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Motorist Face Bigger F Ines


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On-the-spot fines of £60 have been introduced by the Home Office for drivers and passengers caught not wearing a seatbelt. Car owners with illegal number plate lettering will also be charged £60.

The fines, which have both doubled from £30, are the result of police fears that the number of car occupants travelling without a seatbelt is increasing, and that more car owners are trying to avoid speeding fines by altering their number plates. It is becoming more commonplace for drivers to use non-standard fonts to individualise their plates, though in some cases owners will use black tape to actually alter the sequence of letters and numbers to deceive enforcement cameras.

Many motorists will see the increases as another way of squeezing more money from them, but Road Safety Minister Paul Clark disagrees, saying: "every day someone dies because they do not think they always need to use a seat belt. This tragic waste could be avoided if everyone took the simple step of belting up every time they got in a car. "

Last year the Department for Transport estimated that over one in ten motorists do not regularly use a seatbelt when driving.


another article

Or in fact that every police force in the UK is a Corporation with one intent.......

To make lots of Money for their share Holders.

Source : http://tpuc.org/content/fines-points...-road-part-one

Fines Points and Contracts on the Road PART ONE

Article by Guy Euden

Hello again, I have had many emails from people asking if I could help them with the above.

So I am going to give you all your answers in this article.

Firstly you need to understand that you have all contracted to be on the road using their rule system, now yes I have had the debates, somewhat heated on the occasion, about rules on the road and that we need them to keep the traffic flowing etc etc.....

Let yourself be under no illusion, that one of the largest sources of revenue for the (mobsters) is the motorist!

You are victimised into thinking that you are bad because you wish to go out and do something in your car, that your carbon footprint is unforgiveable! Whilst you wallow in guilt, the elite go out for Bar BQ fried chicken in their private jets!

At every turn you are penalised and taxed, and all the time they campaign to tell you there is no escape for tax evader’s blah blah.....

What they tell you is not strictly the case.

Some time ago an article on the TPUC site described Registration in detail, also an important word described before is Application

When driving on the UK roads make no mistake you are in contract at all times, these contracts have rules for you to follow and failure to abide by the rules you agreed too, means ££££ for the mobsters.

Lets mention the vehicle you are driving, registered with the “Department for Transport” also trading as the “DVLA” (see DNB web site)

So, registered with, means you have handed over legal title of the vehicle to the DVLA (voluntarily) and in return they kindly grant you the “Keepers V5”, note: not the owners V5, but the keepers!

So the DVLA, extremely kind as it is, grants you the privilege of using THEIR recently acquired property, nice of them eh?

The thing is, with this kindness comes proviso’s (rules) to follow, you must:

Use the prescribed fuel in the vehicle thus granting the mobsters high tax revenue.

Use the prescribed insurance (you don’t need to, as you have national insurance)

M.O.T the vehicle, which if you read the back of the document, isn’t worth the paper it is written on! It states that the vehicle is only deemed fit on the day of the test, the rest of the time it’s up to you to keep it operational? So why pay for the M.O.T? after all its worthless?

Finally the big one ROAD TAX .... in order to use their vehicle they require road tax to be paid on their vehicle.

Yes yes I have heard it all before, road tax pays for the roads and maintenance of the roads, you really believe that?!

So that’s contract number one.... seems like paying out to use what was supposed to be your property to me after all it is your sweat equity that paid for it, sounds like a huge con to me? How about you?

The 2nd contract is the “Driving License” you apply or (beg) for this believing that you must have one in order to travel in your car!

In fact, all it is, is a contract to perform in the manner they wish you too, if you don’t, ha ha, you guessed it a FINE!!!

Why do you need a license? After all consider this; you cannot have a license to do something that is illegal in the first place!! i.e. Murder is illegal, so you apply for a license to do that, if its granted under an act or some other legislation, that legislation is ILEGAL!!

So bearing this in mind, what makes you think you cannot just drive?

You can is the right answer.

Def of a driver: “one that enters into commerce on the road

Def of Commerce “to buy and sell”

If you travel in your private conveyance you do none of this, and as such you do not require a license.

Now we all know that if just anybody could just jump behind the wheel there would be anarchy!! But that’s because we are being cradled like children, bosom fed by the state.... take responsibility for yourself, take responsibility for your actions, get some training... and then just drive!!

There is much much more to it, as we all know you cannot travel in a vehicle that’s a “public vehicle” i.e. registered, so you would need to know a way to bring it back into the private, and then as long as you are not operating in commerce then you need NO license.

They have tried to tie up this possibility, so take this for an example:

NO tax can be got without insurance, no insurance can be granted without registered plates, insurance is invalid without tax or M.O.T can’t get an M.O.T without a registration identity, so... you see they have sealed it up

But wait.... we do have all of this covered.. A private vehicle requires no tax, not mot (but do keep it roadworthy! take responsibility!!) and you can apply your own insurance... hmm how about an indemnity bond? Job done!!... obviously it’s not quite as simple as that, it has taken us 6 months of paperwork, 3 months of research and £250-£300 in postage and other costs so far, but we are getting there.

The “Corporate Policy Enforcement Officers” will spend a lot of time getting to be a pain in your bottom, as they won’t like you doing this... so you will need to lay down some kind of concrete foundations, this is lengthy work, and if you’re not prepared for it, then just stay a good little slave and don’t try any of this at all.

Myself and a friend are at present doing all of this and will let you know what happens soon enough, I know that at present no issues have been had, but the real test will be coming soon no doubt, the police forces have a lot to lose if they dishonour our private status and so after an initial fight we will hopefully be left well alone.

We are pioneering the way so that you won’t get it wrong and end up suffering for it, bear with us and we will report our results as things come up.

End of part one

Part two coming up in a week or two, with more detailed information.

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Hmmmmm :g: Food for thought ;)

I thought it was a load of old tripe coming from a fool who think in an anarchy type of way.... stay within the rules and there is no problem :yes:

Back to the higher fines issue.... as for £60 for 'no seatbelts' or 'illegal number plates'.... I say make it £100 and then teach the idiots a lesson :thumbsup:

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just a thought here, but as having non standard number plates is already an offence, as is being transported in a car without wearing a seatbelt ( AND using a mobile for that matter ) and these offences are already punishable with fines............................................

Why bother increasing the penalty ( I know that increasing taxes is the only idea Labour ever have ). These are all fineable offences - surely enforcing them with a bit more zeal would be the best plan of attack for the authorities.

If I got 30 quid for everyone I saw still using a mobile while driving then I could afford to retire ( earning considerably more than I am now ! )

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Agree with Phoenix on this one, if you are legal- nothing to worry about.

Seatbelts are a pet bug of mine,I won't even drive off if my passengers have not got theirs on.

The mobile phone laws are a joke, they need to enforce it more.

End of rant

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Why would you not wear a seatbelt? :unsure:

It's a bugbear of mine.... a huge one.... when I see people not wearing one (in a car that actually has them fitted). Had I not worn one I'd have a pretty mashed up face/skull twice over. Even bigger bugbear is people not putting one on their child. I'm sorry, but that's god awful parenting.... put your own life at risk if you're stupid enough but at least make sure your child stands a chance.

1 in 10 motorists are stupid it would seem. Yeah seatbelts aren't perfect, personally I'll always have problems associated with my accidents, but they would be a hell of a lot worse without wearing one.

To me, it's just common sense....

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Why would you not wear a seatbelt? :unsure:

It's a bugbear of mine.... a huge one.... when I see people not wearing one (in a car that actually has them fitted).

When I learned to drive, wearing seatbelts wasn't a legal requirement. When the law changed it did take quite a bit of time to adjust to always wearing it. Admittedly that was years ago, anyone not wearing one in the present day shouldn't be in a car IMO.

The whole argument of them 'being fitted to cars so use them' makes me remember a conversation I had with a policeman not long after they became a legal requirement.

In the works van I got pulled for not wearing a seatbelt. After an exchange of views the policeman said to me that ' it's fitted so you might as well wear it'. I asked him if he smoked - he said he didn't. I then pointed out to him that his car was fitted with an ashtray and cigarette lighter.

I often wonder if he smokes now !

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Along with the other issues mentioned (seatbelts, phones and number plates) I hate to see people with unsecured pets (usually dogs) in their cars. People have no concept of how fast any unsecured object can move from the rear of the car to the front if you have to jam on the brakes. They should make another version of the advert where the child (with no seatbelt) in the back seat hits the mother driving with a small dog sitting on the back parcel shelf and show the result.

I agree the fines do not need to be increased just enforced.

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I personally think seat belts should be at the driver's discression. Fair play people in the back can harm those infront, but I think if a driver wants to run the risk of inspecting his bonnet Badge via the windscreen that should be up to them.

Most cars now nag you if you are not wearing one!

I really hate people smoking at the wheel, worse than being on the phone... and it really winds me up when they flick the butts out and they bounce near/on my car and make my interior stink.

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I'm okay with the increase, but agree with Charlie on the belts (I always wear one, but if it doesn't affect others, it should be my choice).

They should also make it a 1 point offence on your licence.

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I'm okay with the increase, but agree with Charlie on the belts (I always wear one, but if it doesn't affect others, it should be my choice).

They should also make it a 1 point offence on your licence.

What about the emergency service personnel who have to scrape bodies off the road that have gone through the windscreen due to not wearing a seatbelt? I think this does affect others when you look at it like that.

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What about the emergency service personnel who have to scrape bodies off the road that have gone through the windscreen due to not wearing a seatbelt? I think this does affect others when you look at it like that.


It's their job.

I know it's harsh, but paramedics don't go into the job for a quiet time pushing paper about in an office.

If I don't want to be shot at, I don't join the army. If I don't like people, I don't take a job on a helpdesk.

Bikers don't need belts? How far do you go the other way? Ban all cars without 37 airbags? Make people wear race suits and HANS devices?

I believe wh should all have personal freedoms, until they impose themselves on innocent bystanders.

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What about the emergency service personnel who have to scrape bodies off the road that have gone through the windscreen due to not wearing a seatbelt? I think this does affect others when you look at it like that.


It's their job.

I know it's harsh, but paramedics don't go into the job for a quiet time pushing paper about in an office.

If I don't want to be shot at, I don't join the army. If I don't like people, I don't take a job on a helpdesk.

Bikers don't need belts? How far do you go the other way? Ban all cars without 37 airbags? Make people wear race suits and HANS devices?

I believe wh should all have personal freedoms, until they impose themselves on innocent bystanders.

Interesting point :g: However if something happened and a 3rd party caused you to be killed due to you not wearing a seatbelt, how would you feel? (Obviously if your dead you cant :P ) Now a bystander see's this and the Paramedic says a seatbelt would have saved him, this leaves them a shattered individual (the innocent bystander), i would say you imposed yourself on this person by being selfish.

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Or I could have walked.

Don't get me wrong, I think anyone not wearing a belt is a weapons grade !Removed!.

But we shouldn't ban an individuals choice to be one.

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Or I could have walked.

Don't get me wrong, I think anyone not wearing a belt is a weapons grade retard.

But we shouldn't ban an individuals choice to be one.

Some people need to be controlled as they are dangerously thick, like the fool i saw driving a ride on mower drinking and having his daughter sat on the bonnet, some people need nannying most don't ;)

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Some people need to be controlled as they are dangerously thick,

I disagree, they should be encouraged to let their actions remove them from the gene pool, preferably in such a manner that offers minimal collateral damage. Not wearing a seat belt fits the bill perfectly.

I’m all for natural selection!

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Saw one of those Cops with cameras type programmes last night. Some bloke in a big Beemer went past an ANPR camera, and the number plate was an illegally spaced jobby. The plain clothed cop car went after him, pulled him up, and when they did a check on the number plate, they found he had a verbal warning off the Met Police about two weeks previous. When the cops asked him about it, he said that his wife had been using the car, and she hadnt told him. Fair enough I thought, they are gonna give him another warning and let him go. :no: So the cop starts to smell a rat! Checks up on the radio, only to find the warning was given to a man, so more checks, and the Beemer driver is starting to squirm, the cop thinks he is on to something, more checks on the spelling on this guys name, so the cop says "You were banned from driving by the courts two weeks ago"........Driver.........."Who me?....No you have it wrong" More checks etc and the guy eventually comes clean, he had been BANNED two weeks previous, and because he had driven so soon after the ban, he had to go back to court, got 6 additional points, £500 fine AND had his car impounded because he had been banned, he had no insurance, so he got spanked with that as well

One of the things that always come out of such programmes is, when the cops see something dodgy with your car, improper plates, car veering from side to side, maybe a half inflated tyre, then NEARLY always it leads to more and more offences being committed by the driver. i have no problem with big fines for offenders, if you dont offend, you wont get fined, simple as that, and as for all that anarchy bull...................... :!Removed!:

Kingo :thumbsup:

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It's their job.

I know it's harsh, but paramedics don't go into the job for a quiet time pushing paper about in an office.

If I don't want to be shot at, I don't join the army. If I don't like people, I don't take a job on a helpdesk.

Bikers don't need belts? How far do you go the other way? Ban all cars without 37 airbags? Make people wear race suits and HANS devices?

I believe wh should all have personal freedoms, until they impose themselves on innocent bystanders.

I'm sorry but I just have to say.... what a load of total and utter sh*t :huh: Such words clearly come from someone that has little or no concept of what is involved with a death on the roads :angry:

In my earlier years as a fireman I attended numerous Road Traffic Accidents where people were not wearing seat belts.... the law had not been changed then! So many people died because of the lack of restraint. Yes it was my job to go and scrape up and bag the bits and pieces, frankly I did not mind but what I did object to was the aftermath. The grieving families and friends, the cost of picking up the bits :( A death on the roads costs the country a huge sum and why the bloody hell should I have to pay for the damn ignorance of the numb brained idiots who even today fail to wear their seatbelts :huh:

To wear a sealbelt is the law and the law is there for a reason.... for pity sake understand why it has been put into place. It is there to save lives and stop carnage on the roads with the hell aftermath involved.

As for bikers.... if motorcycling could be made safer then it would be. If you have or had a motor bike do you seriously think you should be given the option as to whether you should wear a crash helmet or not :huh: Don't you dare say that in parts of the world it is not the law and that is fine :o No it is not, it is stupid :blink:

Those countries with such safety laws in place have greater intelligence in caring for the lives of road users.... yes and it does save millions of pounds every year as death does cost the country dear :(

Guys I am sorry to get on my high horse here but such subjects are dear to me as I have seen far too much death on our roads and I don't want to see anymore :(

Take care and stay safe :thumbsup:

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That is your opinion (and I respect it, as you have been at the front line-so to speak), and what I wrote was mine. If we were keeping all death off the road we would ban bikes straight away, or at least make leathers compulsory!

Why not ban all cars and go back to walking? Can't ride horses, you may injure yourself.

I always use my belt, I always make sure all people in my car do so too.

But I think people should have the freedom to not.

It is a moot point though, as it is illegal. And people breaking the law should be punnished. Heavily.

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A Chief Superintendant, here in Ireland, I think, once very wisely remarked "The best way of increasing the crime rate is to introduce more Laws" :g:

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If someone wasn't wearing a seat belt, which leads to a fatality on the motorway and it subsquently causes it to be closed, then it could and has affected me and many others. Even though it wasn't our job.

Pisses me off. Then again coming from the emergency services too, it's left me a little misanthropic. :lol: :lol: :lol: Especially people whom took up the sun's offer of a holiday for a couple of packets of crisps or something.. that was most of our business :lol:


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I am all for higher fines the higher the better in my opinion, when i drive i make sure that anything loose is not on the floor of my vehicle or is way below top level of my seats to prevent a heavy braking incident, even my dog has a seatbelt harness and he wears it.

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I am all for higher fines the higher the better in my opinion, when i drive i make sure that anything loose is not on the floor of my vehicle or is way below top level of my seats to prevent a heavy braking incident, even my dog has a seatbelt harness and he wears it.

Very good idea. Some dogs, if they got excited by the sight of another dog could jump on top of you while driving. Might be a tad distracting.

My dog, RIP, used sit on the passenger seat beside me, always. One day while chatting to a Guard= Cop, & a good friend who suggested in passing that I should have a seat belt on him. At the time I thought he was winding me up, but now I realise that he was making a good suggestion & being helpful.

When I commented, earlier, that the original post was food for thought, I did not mean that I was condoning what was said, but that what they were trying to do was interesting & wondered if they could succeed :unsure:

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On the subject of seat belts you'll be amazed at the amount of people that get into my cab and do not use a seat belt , there is a sign in the cab that states " the law requires you to wear a seat belt " but despite this at least 50% of people do not wear one.

I remembr the day i recieved my Badge at the carriage office , i was among a group that had recently passed the knowledge , and was being lectured on all things taxi & law related , on the subject of seat belts we were told that passengers are by law required to wear a seat belt, however , we could not force people to wear one , so if they did not , it was their decision to make as an Adult

I'd say the worst offenders are young adults , i.e , people in their late teens to mid twentys , also there are a hell of a lot of parents who allow their child the run of the cab whilst its in motion , i often find myself asking the parent to secure their child with a seat belt , because if i had to break hard at any point their child could be seriously injured , the worst ones are the ones that allow the child to stand up on the back seat and play with the rear speaker and power point on the back shelf , were i to break suddenly the child would be propelled with force into the partition wall behind me possibly causing serious injury .

I also remember quite a few years back now , when city of london police were targeting people traveling in taxi's , and issuing on the spot fines for people not wearing a seat belt.

Interestingly enough though , i as a driver of a london Taxi am exempt from wearing a seat belt .

Appendix 5

3.11 The driver of a taxi is exempt from wearing a seatbelt whilst the taxi is being used for seeking

hire, or answering a call for hire, or carrying a passenger for hire.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just been reading this topic as I have been dealing with a person with the most illegal plates I ever saw. Not only did she have vile bold italic font but had mis-spaced them to read her name. If she was in, god forbid a serious accident or made off from the scene no member of public would be able to read her plate. I left two notes on her car over two weeks advising the fines had gone up & to please change them. Then just about to write third "friendly note" advising I would be getting her fined & she appeared next to me & said she did not realise & the usual reply..."my husband deals with that side of things" aarrgghh :censor: That really annoys me when women act so stupid. I told her she had 7 days & explained all she had to do with taking V5 with her etc etc.

7 days later, no change but a note on windscreen telling me they were being changed that night. Fair enough. 3 days later same note, so, enough taking the p*** outta me. Leave note back telling her too late, I had given her a month, fine will be in post. She then calls in to make complaint as she has now changed them & wants to challenge it so out of goodness of my heart I advised her OK.

Off duty today & popped up town & there is her car with her new plates on -----------------------> font OK but mis-spaced. Obviously did not go to a proper numberplate manufacturer as they would have told her.

I could not have been any more patient with her so she can pay a damn fine now just for taking the micky.. :mad2:

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