not mean shorter stopping distances as a rule... but provides control.

A Car can easily out handle a bike on a twistie road circuit. It has has been proven head to head many time .Bikes CANNOT corner as fast as cars. They just don't have the traction / friction coefficient..

However... I did say "Car" which is a little generalise...I'm not talking you 2CV here! but a sports car against a sports bike.

Every watched them on the tele...especially with a slightly damp surface to exagerate it...bikes literally crawl around corners.


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In experienced hands Viper, a bike can be laid down into a corner in all weathers...as I said before, get trained or stay in the playpen m8...

Quit whining and whinging Viper...you are doing it to deaf ears m8

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Bikes and wet weather??? WTF?? I only go out if its sunny :D

My sports/tourer bike out handles my sports car (in the dry)

I think your talking about race bikes and cars, now thats different.

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In experienced hands Viper, a bike can be laid down into a corner in all weathers...as I said before, get trained or stay in the playpen m8...

Quit whining and whinging Viper...you are doing it to deaf ears m8

I'm not winging and winning...every argument posted here so far ...expecially to do with the original thread... I have turned around and totally :censor: on and all you can do is come up with childish retorts.

A bike can be laid down into a corner in all weather...total utter crap. unless you mean laid down on it's side slidinging into the barriers of course.

Let me ask you this...how many bikes did you see out last week on the roads???? little bit of rain or snow/ice ...and they all stay at home.... which is actually quite sensible. No matter how experienced one is, there is an finite amount of contact with the road...and on a bike...that it absolutly tiny with respect to weight and speed.


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Plenty of bikers out over here, cos we r a bit tougher than most...living on an island with naff public transport.

Wet weather biking is ok...as long as u kno wot u r doing.

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I'm rapidly losing interest here..

Viper I can't see how you have " :censor: on" any argument here.. you are merely babbling away and reguritating deeply ininteresting views. Thanks for you side of the story.. you've said it now... this is going to go on forever otherwise...

Master simon at least had the decency to say he was not there so can't comment on that incident.

Your just flogging a dead horse,fighting a losing battle, and making a mockery of your self whilst doing so :)

My biggest regret is even rising to your argument, on a thread aimed mainly at seeking advice.

You think your right, but you were not there, did not see it or were not involved, your opinions count for less then not much, bugger all in my eyes.. I think we can safely say we are not going to agree, so maybe best you leave it??

I'm sure if I was in the wrong he'd not have gone to the police station to admit liability :thumbsup:

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Oh my ***..................what is it with this forum, is it full with frustrated owners or what??

It gets worse and worse everyday.

Anychance of a refund on the brain?? (unused) as I dont think I really want to be here anymore.

Master-Simon?? more like Master-bates................

Nuff said eh, when you stoop to insults like that you obviously do not have wit to make measured argument.

As for laying any bike over in any weather, have ever riden on the road in the snow??

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Oh my ***..................what is it with this forum, is it full with frustrated owners or what??

It gets worse and worse everyday.

Anychance of a refund on the brain?? (unused) as I dont think I really want to be here anymore.

Master-Simon?? more like Master-bates................

Nuff said eh, when you stoop to insults like that you obviously do not have wit to make measured argument.

As for laying any bike over in any weather, have ever riden on the road in the snow??

Hey, nicely changed quote :saddam:

See this is where you are missing the point, why the argument?? all Karma ever wanted was advice, not peoples self righteous attitudes.

As for laying a bike over in any weather, have I ever ridden in the snow...............no I haven't, and I think your find I never said I have.

This is now more boring than picking fluff out of your belly button so im outta here.

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nws25... now I really must get on my high horse now... more boring than picking belly fluff out of your belly button? you've obviously never let it really build up..and spent a good 30 minutes picking it out....hmmmm awesome ;-)

hmmm must have a shower this month.

Last comment from me in this thread...but to say....never ever admit liability...even if it was clearly your fault...that's what insurance companies are for....as shown things can easily be turned around on 1-1 situations.

Drive safe all.


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